City of Yorkville City Council met April 26.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
A meeting notice was posted on the City's website on the agenda, minutes, and packets webpage with instructions regarding remote meeting access and a link was included for the public to participate in the meeting remotely: https:// us02web. zoom. us/j/83270629713? pwd= WUNxRTJpWGVGSkdaWG5gME1mZG1Hdz09. The Zoom meeting ID was 832 7062 9713.
A quorum was established.
Yorkville Intermediate School Recognizing
School Resource Officer Goldsmith
Heather Miragliotta and Scott Beavers, both teachers with the Yorkville Intermediate School, recognized Officer Goldsmith for his dedication to their after- school program.
Groot Industries—
New Citywide Refuse Service Provider
Even though Groot Industries is not on tonight' s agenda, Mayor Purcell explained that he would still allow any residents to address the Council regarding this topic. Mayor Purcell introduced Kiel Pennington with Groot Industries, participating via Zoom to give an update on the rollout. Groot currently has all refuse carts and has multiple crews out delivering cans. Groot has promised everyone within the City should have their carts no later than Saturday. All seniors will be getting a 35- gallon cart during the initial delivery. Once everyone in the City has their cart, Groot will start exchanging carts with the requested size. Mr. Pennington said it should be a quick turnaround to swap them out. Alderman Peterson asked if people do not have cans by Monday and it' s their garbage day, will their bags still be picked up. Mr. Pennington clarified that they would grab everything these first few weeks, even if there were no stickers to help the transition. They will not grab items over 50 lbs. Alderman Funkhouser asked if Groot could push the$ 30 bin change fee out another month. Mr. Pennington explained that they have been waiving the$ 30 fee on a case- by- case basis.
1. Minutes of the Regular City Council— March 22, 2022
2. Bill Payments for Approval
664,209.21 (vendors)
327,282.83 (payroll period ending 4/ 15/ 2022)
991,492.04 (total)
Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve the consent agenda. So moved by Alderman Peterson; seconded by Alderman Soling.
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 6 Nays- 0
Koch- aye, Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Peterson- aye
Ordinance Approving an Agreement by and Among the
United City of Yorkville, Yorkville- Bristol Sanitary District and Illinois Greenhouse, LLC
(CC 2022- 05)
City Administrator Olson mentioned that everything is within the packet but the agreement. The agreement should hopefully be ready by the May 10th City Council meeting. City Administrator Olson explained that Corneils Road entrance had not been finalized. After discussion, the council agreed to
change the contract to the 400' at the entrance has to be done to receive an occupancy permit; then, three years after occupancy, the second part of the road needs to be finished, and a bond has to be put into place to cover the three years. Alderman Plocher asked about the shallow well. Mr. O' Neil mentioned they would have to come back to the City with that request and do the same process over again as they did with the deeper well. Alderman Funkhouser asked ifthe deeper well would work; why try a smaller well, and Mr. O' Neil said this could be a backup option, and the shallower the well, the less money and carbon footprint.
Poppy Days Proclamation
(CC 2022- 15)
Mayor Purcell proclaimed May 9— 15, 2022, may serve as Poppy Awareness Days in the United City of Yorkville( see attached).
Motorcycle Awareness Month Proclamation
(CC 2022- 16)
Mayor Purcell proclaimed the month of May 2022 as Motorcycle Awareness Month in the United City of Yorkville( see attached).
Appointments to Boards and Commission
(PW 2022- 17)
Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve the Mayor' s appointments of Ryan Forristall to the Library Board to a term ending May 2025; Jackie Milschewski to the Library Board to a term ending May 2025; Keri Pesola to the Library Board to a term ending May 2025; Greg Millen to the Planning and Zoning and Commission to a term ending May 2026; Jeff Olson to the Planning and Zoning Commission to a term ending May 2026; and Richard Vinyard to the Planning and Zoning Commission to a term ending May 2026. So moved by Alderman Funkhouser; seconded by Alderman Marek.
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 6 Nays- 0
Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Peterson- aye Koch- aye
No report.
Ordinance 2022- 14 Approving the Second Amendment to the Annexation and Planned Unit Development Agreement for a Portion of the Windmill Farms Development
(BW Properties Holdings, LLC/Bricolage Wellness, PLLC)
(PZC 2022- 03 & EDC 2022- 21)
Alderman Peterson made a motion to approve an Ordinance Approving the Second Amendment to the Annexation and Planned Unit Development Agreement for a Portion of the Windmill Farms Development
(BW Properties Holdings, LLC/ Bricolage Wellness, PLLC) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute; seconded by Alderman Koch.
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 6 Nays- 0
Funkhouser- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Peterson- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- aye
No report.
No report.
No report.
Ordinance 2022- 15 Approving the Rezoning to the B- 3 General Business Zoning District of the Property Located at 8721 Route 126 and Repeal of the Ordinance 2008- 42 as it Applies to the Property
(BW Properties Holdings, LLC/Bricolage Wellness, PLLC)
(PZC 2022- 02& EDC 2022- 20)
Alderman Plocher made a motion to approve an Ordinance Approving the Rezoning to the B- 3 General Business Zoning District of the Property Located at 8721 Route 126 and Repeal of the Ordinance 2008- 42 as it Applies to the Property( BW Properties Holdings, LLC/ Bricolage Wellness, PLLC) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute; seconded by Alderman Marek.
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 6 Nays- 0
Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Peterson- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye
Ordinance 2022- 16 Approving the Final Plat of Resubdivision for Bristol Bay P. U.D. Unit 3
(PZC 2022- 06& EDC 2022- 22)
Alderman Peterson made a motion to approve an Ordinance Approving the Final Plat of Resubdivision for Bristol Bay P. U.D. Unit 3 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute; seconded by Alderman Funkhouser.
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 6 Nays- 0
Marek- aye, Peterson- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Soling- aye
Ordinance 2022- 17 Approving the Final Plat of Subdivision for Bristol Bay P.U.D. Unit 13
(PZC 2022- 07& EDC 2022- 23)
Alderman Marek made a motion to approve an Ordinance Approving the Final Plat of Subdivision for Bristol Bay P. U.D. Unit 13 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute; seconded by Alderman Koch.
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 6 Nays- 0
Peterson- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye
No report.
No report.
No report.
No report.
MAYOR' S REPORT( cont' d)
City Buildings Updates
(CC 2021- 04)
City Administrator Olson shared that the contractors are working on wall construction and demolition of the new building. They have demoed the entire ceiling in the council chambers and discussed possibly being able to pivot some of the HVAC pipes to have a higher ceiling than they previously thought. Mr. Olson said they would eventually give some options to the Council to see if they would like to move the pipes or leave it as is. Mr. Olson said the site design and budget discussion will be at the May Public Works meeting regarding the new Public Works building.
Water Study Update
(CC 2021- 38)
City Administrator Olson reported to the Council that, along with leaders from Oswego and Montgomery, he had toured the water commission in DuPage. The DuPage Water Commission seems willing to work with the City and appears flexible. City staff will start high- level planning regarding the entire process and funding for this project. The DuPage Water Commission mentioned they would start their own planning, and everyone would meet again and compare notes.
Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to go into executive session for litigation. So moved by Alderman Peterson; seconded by Alderman Marek.
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 6 Nays- 0
Koch- aye, Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Peterson- aye
The City Council entered executive session at 8: 14 p. m.
The City Council returned to regular session at 8: 29 p.m.
Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to adjourn the City Council meeting. So moved by Alderman Plocher; seconded by Alderman Funkhouser.
Motion unanimously approved by a viva voce vote.
Meeting adjourned at 8: 30 p.m.