City of Yorkville Board met July 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by President Russ Walter.
Roll Call:
Jason Hedman-yes, Wamecca Rodriguez-yes, Russ Walter-yes, Darren Crawford-(arr. 7:01 pm), Krista Danis-yes, Theron Garcia-yes, Carol LaChance-(arr. 7:02 pm)
Absent: Kate Elder, Susan Chacon
Others Present:
Bart Olson, City Administrator Carol Wicks, Heartland Circle
Tim Evans, Director Parks & Rec Barb Johnson, Former Trustee
Dixie DeBord, Dir. Tech. Services Judy Somerlot, Friends
Shelley Augustine, Dir. Adult Services Sue Smithmeyer, Friends
Alderman Joe Plocher Carol Morris, Friends
Ronald Morris, Friends Marianne Eberhardt, staff
Jennette Weiss, staff Sheryl Iwanski, staff
Ina Hix, Prairie Garden Mark Hix, Prairie Garden
Peggy Wilkinson, staff Cathy Grzlik, staff
Bob Malvasio, IDN Joan Knutson, staff
Tyler Bachman, WSPY Jessica Faedtke, staff
Michelle Staie, staff Barbara Manning, staff
Steve Manning
Recognition of Visitors:
President Walter welcomed everyone and asked all guests to introduce themselves.
Amendments to the Agenda:
President Walter asked to move the City/Parks and Rec proposal to Public Comment.
Minutes: June 12, 24, 26, 2017
Ms. LaChance moved to approve the June 12 regular Board minutes. Unanimous voice approval.
Ms. Garcia moved and Ms. Danis seconded to approve the June 24 Personnel Committee minutes. Unanimous voice approval.
Ms. Garcia and Mr. Hedman moved and seconded to approve the June 26 Personnel Committee minutes. Unanimous voice approval.
A thank you letter was received from a Library Director applicant.
Public Comment:
President Walter opened the City/Parks & Rec. Proposal discussion by commenting that he was disappointed that a statement was made in an open meeting regarding this proposal before details were finalized. He also said the Library would not be in poor financial condition if the City had not removed the recommended levy from the City budget, which subjected the library to a tax cap.
The floor was then turned over to Bart Olson, City Administrator. He referred to a memo he had written regarding shared services between the City and other municipalities. He noted there is already an agreement in place that allows the City to provide payroll service, H.R. support and maintenance, etc. for the library.
Mr. Olson said there were five points to the proposal:
1. Create vacancy in library to help reduce salaries and to increase hours, do on trial basis
2. Use other city employees to fill some of the voids
3. Cross train employees and allow for expansion of hours
4. Events and classes could be shared venture
5. Share catalog of programs, possibly increase enrollment
Mr. Walter said Parks and Rec currently use the library meeting room for some programs and in turn, perform some maintenance work. However, he was not in favor of shifting hours and forcing library staff to work night hours or weekends. There was also discussion that an inter-governmental agreement would be put in place to determine which funds would pay employees. Mr. Olson said the City Attorney had been contacted regarding legality and he suggested the library attorney also be contacted. Mr. Olson said an inter-govermental agreement would be legal, however, it's not clear how the MLS requirement would be handled. He said the proposal attempts to save money for both entities. Ms. DeBord noted that next July, a Master's degree will be required for populations over 15,000.
Board Trustee Wamecca Rodriguez said the library needs a Director with an MLS with consideration given to other aspects of the proposal. She would like to know if any other municipalities have implemented a similar plan as the proposal.
Friends of the Library representative Judy Somerlot gave a personal comment in favor of hiring a full time Director and also read a statement on behalf of the Friends group. The statement urged that a full time Director with a Master's degree be hired. She also said that sharing makes more sense if there is commonality between the departments.
Carol Wicks said that hiring a Director sends a message to the community that the library is moving forward and is valued.
Staff member Jennette Weiss questioned what would happen to library programming if Parks and Rec became part of the library.
Board Trustee Jason Hedman said items 3, 4 and 5 of the proposal should be determined by the new Director. He made a motion to table those items until more information is obtained. President Walter amended the motion to table the entire discussion until a Director is in place. He said the library could work with Parks and Rec, but a qualified Director is needed. The proposal was tabled unanimously on a voice vote.
Staff Comment: None
Report of the Treasurer:
President Walter presented the Treasurer's report and highlights include:
1. Rebates received from credit cards
2. Noted by Ms. Rodriguez that books from Amazon are not as high quality as books from Baker & Taylor
3. Repair bill for chiller received and another to come, Mr. Walter has a contact at another repair company, will call regarding constant fuse issues. Proposal to replace control board at $2,700.
4. Invoice from elevator company questioned, Ms. Rodriguez suggested placing on future agenda to discuss contract
5. 3 payrolls in June
6. Large amount of property taxes received
7. Ms. Rodriguez suggested a possible monthly payment plan for subscription card, other suggestions from Director candidate shared by Mr. Walter.
8. Received $300 for memorials
9. Development fees of $7,000 received
A motion was made by Mr. Crawford and seconded by Mr. Walter to pay the bills as follows:
$17,330.77 Accounts Payable
$68,419.69 Payroll
$85,750.46 Total
Roll call: LaChance-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman- yes. Carried 7-0.
Report of the Library Director:
Ms. Augustine reviewed highlights of some of the programs, Gifts & Memorials and Friends' monetary gifts. Also noted was $45 donated from Anita Werderich from her lemonade stand. This information was placed on Facebook and Mr. Walter suggested a certificate be presented to her at a Board meeting. Ms. DeBord discussed other programs being held including a dance class with volunteer/Board member Theron Garcia. Patron count was also up for the month.
City Council Liaison:
New Board liaison, Alderman Joe Plocher, was introduced to the Board. When asked about the city building study, he said it was not complete yet.
Standing Committees:
Mr. Walter said the Personnel Committee has met regarding the search for a Library Director and discussions will be held in Executive Session.
New Business:
Election of Officers
Nominations at the previous Board meeting were as follows: Russ Walter for President, Carol LaChance for Vice-President, Kate Elder for Secretary and Susan Chacon for Treasurer. Wamecca Rodriguez was also nominated as Secretary. Motions were made as follows:
Carol LaChance moved and Ms. Rodriguez seconded to nominate Russ Walter as President with unanimous voice vote.
Russ Walter moved and Krista Danis seconded to nominate Carol LaChance for Vice-President with unanimous voice vote.
Theron Garcia moved and Darren Crawford seconded to nominate Wamecca Rodriguez as Secretary with unanimous voice vote.
Carol LaChance moved and Theron Garcia seconded to nominate Susan Chacon as Treasurer with unanimous voice vote.
Building Maintenance
Ms. DeBord said power washing of the building should begin this week and the entire painting project should be finished in 2-3 weeks.
The chiller was discussed and Ms. Augustine read a proposal for $2,900. Mr. Hedman asked to have the parts & labor, labor rate and total hours detailed. He said the labor can be contested. It was requested to have these details by the next meeting. Alderman Plocher asked what time of day the chiller would be shut down. It was also noted the Library is a cooling center.
Ms. DeBord said faucets are flushed twice a week due to brown water. Mr. Walter said the hot water tanks might need flushing. She also noted that sealcoating was last done in 2010 at a cost of $6,500. Alderman Plocher will verify when the parking lot might be re-done. He said the back of the water bill shows what areas are scheduled for re-coating.
5K Run
Ms. Rodriguez said discussion is needed for the 5K run. There is a need for volunteers and a Facebook page should be created in addition to the library page. Alderman Plocher suggested taking fliers to the Riverfest event this weekend for distribution.
Additional Business: None
Executive Session:
President Walter said the first executive session regarding minutes, would not be discussed tonight. He made a motion to have all Executive Session minutes remain sealed at this time and it was seconded by Carol LaChance. Unanimous voice vote approval.
At approximately 8:30pm, Mr. Walter also made a motion to enter into Executive Session for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body, or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. Ms. LaChance seconded the motion. Ms. Augustine and Ms. DeBord were invited to stay for the Session.
Roll call: Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, LaChance- yes. Carried 7-0.
The Session concluded at approximately 9:19 pm on a motion by Mr. Walter and second by Mr. Crawford. The regular session resumed at about 9:20 pm. All Board members there earlier in the meeting, Ms. Augustine, Ms. DeBord and the WSPY representative were present.
New Business cont.:
No further business was discussed or action taken.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 9:21 pm on a motion by Mr. Walter and a unanimous voice vote.