City of Yorkville Board met August 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Russ Walter and a quorum was established.
Roll Call: Theron Garcia-yes, Jason Hedman-yes, Carol LaChance-yes, Wamecca Rodriguez-yes, Russ Walter- yes, Darren Crawford-yes, Krista Danis-yes
Absent: Susan Chacon
Library Personnel:
Shelley Augustine, Director Adult Services
Dixie DeBord, Director Technical Services
Others Present:
Joe Plocher, Alderman/Liaison Belem Werderich
Beth Gambro, former Board member Wally Werderich
Tyler Bachman, WSPY Anita Werderich
Tony Scott, Shaw Newspapers Tom Lindblom
Recognition of Visitors:
President Walter recognized the visitors. A certificate of appreciation was presented to Ms. Anita Werderich, age 10, who raised money from her lemonade stand and presented the proceeds to the library.
Amendments to the Agenda: None
Minutes: July 8, 10, 15, 22, 2017
Ms. Rodriguez moved and Mr. Crawford seconded the motion to approve all sets of minutes as presented. Unanimous voice vote approval.
President Walter read correspondence from Board member Kate Elder stating that she is resigning from the Board due to work obligations. He has notified the Mayor that a replacement is needed.
Public Comment:
Ms. Gambro presented information about a reading program “1 Book, 1 Community” and handed out a flier. One book (of beetles and angels) is being read throughout the community and book discussions will be held. She also gave the book to each Board member.
Unfinished Business: (out of sequence)
Painting Progress Report
Tom Lindblom reported on the library painting project. The painting was started one week ago, but nine days were lost due to rain and there was a delay in the arrival of a lift. The contractor had requested a partial payment, however, the library will be unable to approve until at least next month and it is hoped the entire project will be done then.
Staff Comment: None
Report of the Treasurer:
Mr. Walter presented highlights of the report and said approximately half of the tax revenue has been received. Mr. Hedman questioned the approximate $900 paid to Sound Inc. for 3 months. It was noted there were other charges covered in this amount also. Book fines were up, while subscriptions were down. Trustee Hedman also questioned the budget being at 25% of the FY while the budget is at 29% of the salaries with no Director. It is due to the increase of salaries and the former Director payout, which occurred after the budget approval.
A motion was made by Trustee Rodriguez and seconded by Trustee Walter to pay the bills as follows:
$25,312.11 Accounts Payable
$30,024.35 Payroll
$55,336.46 Total
Roll call: Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, LaChance-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes. Passed 7-0.
Report of the Library Director:
Ms. DeBord reported on a PrairieCat meeting and programs. She acknowledged the many businesses that had contributed coupons for kids following the summer reading programs. She also recognized the teen volunteers, the Fox Valley Therapy Dogs and volunteer time from Trustee Garcia for dance classes. An additional $335 was received in memory of Kay Livingston. Ms. Augustine summarized programs to be held this month and those that are upcoming.
City Council Liaison:
Alderman Plocher said the special census showed 2,000 more residents so about $90,000 additional money will be coming from the State. The population is now at 19,000. Windett Ridge and Autumn Creek were counted in the census. In another matter, he said the Inter-Governmental Agreement may need to be revised when the new Director is chosen.
Standing Committees:
Community Relations-5K Run
Ms. Rodriguez said it is very important to publicize the event and asked others to assist by sharing on Facebook and other media outlets. Information has also been sent to WSPY, Patch, Record and library e-newsletter. It is also on the Fox Valley Public TV and will be recorded as part of the Hometown Days package according to Mr. Crawford. Ms. Rodriguez reported on other items needed for the race and said there are 2 sponsors. She said many runners will register on the race day and it is hoped to have 50 particpants. Parking was also discussed.
Unfinished Business:
Daikin Chiller Control Panel Proposal-$2,900.00
Daikin Maintenance Agreement $2,980.00 (from New Business)
Mr. Walter referred to an email that Daikin sent, recommending replacing the unit. A cost breakdown previously requested was given. Ms. DeBord said the unit shorts out when it rains and she must manually restart it at the control box. Mr. Crawford said this is very dangerous due to high voltage and should not be done. It was requested the error codes be noted on the control board. He said Daikin should inspect the cabinet, sensors and wiring. Ms. Rodriguez suggested the matter be tabled until next month so more information can be obtained. Replacing the entire unit would be too costly to consider. Ms. LaChance moved to table this matter until next month and the motion was seconded and approved unanimously on a voice vote. This matter and the maintenance agreement with Daikin will be discussed next month.
New Business:
Elevator Contract Proposal-Suburban
Existing Elevator Contract-Thyssenkrupp
Trustee Elder had researched costs on elevator maintenance costs. Costs and contract durations were discussed for Thyssenkrupp and Suburban. The contract with Thyssenkrupp expires in January 2018 and they require a 90-day cancellation notice. They would require a 5-year contract and a cost of $215 per month. Suburban requires a 3-year contract with a price of $159 per month. Ms. Rodriguez questioned if the Director should be dealing with contracts rather than the Board. Mr. Hedman suggested references should be obtained prior to next month. President Walter moved to table the elevator contracts until September and Ms. Rodriguez seconded the motion and it was approved on a unanimous voice vote.
Roof Repair Estimates – Showalter
1. Collection Box & Downspout - $1,190.00
2. Snow Retention Bars - $9,500
President Walter said there is a rotting wall by the courtyard area near the pitched roof. Showalter Roofing Co. said a collection box and downspout is needed to remediate the problem. A price was also requested for the plastic points on the roof that prevent snow from sliding off and causing the drains to pull away. The points are falling off. Mr. Hedman said two more bids should be obtained regarding the points. Mr. Hedman moved to move forward with approval to spend $1,190 for installation of a downspout and collection box. Ms. LaChance seconded.
Roll call: Hedman-yes, LaChance-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Garcia-yes. Passed 7-0.
Executive Session:
At approximately 8:16 pm a motion was made and seconded by Ms. LaChance and Mr. Hedman, respectively, to enter into Executive Session for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body, or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.
Roll call: LaChance-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes. Passed 7-0.
New Business cont.:
At approximately 8:47 pm the Session concluded and the Board resumed their regular meeting. At this time Ms. Augustine, Ms. DeBord, Alderman Plocher, Tony Scott/Shaw Newspapers and Tyler Bachman/WSPY returned to the meeting. All Board members originally present were still in attendance.
President Walter announced that a recommendation had been made in Executive Session to offer the position of Library Director to Elisa Topper. He made a formal motion to offer the Library Director position to Elisa Topper, tentatively starting September 1 at a salary of $65,000 plus benefits package and a 90-day trial period. Ms. Rodriguez seconded the motion.
Roll call: Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, LaChance-yes. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Walter said a special informational Board meeting will be scheduled for August 21 for staff members.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm on a motion by Mr. Walter and second by Mr. Crawford.