City of Yorkville Public Library Board met Jan. 10.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Darren Crawford, roll was called and a quorum was established.
Roll Call:
Susan Chacon-yes, Darren Crawford-yes, Ryan Forristall-yes, Theron Garcia-yes, Tara Schumacher-yes, Sue Shimp-yes, Russ Walter-yes
Absent: Rosie Millen, Bret Reifsteck
Staff Present: Library Director Shelley Augustine
Others Present: Judy Somerlot, Daniel Chacon, Tiffany Forristall, Alicia Lingane-Yorkville Educational Foundation, Steph McHugh-School District #Y115 Ambassador
Recognition of Visitors: President Crawford recognized staff and guests.
Amendments to the Agenda: None
Presentations: Story Walk Partnership with Yorkville Educational Foundation
Ms. Lingane said the Foundation has been in existence about 5 years and raises money for the school district.
Ms. McHugh explained the story walk saying it is pages of a book installed in weather-protected cases mounted on aluminum posts. A possible location is at Beecher Park/library area or other high-traffic area near an existing or new walking path. The typical number of pages is 16-24 and the book would be changed each 4-6 weeks.
They have already spoken with the Parks and Rec Department about helping with the upkeep. Ms. Garcia suggested sponsors to help with the cost and Ms. Lingane said she feels the YEA could also fund raise the entire amount. She said the Foundation raised $70,000 last year. Mr. Crawford added that fundraising with businesses promotes community spirit. They suggested a possible partnership with Plainfield which already has this program in place. Mr. Walter asked about the resistance to vandalism and general durability of the displays.
There is a 1-year warranty on posts and the acrylic is outdoor grade. A kick-off of April or May is desired.
Minutes: December 13, 2021
Mr. Crawford moved and Ms. Garcia seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented.
Crawford-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Schumacher-yes, Shimp-yes, Walter-yes, Chacon-yes. Carried 7-0.
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: None
Friends of the Library Report:
Ms. Somerlot reported the Friends approved more money for the popular Chair Yoga program which is fully booked with 20 people in attendance. She also reported the hotspots are now available for checkout.
Mini-golf organizer Tiffany Forristall reported on this event. After conversations with Library Director Augustine and the Friends Group, it was suggested the event be postponed to April 3rd due to the ongoing pandemic high case numbers. The April date would also be a kick-off to the National Library Week occurring that week. A decision will be made by the end of the week. Ms. Augustine said the Kendall County pandemic positivity rate is 30% and she feels it would be wise to postpone the event. She said spring break is the week prior to this. Board members agreed with postponement and notifications will be made to the media.
Ms. Augustine said the library has committed to a 'library crawl' with several other libraries where patrons visit those libraries and receive a 'passport' which would be stamped and a grand prize awarded in a drawing. The mini-golf event could also be publicized during that time.
In another matter, Ms. Chacon reported staff members shared 2 concerns to be brought to the Board meeting.
The first is that birds have been flying into the picture window and they asked about purchasing window clings to prevent this. The second concern was the 5-day isolation policy for the current pandemic. (Will be discussed later in the meeting).
Staff Comment: None
Report of the Treasurer:
Financial Statement
Ms. Chacon presented the report and highlighted some of the larger bills for the month including the camera system, book purchase and annual renewal of Ancestory. The budget is at 67% of the FY at this time and natural gas is at 94%. It was noted gas is the only utility bill the library has to pay. Development fees are at 178% and there is a $27,000 surplus.
Payment of Bills
Mr. Crawford made a motion to pay the bills as follows and Ms. Garcia seconded:
$15,537.34 Accounts Payable
$39,452.34 Payroll
$54,989.68 Total
Roll call: Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Schumacher-yes, Shimp-yes, Walter-yes, Chacon-yes, Crawford-yes.
Carried 7-0.
Report of the Library Director:
Director Augustine reported the following:
1. Recapping the year, Ms. Augustine said letters were sent to new homeowners with a tremendous response to get library cards on-line. Patrons are using app mentioned in letter. All staff are vaccinated, upgraded equipment, services and systems, instituted curbside service, quarantine of books, revised cleaning procedures, resumed book sale, welcomed new Board members, expanded hours, new policies, first community fest, pop-up library, switched janitorial supply companies, received tech grant, and others.
2. Started winter reading program, if goals are met, Friends will donate $100 to the food pantry.
3. Many activities planned for Martin Luther King Day.
4. TAG will have Martin Luther King arts display and will create programs for giving back.
5. Police will hold blood drive at the library in February.
6. Director will participate in legislative meeting for library matters.
7. Decorative panel blew off library during high winds, city will repair.
8. City employee Ted Milschewski has been doing repairs, leaf cleanup, roof inspection, noticed exhaust fan not working. Spends 3-4 hours per week at library.
9. Have new hire.
10. Working on Per Capita Grant.
11. Some delays from RAILS due to staff shortage.
12. Did not renew Gale database due to cost.
13. Laptop kits and hotspots available for check-out, a waiver must be signed. Cost will be reimbursed from grant. Mr. Walter added that programs on laptops prevent viruses or altering of computer.
14. Fliers were made for upcoming programs.
City Council Liaison: None
Standing Committees: None
Unfinished Business:
Story Walk Partnership with the Yorkville Educational Foundation
The Board will wait to see what further action the Foundation takes and will discuss again. Trustee Forristall said he has seen some displays that were vandalized and repairs were needed. The Friends group has committed $500 if the Library moves forward with support of the project.
New Business:
Serving Public 4.0 Standards for IL Public Libraries Checklist for 2022 Per Capita Grant
(Review of Chapters 5, 12-13)
This is a review of checklists of improvements needed for the Per Capita Grant. Ms. Augustine would like to hold computer classes for technology improvements and a library employee has offered to teach. The Director will update the 2011 “Internet Acceptable Use” policy and a technology plan will be created listing all eqiupment and a replacement plan.
Chapter 13 calls for a communication/marketing plan and a full-time marketing person will be discussed at the Finance Committee meeting. Regarding maintenance, the parking lot will be re-sealed and carpets need to be vacuumed and shampooed on a regular basis. A carpet square tile system was discussed as being cheaper and easier for replacement and mats could be purchased for badly worn areas. Mr. Milschewski will repair masonry in front of building. There are 2 trees touching the building which Ms. Augustine suggested be removed as they are high-needle and sit on the roof. It will be discussed further. A capital project checklist should be created by the Facility Committee to determine future expenses.
YPL Covid Protocol Guidelines Updated
The original quarantine protocol called for 14 days. Two staff members came under that guideline at that time.
Ms. Augustine spoke with Mr. Crawford and Ms. Garcia and it was determined that the most recent CDC and IDPH guidelines will be followed and revised when necessary. The Director created a new document listing symptoms of the virus and the new rules for return to work including a reduction in the quarantine to 5 days along with a negative test. This document was given to the staff.
Executive Session: None
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.