Kendall County Forest Preserve District Finance Committee met June 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
I. Call to Order
Commissioner Gryder made a motion to appoint Commissioner Hendrix to the Finance Committee to establish a quorum. Seconded by President Gilmour.
President Gilmour called the Finance Committee meeting to order at 5:02 pm in the Kendall County Board Room.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners Gilmour, Hendrix, and Gryder all were present. Commissioner Cullick entered the meeting at 5:15 pm.
III. Approval of Agenda
Commissioner Gryder made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Hendrix. All, aye. Opposed, none.
IV. Citizens to be Heard
There were no citizens to be heard.
V. Motion to Forward Claims to Commission for an Amount Not-to- Exceed $854,523.37
Commissioner Gryder asked about the overhead garage door repairs at Ellis House and Equestrian Center.
Ellis House and Equestrian Center Farm Manager Vick explained the situation that caused damage to the garage door and how it was repaired. There are no longer issues opening the garage door.
Commissioner Gryder made a motion to forward claims for an amount not-to-exceed $854,523.37. Seconded by Commissioner Hendrix. Aye, all. Opposed, none.
VI. Review of Financial Statements and Income and Expenditure Reports through May 31, 2018
Assistant County Administrator Caldwell reported on the financial statements and income and expenditure reports through May 31, 2018. There was a new line item created for the
Pickerill-Pigott Forest Preserve. The reports are premature and will be updated when property taxes and other expected revenues are received.
Acting Director Emily Dombrowski, noted the significant revenue increase of Ellis House and Equestrian Center programs.
Latreese Caldwell reported on a timing error with the District’s debt service levy which will be addressed by reducing next year’s levy.
VII. Capital Fund Budget – Revenue and Expense Report through May 31, 2018
Latreese Caldwell reported that this is in response to a previous question about individual items in the capital fund budget.
Commissioner Cullick entered the meeting at 5:15 pm.
Latreese Caldwell presented an overview of the report.
VIII. Ellis House and Equestrian Center Zero-turn Mower Replacement and Trade-in Deductions
Farm Manager Vick presented a report to replace the mower at Ellis House and Equestrian Center. Issues with the old mower were explained. Estimates for trade-ins and a new mower were reported. The estimate after trade-ins for the new John Deere Z9600M is $4,327.98.
Commissioner Hendrix expressed concern for the mower to have roll over protection.
Marty Vick reported that all the machines do have roll over protection. It was reported that one of the trade-ins was a donation.
Commissioner Cullick made a motion to forward the zero-turn mower replacement and trade-in deductions to Committee of the Whole. Seconded by Commissioner Hendrix. Aye, all. Opposed, none.
IX. Executive Session
X. Other Items of Business
XI. Citizens to be Heard
There were no citizens to be heard.
XII. Adjournment
Commissioner Gryder made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Hendrix. Aye, all. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm.