United City of Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees met Nov. 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Darren Crawford, roll was called and a quorum was established.
Roll Call: Julie Brendich-yes, Darren Crawford-yes, Ryan Forristall-yes, Theron Garcia-yes, Jason Hedman-yes, Wamecca Rodriquez-yes, Russ Walter-yes
Absent: Krista Danis, Susan Chacon
Others Present: Library Director Elisa Topper, Director of Adult Services Shelley Augustine, Circulation Manager Sharyl Iwanski-Goist, Alderman/Library Liaison Daniel Transier.
Recognition of Visitors: President Crawford recognized the library staff and liaison.
Amendments to the Agenda: None
Minutes: October 10, 2019, October 14, 2019, November 4, 2019 Mr. Walter moved and Mr. Hedman seconded the motion to approve the minutes for the Physical Facilities Committee of November 4, 2019 and Library Board meeting of October 14 as presented. Mr. Hedman seconded. Mr. Walter amended his motion to include the Physical Facilities Committee meeting of October 10. Mr. Crawford seconded the amended motion to include all three meetings. Roll call: Crawford-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Brendich-yes. Carried 7-0.
Correspondence: Trustee Walter reported an email had been received in response to his query about the $8,000 in IMET Funds. The funds might be received late this year or early next year.
Public Comment: None Staff Comment: None
Report of the Treasurer: The Board reviewed the financial reports in the absence of the Treasurer.
Payment of Bills A motion was made by President Crawford and seconded by Trustee Garcia to pay the bills as follows:
$28,464.02 Accounts Payable
$39,354.22 Payroll
$67,818.24 TOTAL
Roll call: Crawford-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Brendich-yes. Carried 7-0.
Report of the Library Director:
1. Chiller screens have been installed. The $875 installation cost was not in the quote and after negotiations, Ms. Topper was able to have it reduced to $475.
2. RJ O'Neil was called due to water pump making noises and they cleaned the pump. They came on another occasion to perform preventive maintenance and found that boiler #1 had several cracks in the burners which was discussed at the Physical Facilities meeting. It was deemed an emergency situation and boiler #1 was shut down and burner parts ordered. Boiler #2 was determined to have an igniter problem and RJ O'Neil came the same day to repair it. The burner parts for boiler #1 have now been installed and preventive maintenance will be done on boiler #2.
3. It was discovered there was no hot water in the building due to the water pump being installed upside down.
4. Painting was done and siding has been repaired as of November 5th.
5. Fall cleaning will be rescheduled due to snowfall that day.
6. A theft of $50 from a wallet occurred in the reference area. Staff tried to obtain footage from the security cameras and found that the camera has not been recording since September. Though the camera is recording now, a Sound Inc. rep will provide a quote since the system is outdated.
7. Library personnel had a staff day on October 11th and watched the movie “The Public” followed by small group discussions. Barb Johnson, a PADS volunteer and former Library Board member, spoke about the available PADS services. While there has not been any PADS guests yet this year, the Library receives an update each day, of the previous night's activities. This report is forwarded to all Library managers. Ms. Topper said the staff is much better prepared this year.
8. Second Halloween contest held and prizes were awarded.
9. Ugly sweater contest to be held.
10. One person applied for Youth Services position, but later withdrew. Ms. Topper said results for background checks are taking very long. Position is being advertised on websites for City, RAILS and Library and Indeed.com was suggested. It is expected that two more employees will be leaving. Cross training will be done.
City Council Liaison
Alderman Transier said setback regulations for cannabis operations will be voted on next week at City Council.
Standing Committees:
President Crawford handed out a list of committee assignments. He also noted that the Library needs to incorporate the cannabis issue into the policy book, so the Policy Committee will need to meet next month.
Unfinished Business:
Electrical Work for Digital Sign-Frost Electric
Ms. Topper contacted Frost Electric about the electrical hook-up since the conduit had been crushed during road construction. Frost will locate it and shut off the original circuit at no extra charge. Mr. Dhuse said the current electric connection is tied in with the parking lot lights. There was discussion on the funding for the electrical work and it was decided to use money from the Outside Building & Maintenance fund. Mr. Walter moved and Mr. Crawford seconded a motion to approve $6,250 to run a circuit for the new sign. Roll call: Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Brendich-yes, Crawford- yes. Carried 7-0.
E-Rate Proposal S&G Communications
Mr. Walter said three companies submitted proposals for upgrade of the wireless network with S&G Communications providing the best prices. Mr. Walter said the Board can approve the quote, however, no action can be taken until the 2020 e-rate funds are released in June. The prices will be locked in for one year. The bandwidth needs to be increased as well, but it cannot be done until the funding is received. Mr. Walter will ask for a revised proposal for the components approved by the Board. A motion was made by Mr. Walter to approve the S&G proposal for $3,057.10 for cabling, $4,356 for 12 Aruba IAP207 wireless access points, to not use S&G for bandwidth increases and all contingent on e- rate funding being approved next year. Ms. Garcia seconded the motion. Roll call: Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Brendich-yes, Crawford- yes. Carried 7-0.
Snow Bars/Gutter Covers Proposal-Showalter Roofing Services
The original snow guards on the west side of the building were removed, but the price was not adjusted on the proposal. Ms. Topper will verify the pricing. In response to an installation query about the bars, the vendor and said the bars can be installed at a slight angle, but the gutters may still be need to be cleaned. Mr. Hedman asked what money would actually be saved by installing gutter guards if cleaning is still needed. He noted it is easier and cheaper to just clean gutters than screens over the gutters. Mr. Forristall added that pine needles can clog the holes and they are difficult to remove.
The triangle points will be removed and snow bars installed and Ms. Topper said painting would then be needed. She said the triangles were removed from the gutters and the landscaper cleaned the gutters. Since the trees are scheduled to be trimmed to help alleviate clogging and the triangles removed, the Board decided to evaluate the problem after a year and not install gutter guards at this time. A motion was made by Ms. Rodriguez and seconded by Ms. Garcia to approve the Showalter Roofing Service to install the Dyna-Guard snow retention system not to exceed $9,000. Roll call: Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Brendich-yes, Crawford-yes, Forristall- yes. Carried 7-0.
New Business:
Boiler Repair
This was discussed earlier in the meeting.
Per Capita Grant Requirements 2019 The grant application is due January 15th and there are three Board requirements. Board members must read Chapters 6-10 of the Trustee Facts File contained in the agenda packet. The second item is completion of an on-line class---Ms. Topper will find suggestions and email to all prior to next meeting. Additionally, there is outreach, so the Board will discuss the Illinois Veterans' History project at the December meeting.
Drug Free Workplace Policy-City of Yorkville
City Council recently passed a drug free policy. Since the Library follows the City policy, this should be incorporated into the Library Policy Manual. The Policy Committee will address the incorporation. Mr. Walter asked if the smoking policy needs to include no-vaping and he suggested inclusion in the policy and that signs should be changed.
Meeting Dates 2020
It was noted the Library would start being open on Martin Luther King Day in 2021 even though the City offices are closed. Chairman Crawford moved and Ms. Garcia seconded a motion to approve the Board meeting dates for 2020. Hedman-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Brendich-yes, Crawford-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes. Carried 7-0.
Closing Dates
It was moved and seconded by Trustees Walter and Garcia, respectively, to approve the closure dates for the Library. Roll call: Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Brendich-yes, Crawford-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes. Carried 7-0.
Additional Business: None
Executive Session: None
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 7:53pm on a motion by Mr. Walter and second by Mr. Crawford.