City of Yorkville Library Board of Trustees met Oct. 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Darren Crawford, roll was called and a quorum was established.
Roll Call: Jason Hedman-yes, Russ Walter-yes, Julie Brendich-yes, Darren Crawford-yes, Krista Danis-yes, Ryan Forristall-yes Absent: Susan Chacon, Wamecca Rodriguez, Theron Garcia
Others Present: Library Director Elisa Topper, Technical Services Director Dixie DeBord
Recognition of Visitors: President Crawford recognized the library staff.
Amendments to the Agenda: None
Minutes: September 9 and September 23, 2019 Mr. Crawford moved and Ms. Danis seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the September 9th Board of Trustees meeting and the September 23rd Personnel Committee as presented. Roll call: Walter-yes, Brendich-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Forristall-yes, Hedman-yes. Carried 6-0
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: None
Staff Comment: None
Report of the Treasurer: Director Topper made note of an error on page 1 of the bills. The bill labeled as an employment ad for the Chicago Tribune is actually the subscription fee.
Payment of Bills A motion was made by Mr. Walter and seconded by Mr. Crawford to pay the bills as follows:
$44,919.25 Accounts Payable
$38,775.98 Payroll
$83,695.23 TOTAL
Roll call: Walter-yes, Brendich-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Forristall-yes, Hedman-yes. Carried 6-0.
Report of the Library Director:
1. There were 34 football players from the middle school who spread 28 yards of mulch. Ms. Topper gave a special thanks to the players, coach and Parks Department for coordinating. A thank-you will be sent.
2. Ice Cream social was held with 225 attendees and 200 donated cups of ice cream from Meadowvale. Many activities took place. She also thanked Board members and staff who helped and to Tom Hedman for sponsoring the band. It will be held 1-3pm next year rather than 2-4pm.
3. Had Food for Fines in September and 480 items were donated to Kendall County Food Pantry. Ms. Topper thanked Sharyl Iwanski and her staff.
4. Representative Lauren Underwood held a meeting at the library.
5. Ms. Topper met with Police Chief Jensen prior to a PADS meeting. She gave him background information from last season and said the next PADS program begins October 20.
6. Had successful staff day, showed the movie “The Public” and it was discussed afterward.
7. Shelley Augustine was recognized at City Council for 10 years of service.
8. Director Topper presented her self-evaluation to the Personnel Committee.
9. Meeting room was booked for a deposition, no advertising is done, just word-of-mouth.
10. Per capita grant of $21,151.25 was received.
11. Development fees of $59,900 received and $40,200 has been spent for collection items.
12. A Financial Literacy grant of $500 was received.
President Crawford said the next Board meeting will be on November 18th due to Veterans' Day.
City Council Liaison
No report
Standing Committees:
Both Personnel and Physical Facilities committees have met recently.
Unfinished Business:
Digital Sign Update
Ms. Topper sent an email to Frost Electric with the requirements for electrical work needed and has not received a reply yet. She is also waiting for a call back from Mr. Dhuse.
Maintenance Proposal by R.J. O'Neil (Revised)
The Board asked Ms. Topper to negotiate a lower rate and she was able to reduce it from $137.50 to $125 per hour. The Physical Facilities Committee recommended approval of a 1-year maintenance contract with R.J. O'Neil and Ms. Topper obtained complimentary references about them. It was noted that R.J. O'Neil can perform the services that Trico was providing. President Crawford made a motion to approve the R.J. O'Neil contract. Trustee Hedman asked to remove the language “auto renewal” on page 6, Section H. Trustee Walter then seconded the motion and it was carried on a roll call vote 6-0. Roll call: Danis-yes, Forristall-yes, Hedman-yes, Walter-yes, Brendich-yes, Crawford-yes.
Thermosystems Maintenance Contract ( Renewal)
This contract is no longer needed since the library will not be renewing with them.
New Business:
Tax Levy
The Board briefly discussed the tax levy for next year. Trustee Hedman noted that the Board must consider the future minimum wage increases that will affect the library budget and he suggested a committee be formed to study the impact. Mr. Walter moved to adopt the 2019 levy estimate of $739,047 which is a 4.86% increase over last year's levy and Mr. Hedman seconded the motion. Ms. Topper has drafted a letter for the Treasurer to sign. Roll call: Forristall-yes, Hedman-yes, Walter-yes, Brendich-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes. Passed 6-0.
Proposal for Electrical Work for Digital Sign
The proposal has not been received yet, item tabled.
Proposal for Chiller/AC Screens
The Physical Facilities Committee recently met and Mr. Walter said the committee is recommending the purchase of magnetic screens for $4,483 and it was noted $900 a year is spent per year for cottonwood seed removal. The chiller will also run more efficiently with the screens. The funds for the purchase will come from the outside building maintenance fund. Mr. Walter and Mr. Crawford moved and seconded, respectively, to approve the proposal from Filter Services for the purchase of screens and magnetic mounts at a cost of $4,483. Roll call: Brendich-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Forristall-yes, Hedman-yes, Walter-yes. Carried 6-0.
Removal of Trees Discussion
Because the Board spends about $5,000 a year to clear the gutters of the long pine needles that cause clogs and ice buildup in the winter, the Physical Facilities Committee had discussed the removal of the pine trees along Game Farm Rd. This also causes mold to grow on the brick wall and cause problems for the air conditioner. It was decided to trim those pines from the bottom and also to remove bushes and remove or trim the tree by the west windows of the original wing. Ms. Topper will also explore gutter screens and she noted fall clean-up is scheduled for mid-November. Mr. Walter made a motion to contact Eric Dhuse and determine when his staff can trim the trees. Mr. Crawford seconded. Roll call: Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Forristall-yes, Hedman-yes, Walter-yes, Brendich-yes. Carried 6-0. Ms. Topper will also look into a proposal for new snow bars.
Proposal for Painting/Siding Repairs
This item was also discusssed at the Physical Facilities Committee. Some paint is peeling on the east side of the building and there is siding damage due to leaks under a window. Mr. Walter said the building was painted 2 years ago and there is a 25-year warranty on the paint and 1-year warranty for labor. There are also a couple small areas where the siding needs to be replaced on the front of the building. Some extra pieces of siding are available. A proposal was also received to remove the rest of the snow triangles, but the committee will ask the people who install the snow bars to do the triangles. Mr. Walter made a motion to fix the water damage for $1,580 and $1,170 for the siding repair, total of $2,750 and postpone the roof repair at this time. The damage emanates from the gutters overflowing and running down the side of the building. Mr. Crawford seconded the motion. Roll call: Crawford- yes, Danis-yes, Forristall-yes, Hedman-yes, Walter-yes, Brendich-yes. Carried 6-0.
Additional Business:
Executive Session:
At approximately 7:43pm, Mr. Crawford made a motion to enter into Executive Session for the reason as follows: For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body, or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. Mr. Hedman seconded the motion and the Session began at approximately 7:44pm. The Board resumed their regular session at 8:53pm on a motion by Mr. Walter, second by Mr. Crawford and approved on a voice vote.
Mr. Crawford made a motion to approve the amended review of the Library Director to be presented to her at a later time. Ms. Danis seconded the motion and it carried on a voice vote. A motion was also made by President Crawford to give the Library Director a 3% merit increase and Mr. Hedman seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Hedman-yes, Walter-yes, Brendich-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis- yes, Forristall-yes. Carried 6-0.
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 8:57pm on a motion by Mr. Crawford and second by Mr. Walter.