
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Oswego Planning & Zoning Commission met March 9

Village of Oswego Planning & Zoning Commission met March 9.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:


Chairman Pajor called the Oswego Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.


Present: Andrew McCallum, Charlie Pajor, Justin Sather, Judy Sollinger Absent: Dominick Cirone, Jason Kapus, Rick Kuhn (arrived at 7:03 p.m.)

There was a quorum.

Oswego community representatives in attendance were:

Present: Rod Zenner, Director; Valeria Tarka, Planner; Mary Ellen Bliss, Recording Secretary; William Thomas, Village Attorney


Motion: Commissioner Sollinger, second Commissioner McCallum to accept the minutes of the February 9, 2023 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting.

Ayes: Commissioners McCallum, Pajor, Sather, Sollinger

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Cirone, Kapus, Kuhn

Motion carried


Preliminary/Final PUD

Scooter’s Coffee

Applicant: Rob Hart

Project #1165.23

Project Manager: Rod Zenner

Motion: Commissioner Sollinger, second Commissioner McCallum to open the Public Hearing at 7:02 p.m.

Ayes: Commissioners McCallum, Pajor, Sather, Sollinger

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Cirone, Kapus, Kuhn

Motion carried

Director Zenner stated the petitioner is requesting approval of a Preliminary/Final PUD to allow for the development of a drive-thru coffee kiosk located at the east corner of Route 71 and Washington Street/Plainfield Road. Director Zenner stated the property was rezoned to the B 2 Community Shopping District in 2011 as part of a larger commercial project planned for the entire block, but that development did not occur, and the property has remained zoned B-2.

Director Zenner stated the proposed plan calls for a 664 square foot kiosk structure in the center of the property with access provided by a right-in/right out access point along Route 71. Director Zenner stated the business model provides drive-thru service only, with drive-thru stacking wrapping around the building along the north, east, and south sides. Director Zenner stated the site provides seven parking spaces intended for employees only as the building does not have indoor seating.

Director Zenner reviewed the landscaping requirements and stated staff recommends additional landscaping material to more closely meet the Code requirements and to provide screening from the existing single-family residential properties. Director Zenner reviewed the proposed elevations and signage, and stated staff recommends a revised sign package more in-keeping with Village Code requirements.

Bill Wonas was sworn in

Lisle, IL

Mr. Wonas stated he owns Ace Hardware across from the property and stated his concerns with traffic congestion. Mr. Wonas stated he believes the concrete median should be removed to allow for better access.

Jeff Fowler was sworn in

Oswego, IL

Mr. Fowler stated his concerns with traffic congestion and the right in/right out access point.

Bruce Morrick was sworn in

Oswego, IL

Mr. Morrick stated Jeff and Alice Lestina, who live next to the proposed site, asked Mr. Morrick to read a statement on their behalf since they could not attend this meeting. In the statement, Mr. and Mrs. Lestina stated their concerns with noise, lights, backyard privacy, traffic flow, and traffic congestion potentially causing accidents.

No additional audience members wished to speak at the public hearing.

Motion: Commissioner Kuhn, second Commissioner Sollinger to close the Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m.

Ayes: Commissioners Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather, Sollinger

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Cirone, Kapus

Motion carried

The Commission discussed concerns with stacking and traffic congestion, right in/right out access, excessive signage, and minimal landscaping. The Commission discussed whether developing this parcel by itself could limit development of neighboring parcels, and how lack of parking and seating could limit use of this property should it ever be sold to another business. The Commission expressed their support of the product but stated this is not the right location.


Motion: Commissioner Kuhn, second Commissioner Sollinger to deny the Findings of Fact and deny recommendation of the Preliminary/Final PUD and Subdivision Plat for Scooter’s Coffee at 4490 Route 71.

Ayes: Commissioners Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather, Sollinger

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Cirone, Kapus

Motion carried

Preliminary/Final PUD

Renovatio Landscape & Design

Applicant: Nick Trauth

Project #1166.23

Project Manager: Valeria Tarka

Motion: Commissioner Sollinger, second Commissioner McCallum to open the Public Hearing at 7:26 p.m.

Ayes: Commissioners Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather, Sollinger

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Cirone, Kapus

Motion carried

Ms. Tarka stated the petitioner is requesting approval of a Special Use for a Preliminary and Final PUD and Plat to allow for the development of an approximately 4,871 square foot industrial building and a fenced parking lot area for outdoor storage located at 94 Templeton Drive (Lot 20 of Stonehill Business Park).

Ms. Tarka stated there will be two access aisles onto the property: off Templeton Drive which will lead to a gated access to the fenced storage yard, and off Stonehill Road which will lead to the customer parking lot and an additional entrance to the fenced storage yard. Ms. Tarka stated the fenced storage yard will lead to the back of the building, including three interior repair bays for company vehicles, as well as walled outdoor storage, and a plant material storage shed.

Ms. Tarka stated the petitioner is requesting 12 storage bays for landscaping materials and three covered storage bays for salt and topsoil. Ms. Tarka stated staff has asked for an additional wall to be added to ensure that salt does not come into contact with the pervious area to the north. Ms. Tarka stated staff has requested additional information on the cover for the bays with salt materials to ensure it meets Code requirements. Ms. Tarka stated staff has requested additional information on the materials and height for the proposed plant material storage shed.

Ms. Tarka reviewed parking requirements and stated staff has asked for additional information on the number of employee vehicles to confirm that the number of spaces provided would meet Code requirements. Ms. Tarka reviewed landscaping requirements and stated staff is of the opinion that landscape buffers will not be required along the north and west sides, but staff requires street trees to be added to the south and east property lines.

John Swierk was sworn in

Crystal Lake, IL

Mr. Swierk, DDCA Architects, stated the petitioner is willing to address staff concerns as outlined in the staff report.

No additional audience members wished to speak at the public hearing.

Motion: Commissioner Sollinger, second Commissioner McCallum to close the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m.

Ayes: Commissioners Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather, Sollinger

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Cirone, Kapus

Motion carried

Commissioner Pajor noted there is a scribner’s error on the elevation directions.


Motion: Commissioner Sollinger, second Commissioner Kuhn to accept the Findings of Fact and recommends approval of the Special Use for a Preliminary and Final PUD, to allow for the development of an industrial building and outdoor storage subject to the following:

• Final engineering approval

• Revised landscaping plan to include street trees

• Provide staff with additional details on the covered storage bays and the plant material building

Ayes: Commissioners Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather, Sollinger

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Cirone, Kapus

Motion carried












No report.


No report.




No report.

14. NEXT MEETING - April 6, 2023


Motion: Commissioner Sollinger, second Commissioner McCallum to adjourn the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting.

Ayes: Commissioners Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather, Sollinger

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Cirone, Kapus

Motion carried

Chairman Pajor adjourned the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting at 7:34 p.m.
