City of Yorkville Public Works Committee met July 21.
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
Citizen Comments:
Minutes for Correction/Approval: June 16, 2020
New Business:
1. PW 2020-40 Capital Improvement Summary
2. PW 2020-41 Quarterly Bond and Letter of Credit Reduction Summary
3. PW 2020-42 Kendall Marketplace – Plat of Abrogation
4. PW 2020-43 MFT Resolution for 2020 Striping Program
5. PW 2020-44 Beaver Street Booster Pump Station
a. Engineering Agreement
b. Recommendation for Improvements
6. PW 2020-45 Wyland National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation
7. PW 2020-46 Rebuild Illinois Grants Program Applications
8. PW 2020-47 Sewer Ordinance Update
Old Business:
Additional Business: