
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Plano Community Unit School District 88 Board of Education met November 18


Plano Community Unit School District 88 Board of Education met Nov. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Plano Community Unit School District No. 88 met in regular session on Monday, November 18, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Emily G. Johns School. Plano High School Madrigal Singers welcomed Board members and visitors to the meeting by singing Christmas carols.


Vice President called the regular meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Present for roll call were Jernigan, Klatt, Martinez, Waldrop and Ward. Member Velazquez arrived at 6:20 p.m. and President Campbell was absent. Others present were administrators Mateyka, Baughman, Swann, Denny, Schmidt, Alvarez, Thurwanger, Lee and Superintendent Baker and Board Secretary Benoit. Office staff present: Appel.



Jernigan moved, and Klatt seconded the motion, to approve the agenda as printed. Voting aye: Jernigan, Klatt, Martinez, Waldrop and Ward. Motion carried: 5 ayes 0 nays, 2 absent.


Emily G. Johns School Principal Luke Baughman welcomed everyone to the school and introduced Mrs. Osbron who shared information about the after-school Code Club. She introduced 5th grade student Chloe Rowe who shared information about two of the programs the students have been working on. The interest was so great that the students had to be split into two groups and each will take part in the after-school program for one semester. Assistant Principal Kevin Swann discussed the Live School Program at Emily Johns. Kristy Villarreal, Cheer Athletic Director of the Plano Youth Tackle Football Program, thanked Board members, administrators and maintenance staff for allowing the players and cheerleaders to use district facilities. She introduced coaches and girls who had placed at recent cheer competitions.

Superintendent Baker shared a picture of staff members who had attended the Illinois State Board of Education “Those Who Excel” banquet and awards program at Bloomington-Normal. Madrigal Singers read the American Education Week and Board Member Day resolutions. Superintendent Baker presented Board Member Day certificates to all Board members and Master Board Member pins to Kyle Klatt, Kim Velazquez and Tim Waldrop.


Dave and Carly Rowe and Angel Vivcano were present at the meeting. There were no media represetatives present. No one wished to address the Board.


Jernigan moved, and Martinez seconded the motion, to approve the consent agenda as follows:

A. Minutes

▪ Regular Meeting & Executive Session – October 21, 2019

B. Plano School District No. 88 Financial Statements, Bills & Payroll

Motion to approve the October 2019 Bills, Payroll and Financial Statements for Plano Community Unit School District No. 88.

C. Plano Area Special Education Cooperative (PASEC) Financial Statements

Motion to approve the October 2019 Bills, Payroll and Financial Statements for the Plano Area Special Education Cooperative.

D. PMA Reports

PMA monthly Report #592 (10/1/19-10/31/19).

E. Second Reading of Financial Policies

Motion to approve, for a second reading and adoption, revised Policy 4.20, Fund Balances, and new Policy 4.80-AP3, Capital Assets.

F. Approve Board Member Day & American Education Week Resolutions

Motion to approve the School Board Member’s Day Resolution and the resolution for American Education Week.

G. Administrator Board Reports H. Executive Session Tape Destruction

Approve the destruction of audiotapes of executive session minutes during March 2018. Voting aye: Jernigan, Martinez, Klatt, Velazquez, Waldrop and Ward. Motion carried: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.


For Action

Report No. 20-32 Adopt Resolution Regarding Estimated Tax Levy

Klatt moved, and Martinez seconded the motion, to approve the Resolution Regarding Estimated Levy and the Certificate of Compliance in the Truth in Taxation Law.

Voting aye: Klatt, Martinez, Jernigan, Velazquez, Waldrop and Ward. Motion carried: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.

Report No. 20-33 Second Reading and Adoption of the 2020-21 Plano High

School Course Description Book

Assistant Principal Brennan Denny discussed a couple other additions that are being recommended for the 2020-21 Course Description Book, including Spanish 5 Honors and dual credit classes for industrial tech with Waubonsee Community College.

Velazquez moved, and Klatt seconded the motion, to approve, for a second reading and adoption, the 2020-21 Plano High School Course Description Guide. Voting aye: Velazquez, Klatt, Jernigan, Martinez, Waldrop and Ward. Motion carried: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.

Report No. 20-34 Approve Personnel Report

Jernigan moved, and Klatt seconded the motion to approve the corrected personnel report as follows:

1. Employment:

▪ Ana Guerrero – Second Shift Custodian, Plano High School, $12.45+0.25 shift differential, effective 10/28/19

2. Volunteers:

P.H. Miller School Volunteers:

▪ Matthew Alfredson

▪ Rebekka Hernandez

▪ Amanda Higgins

▪ Andrew Higgins

▪ Ricardo Munoz

▪ Lizbeth Reynoso

▪ Lauren Stevens

▪ Sarah Vaughn

▪ Marketa Marcell Williams

▪ Heidi Wisniowicz Centennial School Volunteers:

▪ Jonathon Harrison

3. Leave Requests:

▪ Mayra Espinosa – Preschool Bilingual Instructional Aide, P.H. Miller School, approx. 11/6/19-11/18/19

▪ Maritza Johnson – Dual Language Teacher, Centennial, approx. 3/30/20-end of the 2019- 20 school year

4. FY 20 Plano High School Extra-Curricular Assignments:






Che Earwood

Assistant Basketball Coach




Joy Dubose

Scholastic Bowl




Danielle Wankmuller

Scholastic Bowl




5. PASEC Personnel Report:

Leave Request - Danielle Peckhart – 10/31/19-approx. 1/21/20 Long Term Substitute - Maureen (Molly) Gorzney, PASSES Program, Centennial (Peckhart) Voting aye: Jernigan, Klatt, Martinez, Velazquez, Waldrop and Ward. Motion carried: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.

Report No. 20-35 First Reading of Math, Handwriting and Social Studies

Resource Adoptions.

Dr. Tracy Thurwanger reviewed the committee recommendation to purchase Pearson math resources across all grade levels. She said it is great that all grade levels agreed on the same curriculum, as there will be an easier transition from grade to grade.

Motion to approve, for a first reading, K-12 Pearson Math curriculum; K-1 Handwriting Without Tears; and the Bedford, Freeman & Worth AP Government books for 2020-21 implementation. Voting aye: Jernigan, Martinez, Klatt, Velazquez, Waldrop and Ward. Motion carried: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.

For Information Report No. 20-36 Focus Group Report: Roadmap

Roadmap Focus Group members discussed future plans for the 2020 Summer Enrichment Program and a possible change for the high school to return to a traditional schedule from Block 8.

Matt Swanson said the summer program would be held from June 1-26 at Centennial (grades 1-3) and Plano High School (grades 4- 12). She said there will be no Kindergarten Readiness Program this summer, since there will be construction at P.H. Miller School next summer. The Dual Language Summer Program will be held at Centennial.

Dr. Thurwanger discussed how the district is staying compliant with the Post-Second Workforce legislation. She said the district is focusing on college and career pathways.

Brennan Denny discussed preliminary plans to move the high school to a traditional schedule for the 2021-22 school year. He said they have been polling staff members and gathering their pro and con comments. He said the benefits to a traditional schedule is that the teacher will see students on a daily basis. Currently, there could be three days between classes and students are not retaining the material. A traditional schedule would actually provide the student with more academic minutes in a week. Currently, the student workload is very strenuous, because Plano High School has the highest number of required graduation credits in the area. Dr. Thurwanger said that it is hard to find a school that is still on the block schedule, as most have shifted away from this schedule. Plano High School has been on the block schedule since 1998. Denny said that the high school administration will have the next year and a half to dive into the proposed schedule; take professional development classes to learn how to best implement the change and schedule; plans how classes would look; work with lesson plans and visit schools who are on the traditional schedule.

Denny said some staff members are against the traditional schedule, because there is not much time between classes and there isn’t time to prepare for labs or the next class. Administration will keep Board members updated on the progress and input from staff.

Report No. 20-37 Fall Housing Report

Superintendent Baker reviewed the fall housing report and comparisons from the past twelve years. The current kindergarten class has an unusually low enrollment and the 7th grade class remains the largest class.

Report No. 20-38 Facilty Dog at Plano High School

PASEC Director Mrs. Amy Lee introduced Joe, a black Labrador facility dog, and his owner Mollie Minard. She reviewed preliminary plans for Joe to have a trial run at Plano High School to benefit special and regular education students. The program would start small with Joe only working in three areas at the school: Transition Classroom, social workers and nurse’s offices. Joe would have office hours and students could sign up to visit Joe to help with physical, social, cognitive and emotional issues the student may be experiencing. Joe was originally trained as a service dog, but his demeanor was more suited to be a facility dog, which is really a combination of a service, therapy and emotional support dog. The Minard family will hold umbrella insurance, in the event there were any issues. Currently, there would be three handlers who would oversee Joe during the day: Mrs. Minard, a social worker and school nurse. He would remain in those areas and they would install air purifiers in those areas to help avoid allergy issues. Superintendent Baker said district policy currently allows service, therapy, emotional support and facility dogs. There is currently a service dog at Centennial that is owned by and assigned to Minard’s younger student with diabetes. There have been no issues and the dog remains on task throughout the school day. He recommended that the facility dog program begin with a small schedule and that it could be expanded or time reduced depending on the response.

Report No. 20-39 Athletic Director Report

Plano High School Athletic Director Jim Schmidt reviewed the following topics:

• Fall Sport wrap-up

• Athletic and Academic All-Conference

• Team grade point averages

• Participation numbers

• Winter preview

• Conference and IHSA Update

Member Waldrop asked Mr. Schmidt to include participation numbers by grade level for each of the sports, because he would like to see how many students remain in a sport for all four years.

There was conversation about the new conference and some of the struggles that teams are experiencing during competition with the larger schools in the conference. The IHSA is looking at potential changes to the football classes, including the possibility of splitting parochial and private schools.

Report No. 20-39 Athletic Director Report

Schmidt said the Reaper Wrestling Classic will be held December 13 & 14. The Christmas Class basketball tournament will be held December 26, 27, 28 & 30.


Board Secretary Benoit reported on two FOIA requests:

▪ Canon – Copy of copier lease agreement

▪ Record Newspapers – Could not fulfill, district does not possess the student records that were requested

Board Secretary Benoit said the district supported the Chamber Treats on the Street Program with a district office bags game booth and PK had a booth that distributed treats and material about the preschool program.

The Winter Sports Preview Night was well run and attended.


• Tax Levy

• Capital Project Bids

• Teacher Institute Days Recap


There was no executive session.


There was no action from executive session.


Waldrop moved, and Klatt seconded the motion, to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 p.m. Voting aye: Waldrop, Klatt, Jernigan, Martinez, Velazquez and Ward. Motion carried: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent.
