City of Yorkville Library Board met Dec. 13.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Darren Crawford, roll was called and a quorum was established.
Roll Call:
Rosie Millen-yes, Theron Garcia-yes, Darren Crawford-yes, Susan Chacon-yes, Russ Walter-yes, Sue Shimp-yes, Bret Reifsteck-yes
Absent: Ryan Forristall, Tara Schumacher
Others Present:
Library Director Shelley Augustine, Judy Somerlot, Daniel Chacon
Recognition of Visitors: President Crawford recognized the Library Director and guests.
Amendments to the Agenda: None
Presentations: None
Minutes: November 8, 2021
Ms. Millen moved to approve the minutes as presented and Ms. Garcia seconded.
Roll call: Garcia-yes, Crawford-yes, Chacon-yes, Walter-yes, Shimp-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Millen-yes. Carried 7-0.
Mr. Walter said a Christmas card was received from the library e-rate consultant.
Public Comment: None
Friends of the Library Report:
Ms. Somerlot reported there was a Christmas luncheon today with library staff and Friends members present. She said $500 was approved for a project the Director will discuss later in the meeting. Money was also approved for chair yoga to meet every week in January. Last month $375 was approved for the program Illinois Libraries Present and authors have already been booked for the first three months of 2022. She also said mini-golf sponsors are all in place, but decorators, raffle items and extra volunteers are needed.
Staff Comment: None
Report of the Treasurer:
Financial Statement
Treasurer Chacon highlighted some of the large purchases and invoices for the month and overall she said the library still has a surplus with the budget being 58% complete.
Payment of Bills
Trustee Walter made a motion to pay the bills as follows and it was seconded by President Crawford.
$45,122.45 Accounts Payable
$39,599.26 Payroll
$84,721.71 Total
Roll call: Crawford-yes, Chacon-yes, Walter-yes, Shimp-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Millen-yes, Garcia-yes. Carried 7-0.
Report of the Library Director:
Ms. Augustine reported the following:
1. Had Polar Express with over 50 kids in each session, cookies/milk donated by Casey's Store.
2. Illinois Libraries Present to hold first session with New York Times bestseller author in January.
3. Majority of sponsor money received for mini-golf.
4. Director of Three Rivers Public Library contacted Yorkville about partnering on a “Library Crawl” during April which is National Library Month.
5. Committed to Mobile Museum of Tolerance to come July 5-8. They show videos, have technology for diversity/ethnicity and it is a free program.
6. Director will attend meeting in January with other local directors so share plans/ideas.
7. Syserco finished their work and Mr. Walter was on hand to troubleshoot. Syserco created schedule to turn down heat when building is closed. President Crawford said 4 months of data should be analyzed to possibly decrease heating budget.
8. Griffon installed new cameras. On November 26th motion was detected in vestibule as someone tried to gain entrance at 2:30am. Police were called.
9. Maintenance person changes light bulbs, has cleaned gutters and will do masonry work.
10. City installed a cable across the parking lot which locks.
11. Police were called to library for a possible suicide threat, no threat found.
12. Large piece of plexiglass flew off window on a windy night, Ms. Augustine will have repaired.
13. Reminder that library is closed on upcoming holidays.
Mr. Crawford inquired as to the events planned for Martin Luther King Day. The library will be open, however, no activities have been planned as of yet. He also noted Engineering Week is in mid February and he contacted the school about an activity there. He suggested a related activity at the library as well.
City Council Liaison: None
Standing Committees: None
Unfinished Business:
Library Director Succession Plan Draft
This was tabled from last month for review and Ms. Augustine asked the Board to approve since there has been no previous policy. The Board reviewed the plan and Mr. Crawford moved to approve with second by Mr. Walter.
Roll call: Shimp-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Millen-yes, Garcia-yes, Crawford-yes, Chacon-yes, Walter-yes. Carried 7-0.
New Business:
Serving Our Public 4.0 Standards for Ill Public Libraries Checklist for FY22 Public Library Per Capita Grant (chapters 4, 7-11)
Ms. Augustine said the Board must review the standards in this document as a requirement to receive a per capita grant. Several standards have already been met, however, Ms. Augustine said the following are needed: Policies for ADA, collection development, reference and also some furniture may need replacing. Three chapters remain for review.
Story Walk Partnership with the Yorkville Education Foundation
Ms. Augustine and Ms. Garcia recently met with the President Alicia Lingane of the Yorkville Education Foundation who approached the library with a partnership proposal to create a community storywalk. They discussed signs and the cost and it was suggested this could be an Eagle Scout project to create the storyboards. Ms. Lingane is seeking monetary support so Ms. Augustine approached the Friends for a $500 gift and asked if the library could do a match. Mr. Crawford said the library logo should be on this project due to the funds being donated. Other community organizations will be approached as well. Each placard is a page of a book and the content would be changed once a month. Possible locations might be the library or a public park. Ms. Chacon asked if the library would be liable for upkeep. Ms. Shimp suggested other businesses could take part in the project by decorating and sponsoring a post. This matter will be tabled until next month.
Drug Overdose Prevention Program (DOPP)
The Kendall County Health Department contacted the library with an offer of extra Narcan kits if the library was interested in them. Ms. Augustine asked about legal ramifications and found that staff can legally administer these if the library is part of the drug overdose program. Training would be required which the Police Chief could do. It was suggested that the library could be involved in this when the PADS program resumes. Ms. Augustine expressed concern about being part of the program for staff safety and risk and is not sure the staff would be comfortable. President Crawford asked if the library pays for the drug when the old one expires.
COLA Discussion
Director Augustine handed out 2 spreadsheets, one showing the state-mandated raise in January and the second shows COLA increases for all at the start of the FY. She found that COLA raises have traditionally been given at the beginning of the FY in the past. She said five staff members have been here more than 5 years and just make minimum wage. The part-timers have not received a raise this year and receive more than minimum wage. It was noted these increases will have a huge budget impact. Ms. Chacon was asked to schedule a Finance Committee meeting in January to discuss budgeting of these increases. Attendance by all is encouraged.
Renewing Elevator Contract
Ms. Augustine sent 3 proposals to Trustee Forristall for review and he recommended renewing with the current vendor, TK Elevator, who will honor the 2017 price of $525/quarter. They are reputable, responsive and a 3-year contract was suggested. Ms. Garcia moved to accept the TK Elevator service contract at $175/month or $525/quarter as presented and Mr. Walter seconded.
Roll call: Reifsteck yes, Millen-yes, Garcia-yes, Crawford-yes, Chacon-yes, Walter-yes, Shimp-yes. Carried 7-0.
Executive Session: None
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 8:08pm.