United City of Yorkville Administration Committee met Oct. 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Committee Members In Attendance: Chairman Chris Funkhouser Alderman Dan Transier Alderman Jason Peterson Alderman Joe Plocher
Other City Officials In Attendance: City Administrator Bart Olson Assistant City Administrator Erin Willrett Finance Director Rob Fredrickson
Others in Attendance: None
The meeting was called to order at 6:02pm by Chairman Chris Funkhouser.
Citizen Comments: None
Minutes for Correction/Approval: September 18, 2019 The minutes were approved as presented.
New Business:
1. ADM 2019-54 Monthly Budget Report for September 2019 Mr. Olson said the September column reflects the June sales which are in line with expectations and that next month should be much higher. There were significant deposits made into the vehicle/equipment revenue, capital funds, etc. due to Raintree closing out and some of that revenue will be spent on vehicles. For information.
2. ADM 2019-55 Monthly Treasurer's Report for September 2019 Mr. Fredrickson reported the below revenue figures.
$13,124,377 Beginning Fund Balance
$15,793,729 YTD Revenues
$10,921,680 YTD Expenses
$17,996,426 Projected Ending Fund Balance
No discussion, moves to City Council.
3. ADM 2019-56 Cash Statement for August 2019
Mr. Fredrickson said this contains the usual cash balances and investment balances.
4. ADM 2019-57 Monthly Website Report for September 2019
Ms. Willrett said the traffic peaked in August due to festivals, etc. Hometown Days was the top download for September and the Mill Rd. repaving was the highest-ever post. The Police Department has a new Facebook page and the stats will be added to this report.
5. ADM 2019-58 Meeting Schedule for 2020
The committee approved this schedule.
6. ADM 2019-59 Annual Treasurer's Report
This fiscal report ends on April 30, 2019 and includes a summary statement of operations for the major funds, receipts, payroll and vendor disbursements. It will move forward to City Council on October 22 and will be published in the Kendall County Record.
7. ADM 2019-60 Tax Levy Estimate Mr. Olson discussed the tax levy and referred to Mr. Fredrickson's memo. Last year the city requested $3.2 million, an inflationary factor of 1.9% and a new construction amount. This year the new construction amount is an EAV amount of $15.8 million. The staff recommendation is $3.337 million for the levy. He said the purpose of this agenda item is to set the maximum tax levy prior to a Public Hearing in November. Mr. Olson added that the General Fund is actually losing money since the Police pension levy amounts are rising and more funds are being placed in the police pensions. Rather than raising taxes to cover this, the committee agreed it is more important to not raise taxes.
Mr. Olson said the motion for the next city Council meeting will include the following:
--$3.337 million cap for the city
--$739,000 Library Operations capped plus $827,000 referendum taxes for the building, totaling $1.566 million for the Library The vote for the final levy will occur in November or December. The committee was OK with the new construction only and this moves to the October 22nd City Council.
8. ADM 2019-61 Employee Manual – Drug Policy Update
Ms. Willrett addressed these changes. Because the new cannabis law will become effective January 1, staff has proposed revisions to the employee manual workplace drug policy. The changes will allow administrators to look at situations on a case-by-case basis. Drug tests will still be done prior to employment and employees with CDL's must still adhere to all federal and state laws. She also detailed other changes in policy language. Alderman Peterson questioned the testing and length of time drugs may appear in the test. Supervisors can request testing, though anyone with reasonable suspicion may report such instances. Chairman Funkhouser asked if federal funding for projects could be affected based on drug usage. Alcohol and marijuana situations will be treated the same and seasonal employees will be treated in the same manner as other employees. This item moves to the November 12th City Council.
9. ADM 2019-62 IT Expenditures
a. Microsoft Server Licenses
b. Computer Purchase
c. Budget Amendment
New server licenses must be purchased since it was overlooked last year by the IT vendor. A budget amendment will cover the license cost and there will be an additional $11,000 charge for an insurance package. In addition, new computers will be purchased. Laptop quotes were much higher than the original estimate resulting in an additional $8,000. This will result in a total budget amendment for $60,000 which will be split among departments. Mr. Olson said the Mayor asked that each department devise a plan to adjust or cut their budgets to accommodate this cost. Staff and the consortium recommended replacement of the computers since they have outlived their functionality and have become very slow. He said the program licensing is not included. The Budget Amendment and license authorization will move to the November 12th City Council.
10. ADM 2019-63 Liquor Code Regulations – Number of Available Licenses
City Clerk Lisa Pickering wrote a memo detailing this proposal. Alderman Funkhouser had suggested decreasing the number of “A” liquor licenses when a business closes. Mr. Olson said that when someone leaves their employment, oftentimes the business will decrease their number of liquor licenses. This also helps cut the application time when someone new applies. He cited the case of another city business where a new owner of a closed business applied for a liquor license. Because the license had been kept open, the process was quicker. It was noted a liquor license costs $1,500. Alderman Plocher asked about the requirements for an A-1 license. Mr. Olson replied that one must pass a background check and pay the fee. This item will be brought back next month for further discussion after discussion between the Council and Mayor.
Old Business:
1. ADM 2019-35 Facilities Master Plan RFQ
A meeting has been scheduled for the first week of November with the Mayor and a facility plan proposer. Mr. Olson suggested the Council members should determine what priority is given to this project, following the goal-setting session. This item will come back to committee next month.
2. ADM 2019-45 Website Redesign Update
Ms. Willrett reported on several changes that have been made based on staff and committee comments. Other suggestions were more icons and graphics, less dark, baseball-style font for “Yorkville”. It will be mobile-friendly when finished. All comments will be given to Civic Plus and the site will go live on December 17th. The city will be entitled to a free refresh in a year.
Additional Business: None
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 7:04pm.