Kendall County Forest Preserve Commission met March 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
I. Call to Order
President Gilmour called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in the Kendall County Board Room.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
III. Invocation
Commissioner Prochaska offered an invocation for the meeting.
IV. Roll Call
X Cullick X Gryder
X Davidson X Hendrix
X Flowers X Kellogg
X Gilmour X Prochaska
X Giles X Purcell
Commissioners Cullick, Davidson, Giles, Gryder, Hendrix, Kellogg, Prochaska, Purcell, and Gilmour all were present.
V. Approval of Agenda
Commissioner Gryder made a motion to approve the Commission meeting agenda as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Cullick. Aye, all. Opposed, none.
VI. Citizens to Be Heard
No public comments were offered by citizens present at the meeting.
VII. Finance Committee Report
Commissioner Cullick reported that the Finance Committee reviewed The Conservation Foundation's signed letter of intent and the draft purchase ordinance. The District’s capital fund draft 3-year plan was also reviewed.
Commissioner Purcell left the meeting room at 6:04 pm.
VIII. Approval of Claims in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $4,908.41
Commissioner Cullick made a motion to approve claims for an amount not-to-exceed $4,908.41. Seconded by Commissioner Gryder.
Motion: Commissioner Cullick
Second: Commissioner Gryder
Roll call: Claims Not-toExceed $4,908.41
Aye Opposed Commissioner Aye Opposed Commissioner
X Cullick X Gryder
X Davidson X Hendrix
X Flowers X Kellogg
X Giles X Prochaska
X Gilmour Purcell
Motion unanimously approved.
Commissioner Purcell returned to the meeting room at 6:05 pm.
IX. Approval of Minutes
• Kendall County Forest Preserve District Commission Meeting Minutes of February 20, 2018
• Kendall County Forest Preserve District Finance Committee Meeting of March 1, 2018
Commissioner Hendrix made a motion to approve the Commission meeting minutes of February 20, 2018, and the Finance Committee Meeting of March 1, 2018 as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Cullick. Aye, all. Opposed, none.
Old Business
X. Ordinance# 18-03-001: An Ordinance to Purchase Approximately 132.49± Acres of Property Known As “Little Rock Creek Forest Preserve – Maramech Addition” from The Conservation Foundation, Naperville, Illinois for an Amount Not-to-Exceed $4,906.04 Per Acre, Representing a Total Extended Land Value and Cost of $650,000.00, which Sum Represents 50% of the $1,300,000.00 Certified Fair Market Valuation of the Property, with the Remaining 50% of the Certified Fair Market Valuation of $650,000.00 to be Donated to the Kendall County Forest Preserve District by The Conservation Foundation, Plus Closing Costs in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $6,168.00
President Gilmour recited Ordinance#18-03-001.
Commissioner Cullick motioned to approve Ordinance# 18-03-001. Seconded by Commissioner Gryder.
Commissioner Gryder commented that the revised Chicago Title Company quote was lower, but higher than anticipated. Director Guritz responded that State’s Attorney Coffey was contacted and remarked that the cost includes charges for both the seller and buyer. The Chicago Title Company reduced their fee quote to $4,743.00.
Brook McDonald, President and CEO of The Conservation Foundation thanked the Kendall County Forest Preserve District, stating that Little Rock Creek will be a good addition to the District’s preserves for Kendall County citizens.
Director Guritz remarked that the Kendall County Forest Preserve District’s goal is to protect the stream corridor. Little Rock Creek is within the top 5% of high quality streams in Illinois, and home to 26 native-fish species with a biotic index for fish of 42 out of 50. Photos of some of the species documented in the Little Rock Creek acquisition area were shown.
Commissioner Purcell asked Director Guritz to go over again the financing for the purchase, as well as the net cost to the Kendall County Forest Preserve District.
Director Guritz responded that the only costs to the Kendall County Forest Preserve District are the closing costs. The Conservation Foundation is donating the remaining 50% of the certified fair market value. The Kendall County Forest Preserve District will be reimbursed the $650,000.00 within 2-3 months after the final billing statement is submitted.
President Gilmour thanked the Conservation Foundation for their donation and assistance in purchasing Little Rock Creek Forest Preserve. The Forest Foundation of Kendall County and other private donors were also thanked.
Commissioner Purcell asked when the closing date will be.
Director Guritz responded that the date will be known later this week, with closing completed within the next 30 days.
Motion: Commissioner Hendrix
Second: Commissioner Prochaska
Roll call: Ordinance# 18-03-001
Aye Opposed Commissioner Aye Opposed Commissioner
X Cullick X Gryder
X Davidson X Hendrix
X Flowers X Kellogg
X Giles X Prochaska
X Gilmour X Purcell
Motion unanimously approved.
XI. Pickerill-Pigott Master Plan - Overview, Ideas, and Input Session (Michelle Kelly - Upland Design Inc.)
Michelle Kelly from Upland Design Inc. presented an overview of a master plan for the Pickerill- Pigott property. The master plan will include planning and estimated costs prepared for when grants are available for the property. This will include concept planning and review, site analysis, and community input.
Commissioner Purcell asked if the Pickerill-Pigott property is open to the public.
Director Guritz responded that the public is able to walk and use the lands. Parking is not open due to the limitations of the single-lane access drive.
Commissioner Purcell remarked that the public would be better able to give input on planning of the property if they have access to the preserve.
Michelle Kelly from Upland Design noted that visuals and highlights of key aspects of the property will be presented at public meetings so that citizens can get an overview of the land layout as well as other features the land has to offer.
Michelle Kelly went through a site overview discussing the building placements on the land as well as views from the forested areas on the property.
Commissioner Kellogg remarked that if there was to be a community showing of the property, Kendall Area Transit would be a possible solution to safely take the public on the one-way drive.
Michelle Kelly provided an overview of other key aspects of the Pickerill-Pigott property. There are two ponds, one deep enough to support fishing, forested areas, topography, and soil quality. This base map data provides important information towards the development of trails and other improvements. Ideas on shelters and restrooms were discussed with input given.
Commissioner Purcell asked the age of the second house on the North side of the property and if the garage could be renovated into a shelter.
Michelle Kelly responded that the house was built in about the 50's and that converting the existing structures into a public use shelter would be more costly than constructing a new shelter.
Director Guritz noted that the salvage value of the second house and garage materials may lessen the costs for demolition.
Michelle Kelly remarked the master plan will include natural area restoration and include a layout of the trail system. Material options include asphalt, concrete, and crushed limestone, with each option carrying a different cost for construction.
Commissioner Hendrix remarked that rubber sidewalks are another option to consider.
Michelle Kelly reviewed additional ideas on structures such as outdoor seating and outdoor class room areas. One of the two ponds on the property could be used for fishing. Ideas on a dock or board walk were discussed as options to prevent shoreline erosion. A play trail was discussed to highlight specific natural areas. Entry signs and other welcoming signage also was discussed, with various options.
Commissioner Davidson remarked that with all of the information presented to the Board, time needs to be spent evaluating the options presented in regards to the master plan and budget for the Pickerill-Pigott property.
Director Guritz responded that the initial goal is to add in trails and parking. Time can be spent for more discussion with the committee and with the community before approving the final plan.
Commissioner Gryder thanked Michelle Kelly for the presentation of the master plan and that this property has great views that should be highlighted when considering plans.
Commissioner Hendrix remarked that an outline of long term goals for the property would be beneficial.
Commissioner Purcell suggested looking for a grant or donor in order to make possible improvements of one of the houses on the property. A sledding hill was also suggested.
New Business
XII. Resolution#18-03-002: An Ordinance Authorizing District Participation in the 2018 ComEd-Openlands Green Region Program for the Restoration of Core Prairie Areas to Enhance Pollinator Habitat at Hoover Forest Preserve
President Gilmour recited Resolution #18-03-002.
Commissioner Gryder motioned to approve Resolution #18-03-002. Seconded by Commissioner Prochaska.
Director Guritz reported that Kendall County Forest Preserve District received notification that the District does qualify for the grant. The District has received grant awards in each of the previous two years. The Forest Foundation's Community Restoration Challenge grant application to the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation will serve as the match for the ComEd-Openlands Green Region grant. The ordinance states that if the Community Restoration Challenge grant is not awarded to the Forest Foundation, then the Kendall County Forest Preserve District would be responsible for extending the direct 1:1 funding match of $10,000.
Commissioner Purcell asked where the funding is budgeted if the Forest Foundation did not receive the ComEd-Openlands Green Region grant.
Director Guritz responded that it would come out of capital funds in natural areas management.
Commissioner Purcell asked if the District is responsible for the grant match how that would fall in the timeline of other projects being considered such as the Millbrook Bridge.
Director Guritz responded that Finance Committee has looked at the 3-year capital budget plan and schedule. The draft three-year capital budget and project plan was distributed to the Board for review.
Motion: Commissioner Gryder
Second: Commissioner Hendrix
Roll call: Resolution #18-03-002
Aye Opposed Commissioner Aye Opposed Commissioner
X Cullick X Gryder
X Davidson X Hendrix
X Flowers X Kellogg
X Giles X Prochaska
X Gilmour X Purcell
Motion unanimously approved.
XIII. Other Items of Business
XIV. Citizens to Be Heard
XV. Adjournment
Commissioner Cullick made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Gryder. Aye, all. Opposed, none. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.