Bill Littlebrant - Ward 1 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook
Bill Littlebrant - Ward 1 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook
City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole March 4.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 9:03 PM
Roll call was taken:
Present: Mayor Latham, Clerk Ii, Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Robinson & Whitecotton
Absent: Alderman Littlebrant
Quorum established
Also Present: Attorney Gottschalk, City Administrator Penman, Police Chief Senne & EMA Director Eberle
Mayor Latham report he has received notice from KKCOM about additional available funds. He will present more information at the next meeting that will affect Pleasant Avenue and Center Street future projects.
Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Gottschalk Law Group: Attorney Gottschalk shared that she attended an IML (Illinois Municipal League) Conference last week. Discussed was the proposal to eliminate the grocery tax citing that Naperville would be affected by $8 million less in tax funding. Another bill is being presented that will grant an extension on lead service pipeline
City Clerk Ii: No Report
City Treasurer: Open Position
City Administrator Penman met with Bob Carpenter who has some alternate ideas regarding the Opera House roof. A draft copy of the budget has been received from Wes Levy (Lauterbach & Amen) and a link will be provided to aldermen to review the budget prior to the meeting on Saturday, March 9th.
City Department Reports: Curt Dettmann (EEI) advised that 2024 sidewalk program will be advertised this Thursday for bidding. Sidewalks at 4th and Eddy Streets have been added and modified numbers to accommodate the extra cost. A portion of sidewalks near the schools south of town will also be included in the bid packet. Alderman Arnett said some local concrete contractors would like to be included on a vendor list; Curt expressed a list can be created but that the contractor would still have to bid on the projects.
Aldermen Reports: Alderman Arnett worked with City Administrator Penman regarding the Latham Street project, and information packets were provided to all the businesses that may be impacted by the construction including traffic re-routing maps.
New Business:
Civic Plus Meeting Software: City Administrator Penman and Clerk Ii attended a zoom kick-off meeting for new agenda and minute preparation software through Civic Plus, who will also be constructing the city’s new website. Sgt. Eisenberg is assisting with maintaining the current website.
20 mph Downtown Speed Limit: The current speed limit is 30 mph and Council felt it is too fast for the business district. The mayor will bring a proposal back to the Council to amend the speed limit. Plans are underway for festivals and beautification projects, and traffic should be reduced for visitors to the community.
Continue Discussion on Fee Increases: Current licensing fees were provided for Council’s review if any should be increased FY 2024-2025. Some fees may be outdated such as a circus permit or menagerie permit. Mayor Latham asked the Council to focus on more relevant fees. Clerk Ii reminded Council that if fees are to be increased, they must pass an ordinance by the next meeting to follow the timeline for license renewals in April.
Topics for Council Retreat: The Mayor provided the Council with a draft of last year’s agenda to provide an idea of topics that were discussed. Council was invited to add additional topics.
Announcements: Next meeting for the Finance Committee will be on Monday, March 4th, 2024, at 6:30 PM. The Regular Council meeting will meet at 7:00 PM on the same date immediately followed by the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting.
Council Retreat will be held on Saturday, March 16th at 8:00 AM.
Audience Comments:
Deb Peterson reported an incident in the vicinity of Reimann Avenue and 6th Street where CO2 in the ground leaked into a residence. A resident was taken to the hospital, and on-site, the fire department could not offer an explanation why carbon dioxide ground levels were spiking and going into the house.
Elsie Morrissey, in frustration, asked the Council why they are not proactive in approving a non-statuary resolution. As a Republican Committeeman, she walks neighborhoods and said the majority of the public want action taken to make the city a non-sanctuary community to migrants being bussed from Texas. She speaks for the public and is tired of being ignored with her concerns and that no action is being taken.
Resident, Angie Hysjulien, spoke that not everyone supports a non-statuary community. She would rather be a loving, kind, and welcoming person.
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Robinson and seconded by Alderwoman Erickson to adjourn the Committee-of-the-Whole Council Meeting at 9:25 PM. Motion carried unanimously on voice vote.