City of Yorkville Public Works Committee met June 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
In accordance with Public Act 101-0640 and Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation issued by Governor Pritzker pursuant to the powers vested in the Governor under the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, the United City of Yorkville is encouraging social distancing during the ongoing pandemic by allowing remote attendance for this meeting.
All were in attendance in person unless otherwise noted:
Committee Members
Chairman Matt Marek
Alderman Joe Plocher
Alderman Ken Koch
Alderman Jason Peterson
Other City Officials
City Administrator Bart Olson
Engineer Brad Sanderson, EEI
Assistant City Administrator Erin Willrett
Public Works Director Eric Dhuse
Purchasing Manager Shanel Gayle, electronic attendance
Other Guests:
Cyrus McMains, YBSD
Mark Foster, Kendall County Record
Lewis Wilberg, RJN Group
The meeting was called to order at 6:11pm by Chairman Matt Marek
Citizen Comments: None
Previous Meeting Minutes: May 17, 2022
The minutes were approved as presented.
Chairman Marek asked to amend the agenda by moving item #8 forward as the first item for discussion.
New Business:
(out of sequence)
8. PW 2022-54 Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District Smoke and Dye Testing – Informational Item
Mr. McMains of YBSD introduced Lewis Wilberg of RJN Group who will be helping with the upcoming sewer line testing. The testing will be done at the schools in July and for residential in September. Letters, door hangers and the city Facebook will be used to notify of the testing. YBSD will coordinate with Public Works and the Fire Department. The testing is done to ascertain if there are broken pipes or illegal connections.
Mr. Wilberg said the testing is done with non-toxic smoke. He said there will be several types of public relations prior to the testing so that all those affected are aware. If issues are found, they will work with YBSD to remedy. Testing was last done in the 90's and 2008 and Mr. Dhuse said lines were fixed at that time. If illegal connections are found, Public Works will witness disconnection and it may go to adjudication. This will move forward to the full Council on the consent agenda for information.
1. PW 2022-47 Route 47 Trail Location
Mr. Dhuse said after the recession, IDOT asked about putting a trail on Rt. 47 on the south side of town. The city said there was a trail through Windett Ridge and then over to Rt. 71. Three weeks ago, IDOT asked Public Works if the trail was still wanted and they would pay 100% of the construction and do the design. This would give a continuous trail from the north end to the south end of town. Alderman Peterson asked how much the maintenance would cost since the city would be responsible for that. Mr. Dhuse said he will do a spreadsheet and the maintenance would consist of mowing and sealcoating. Mr. Olson estimated it would be $7,000-$8,000 a year for a 1.5 stretch of trail. The Committee recommended moving this to the consent agenda.
2. PW 2022-48 East Main Street Improvements – Change Order No. 1 – Sidewalk Additions
Mr. Sanderson said the city entered into an agreement with Holiday Water & Sewer for watermain replacement as well as sidewalk and roadway improvements. There was additional money left so it will be recommended to do more sidewalk. Genera Construction is the sub-contractor and they are already doing sidewalk there. The prices were reasonable, and work will begin provided a current strike ends soon. Responding to a question from Chairman Marek, Mr. Dhuse said 4-foot sidewalks are the standard width. This will move to the Council consent agenda.
3. PW 2022-49 Prairie Pointe Parking Lot Improvements – Construction Engineering Agreement
Mr. Olson said bids were approved at the last Council meeting and this is in the budget. The agreement is for $46,384 and is with EEI.
4. PW 2022-50 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Streetlight Heads, Arms and Poles for the Fox Hill Subdivision
This is the second year of replacing light poles and as of now, 45 of 50 poles have been done, said Mr. Dhuse. The project is budgeted and only 20 will be received to save money and there is a 16-week lead time. This moves to the City Council regular agenda.
5. PW 2022-51 Prairie Lane, Georgeanna Street and Pleasure Drive Water Main Replacement – Design Engineering Agreement
This agreement is with EEI for design in the next year's Road to Better Roads Program. It is budgeted at $132,683. It is recommended for approval and moves to the consent agenda.
6. PW 2022-52 Lead Service Line Inventory – Engineering Agreement
EEI gave a presentation at the last meeting as to the mandated steps the city must take to remedy lead service lines. This is the contract with EEI in the amount of $34,965 and is budgeted, said Mr. Olson who recommended approval. This also moves to the consent agenda.
7. PW 2022-53 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of a Proteus Lite System (A Sewer Camera Inspection System)
Mr. Dhuse thanked Purchasing Manager Shanel Gayle for tremendous help with this project and the street lights. He said the old camera broke and this new system has a remote control crawler camera feature that can get into the sewer mains. It will help do preventive maintenance and when they do the Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study, they will be able to record and look at surfaces. In addition, this system can be added onto and eventually mounted on a truck. He said $100,000 was budgeted and the cost of this system is $65,000. He said the first push camera lasted 13 years and he hopes to get at least 10 years from the new system. There is a year warranty and trade-in ability. The system will be used at least 1-2 times per month and likely more. It is generator powered. This moves to the City Council for further discussion.
Old Business: None
Additional Business:
Mr. Sanderson gave updates for Fox Hill and said D Construction received the punchlist and is proceeding with the work with no question. One of the big items is they are adding rejuvenator to the streets and will schedule it within the next couple weeks. Ms. Willrett will post information on social media and fliers will be mailed to notify residents when the work schedule is known. The work will be done overnight since no traffic can be allowed until the product sets up and staff will be there to oversee. Also, poles have been placed for the Fox Hill sign.
In another matter, Alderman Peterson asked if there is a brush pick-up scheduled. There was a pickup just this week and the next one will be the last full week of August with October being the final pickup.
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 6:41pm.