
Kendall County Times

Friday, November 22, 2024

City of Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees met Aug. 14

City of Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees met Aug. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Theron Garcia, roll was called and a quorum was established.

Roll Call:

Tara Schumacher-yes, Jason Hedman-yes, Keri Pesola-yes, Jackie Milschewski-yes, Ryan Forristall-yes, Theron Garcia-yes, Rosie Millen-yes, Bret Reifsteck (arr. 7:03pm)

Staff Present:

Library Director Shelley Augustine

Others Present:

Valerie Burd, Laura Allen, Jerre Henriksen, Susan Neustrom-Friends of the Library, Molly Krempski, Mike Krempski, Brynn Krempski, Rachel Engelhardt

Recognition of Visitors:

President Garcia recognized staff and guests.

Amendments to the Agenda: None

Presentations: None

Minutes: July 6, 2023 Personnel Committee; July 10, 2023 Board of Trustees; July 17, 2023 Finance Committee

Ms. Millen noted a correction on the July 10 Board minutes, page 2, under Friends of Library Report—should say “Friends of the Library already has a federal EIN number”. Ms. Garcia then moved and Ms. Milschewski seconded the motion to approve all minutes and the correction.

Roll call: Hedman-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Millen-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes. Carried 8-0.


Ms. Augustine read an email from A.I.D. (Association for Individual Development) thanking the library for their support and hospitality.

Public Comment:

Valerie Burd: She thanked the staff for their service and dedication to the library. She is a former City Council member. She realizes there is some negative feedback, but she said the library is a wonderful resource for the community and she is excited to see all the new things going on at the library. She does the Community Guide for the Chamber of Commerce and put the library on the front cover this year. She said the library represents the citizens of Yorkville.

Rachel Engelhardt: She grew up in the library and has seen the library in various locations. She and her family have checked out thousands of books over the past few years. She thanked all the Board and staff and said the library is an important part of people's lives and she also thanked the library for all the programs including the mini-golf. She is thankful for all the available books and said the library opened up the world for her children.

She said the library makes people feel welcome and she is happy the kids have access to books that reflect who they are and also people who aren't like them and to learn about other religions, cultures and places.

Jerre Henriksen: She is a former citizen and thanked the library for providing a welcoming environment. She is a strong believer in life-long learning and the library supports that.

Molly Krempski: Ms. Krempski handed out pages that she had copied from a book titled Gender Queer and she also quoted from some of the pages. She said the library has more erotic type books. Ms. Krempski quoted the Preamble to the Illinois Constitution which asks for God's blessings and she said you [Board members] took an oath to facilitate the flow of God's blessings by upholding the Constitution. We must run public establishments according to God's law. She said supplying 'homosexual gender-bending pornography' to minors is not something that will bring blessings to the people of Illinois. The books being provided to children in this library violate rights. She said the people and God do not consent to these books and the books will be removed. She encouraged all to turn away from leading children into sexual depravity.

Michael Krempski: He said one does not need to be a Christian to live or govern in America but we must uphold the constitution of the Christian nation. He shared quotes from John Adams, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, who said this nation was founded on Christianity. Mr. Krempski also quoted Patrick Henry an orator, attorney and more. Christianity was the religion of our founders, said Mr. Krempski. He also quoted Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration, physician and other titles. Mr. Krempski said our founding fathers were Christians and expected the country to be Christian and run by the laws of God.

Laura Allen: She said it is a 'dumb' idea to ban books and she said the Bible does not say that homosexuality is wrong. She said John Adams did not go to church and said Christianity should not run the government—those two things are separate. She will let her children choose their own books but will tell them if it's wrong for them. She will not force her religion on others.

Friends of the Library Report:

Ms. Neustrom said the Friends met today with a record-breaking number of members present. She reported the amount of money in their account and said a large amount is already earmarked for programs. She also reported on funds raised from lobby book sales this month and from yoga. The Friends approved an increase for the Dabblers and the monthly Explorer program.

Staff Comment: None

Report of the Treasurer:

Financial Statement and Payment of Bills

Treasurer Milschewski noted the $14,605 Trico bill and the development fees of $22,000 that were received, resulting in 111% funding in the budget. Ms. Milschewski moved and Ms. Garcia seconded a motion to pay the bills as follows:

$41,293.14 Accounts Payable

$37,297.54 Payroll

$78,590.68 Total

Roll call: Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Millen-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes. Carried 8-0.

Report of the Library Director:

Ms. Augustine reported the following:

1. She highlighted the many upcoming programs to be presented.

2. Friends of the Library book sale to be held during Hometown Days September 2nd and 3rd.

3. There were 10 bids for cleaning services and the library will join the city in a contract. The new cost to the library is $1,950 monthly, compared to the prior $5,177 monthly. The same services previously provided are included in this one-year contract.

4. Library had a recent power failure forcing closure for the day. It was found to be a problem in ComEd lines. A breaker on the rooftop server unit had to be replaced.

5. Received one reply/quote for gutter and window cleaning (inside & outside) at cost of $3,550. 6. For library outreach, staff had a tent at Riverfest and participated in National Police Night Out.

7. At monthly managers' meeting, staff asked for statement from the Board to address book ban challenges. A Policy Committee meeting will be scheduled.

8. Tornado siren sounded in July and all patrons were moved to downstairs bathrooms.

9. Library to be closed September 29th for PUG Day and 15 staff members will attend training.

10. Will be hiring 2 part-time staff to replace staff who have moved to full-time jobs.

11. State Senator Sue Rezin's office will be at library on Thursday.

12. Received FOIA from NBC News regarding books being challenged in libraries, 200 other libraries also received the FOIA request. The FOIA is now closed.

13. Library asked PD to retrieve a laptop and hotspot not returned by a patron after 2 months. Value $530.

14. Moving to new on-line catalog on PrairieCat.

15. Ms. Augustine attended several meetings and events in the month. She also met with Sugar Grove Library Director (to be discussed later in meeting), will also meet with the 2 new interim school Superintendents on August 22nd.

16. Director presented pamphlet from RAILS and she also created a sheet explaining RAILS and PrairieCat. City Council Liaison: No report

Standing Committees:

Personnel and Finance

Ms. Garcia said the Personnel Committee and Finance Committee both met to finish the Director's Annual Evaluation which will be discussed later in Executive Session.

Unfinished Business:

HVAC Update

In a previous meeting, Ms. Augustine explained how the refrigerant was contaminated and was replaced in one of the 2 circuits. Last week that circuit failed and the library is now running on one. Trico is bringing a manufacturer's rep with them tomorrow to determine the cause. Also, she said boiler #2 was not functioning today because the water pump failed. In addition, Ted Milschewski has several concerns about the equipment in the ceiling and as a result, Ted from Trico has recommended a survey be done of all boxes, valves, actuators, etc. He said a complete survey would be beneficial and could be done over 2-3 days. The survey would allow them to see how things are set up, repairs needed and cost of repairs. The survey cost and testing would be $2,300- $3,500. Mr. Forristall said the library should receive “as builts” after that and Mr. Hedman noted the library already has “as builts” that Trico could use.

New Business:

Strategic Planning for FY25-28

Ms. Augustine presented Strategic Plan materials she received from a consultant. She also attended a 3-part Zoom seminar that itemized the labor-intensive process for Strategic Plans. Director Augustine asked for a quote from the consultant and was told the services are ala carte pricing. The program is divided into phases which are Learn Phase, Do Phase and Dream Phase and Ms. Augustine gave a further explanation of each of those. The Plan is good for 3-5 years and can be spearheaded either by the consultant or staff. The cost for the consultant to do all is $22,000 or $6,900 to do some of the phases.

The Board decided they would like the consultant to give a presentation. Board members' comments: Ms. Pesola said the Board must evaluate costs vs. time as the process would require much staff time. The Board must look very carefully at the costs of a consultant in view of the boiler issues, stated Ms. Schumacher. Mr. Hedman asked if the library could engage more on the analysis and planning side and do a blended approach.

Ms. Augustine will contact the consultant who is from Champaign and who may wish to do a Zoom appearance at the Board meeting. Ms. Millen asked for references and for the Director to contact libraries who used the ala carte or the whole program.

Future Library Planning Discussion

Ms. Augustine said this discussion coincides with Strategic Planning. Currently the library gets $1.8 in revenue and $864,000 is for debt service for the bond which will be fulfilled in December, 2024. She said the library was constructed in 2006 and there is much deferred maintenance with many repairs needed. She discussed this with City Administrator Bart Olson and gave him a list of the many things needed and desired for the library.

The Director also met with Sugar Grove's Library Director since their library bonds were recently fully paid. Sugar Grove reached out to their community asking for a no-tax referendum by rolling the money they would have spent on bonds, into their operating costs, resulting in no extra cost for the taxpayers. The money will be used for building improvements and towards savings for their capital improvement plan. Sugar Grove hired a bond attorney and a marketing consultant who drafted papers to help put the message out to the community. It was stressed that if this idea did not pass, hours and people would be cut. Ms. Augustine said in 2008-2010, hours and budget had to be cut at this library. She made the following points:

1. Library is open 55 hours a week now, state recommends 56 hours; Director would like 66 hours, would need more staff.

2. Additional staffing-- state has guidelines--we are at 10.8 and for a growing library it would be 18.8.

3. Outreach services & programming: would like to add an outreach department, visit schools, assisted living visits, daycares, etc. would need staffing for this.

4. Offer competitive wages, we have lost part-time and full-time employees to other libraries. Would like to create salary survey.

5. Add more collaborative spaces, present space is used/full every day.

6. Create maker space—hands on learning, would like space for podcast.

7. Would like creative space (for music, etc.)

8. Would like laser cutters & vinyl cutters for people to create for Etsy.

9. Possible space utilization study to re-allocate space.

10. Increase digital collections.

11. Add more databases.

Director Augustine also detailed the numerous infrastructure needs:

1. LED lighting

2. New chiller

3. Server room unit

4. BAS (Building Automation System) upgrade/maintenance contract, can't control our lighting since not connected with BAS

5. HVAC infrastructure, current one coming to end of life, quote for new one soon

6. Boilers nearing end of life within 5 years

7. New carpeting, have original carpet now, a 2017 price was $267,000

8. Update bathroom plumbing, faucets need to be replaced

9. Add insulation to roof (result of frozen pipes this winter)

10. Upgrade PA system

11. Painting/caulking

12. Update meeting room and nearby bathrooms, modular tables able to be moved, stackable chairs

13. Spoke with city about option of library paying for some of the services provided

14. Long-term goal...to become sustainable

Director Augustine also spoke with the County Clerk and they discussed the taxing bodies and taxing rate for area libraries. Yorkville Library is the second to last in collecting tax for operating costs. Yorkville has the largest building except for Oswego and Aurora and we collect the least amount of tax for operating costs. Mr. Hedman stated that Sugar Grove is a district library vs. Yorkville being a municipal library and he suggested that the library should continue to work closely with the city on the value of the library. Ms. Augustine said Mr. Olson would like to see more information. Mr. Hedman suggested a plan of allocation if we had this extra money and Ms. Pesola said the Board needs to draft a priority list. A special Board meeting was suggested by President Garcia and a tentative date of August 28th at 7pm was set. Ms. Augustine will contact all board members.

Ms. Milschewski asked about the cost of Sugar Grove's referendum. Their consultant did not charge unless it passed, which it did. She also suggested we invite a city rep, Mr. Olson and the Mayor to attend the meeting. Ms. Milschewski said this info should be disseminated to the community as well.

A Policy Committee meeting was also set and they will meet August 23rd at 6pm.

Executive Session:

At approximately 8:20pm, Ms. Garcia made a motion to go into Executive Session and she read the reason as follows: For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body, or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. Mr. Hedman seconded the motion.

Roll call: Milschewski-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Millen-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes, Pesola-yes. Carried 8-0.

The Session concluded at about 8:31pm and the Board returned to their regular meeting.

New Business continued:

Based upon a recommendation during the Executive Session, Ms. Milschewski moved and Ms. Garcia seconded to approve the Director's evaluation as presented along with the 5% increase in pay and retroactive. Roll call: Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Millen-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes. Passed 8-0.


The meeting adjourned at 8:32pm on a motion by Ms. Garcia and second by Ms. Schumacher.




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