Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees met Dec. 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by President Russ Walter and a quorum was established.
Roll Call: Wamecca Rodriguez-yes, Russ Walter-yes, Susan Chacon-yes, Darren Crawford-yes, Krista Danis-yes, Theron Garcia-yes, Jason Hedman-yes
Absent: Carol LaChance
Others Present: Library Director Elisa Topper, Technical Services Director Dixie DeBord
Recognition of Visitors: President Walter recognized the guests.
Amendments to the Agenda: None
Minutes: November 13, 2017 Jason Hedman moved and Russ Walter seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Unanimous voice vote approval.
Correspondence: Ms. Topper received a check for $250 from the Lions Club for large print books and a poinsettia was received from the library attorney.
Public Comment: Ms. DeBord said two volunteers are still needed for the January 28th mini-golf.
Staff Comment: None
Report of the Treasurer: Treasurer Chacon presented the report and said property tax of $6,859 was received and almost all income has been received for the FY. Outside repair and maintenance is at 84% of the FY. The credit card charges for the library are highlighted in yellow and due to an editing problem, all city charges are listed on the report. A payment of $2,700 was made to Daikin for the chiller part replacement. Ms. Topper gave an explanation of the two service calls for the fire alarm and said the technician indicated a new module card is needed. After some further issues, technicians said an entire new panel is needed. Ms. Topper will bring further information and possible other quotes to the January meeting. Ms. Topper also said the elevator broke and an after-hours service call was needed at a cost of $550.
Payment of Bills Trustee Danis moved to pay the bills as follows and Trustee Hedman seconded the motion:
$24,948.29 Accounts Payable
$34,961.93 Payroll
$59,910.22 TOTAL
Roll call: Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Chacon-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes Motion carried 7-0.
President Walter said he had requested the condensed expense and revenue report in the packet. It shows only accounts with activity and Mr. Walter asked for Board input on this report for discussion next month.
Report of the Library Director: Library Director Topper presented the report:
1. She thanked those who attended the bartending event at the Law Office and thanked Shelley Augustine for her assistance. The event made $440 for the library.
2. She wrote 2 clerk job descriptions: one for circulation and one for youth services
3. Discussed 'passive program' which is new term in annual report regarding do-it-yourself activities
4. E-book usage now being reported
5. Applied for science kit grant, 2-4 awards will be given
6. Sugar Grove library has café and wine bar with suggested donations
7. Identified 4 libraries (3 in Illinois) that have agreements with schools for student cards for those outside of library service area. More info coming in January.
City Council Liaison No report
Standing Committees:
Personnel President Walter said Ms. Topper's 90-day review will be conducted in early January. Ms. Topper indicated she has accomplished all the goals given to her thus far except the inter-governmental agreement which is out of her hands at this time. She will compile a summary review for the Board.
Mr. Walter said the next 5K race will be discussed next month.
Unfinished Business:
Update on Tax Levy President Walter reported the tax levy was passed and the library will be receiving $672,505 which is an increase of $26,951 over last year. Without the tax cap, the amount would have been $743,033. He said the library building bonds will not be retired until 2026. Update on Inter-governmental Agreement Ms. Topper said the agreement is with city hall administration and she included all items from the previous agreement. She would like to do joint marketing and offered the meeting room to the city. She noted the library is not included in the Parks and Rec catalog, but should be. She also met with the Chamber Director. The meeting room could be a possible revenue stream with separate rates for non- profit and profit organizations. This will be reviewed by the Policy Committee.
New Business:
Per Capita Grant Requirements The submission deadline is January 15 and prior to that, the Library Director and at least one trustee, are required to view an on-line library safety webinar. Chapter 3 of the Trustees Facts File must also be discussed at the January meeting. In addition, all Trustees must complete the Open Meetings Act electronic training. Ms. Topper will also complete the safety checklist and conduct a fire drill.
Approve Repair of Air Handler Bearings A motor was ordered and the work will be done in the coming week. Mr. Crawford made a motion to approve spending $4,740 for the air handler and shaft replacement and $1,895 for parts and labor for the air handler return. Mr. Hedman seconded the motion. Roll call: Walter-yes, Chacon-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, Rodriguez-yes Motion carried 7-0
Approve Board Meeting Dates 2018 Approve Library Closings 2018 Ms. Topper would like to move the meeting dates to a calendar year rather than fiscal year. She suggested closing on Veteran's Day, Sunday, November 12, 2018. President Walter made a motion to approve, for public notice, the meeting dates and closed dates as presented. Ms. Garcia seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously on a voice vote.
Additional Business: None
Executive Session: None
There was no further business and Mr. Walter and Ms. Rodriguez moved and seconded, respectively, to adjourn at 7:40 pm.