
Kendall County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Oswego Village President and Board of Trustees met July 16

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Village of Oswego Village Hall | Village of Oswego Website

Village of Oswego Village Hall | Village of Oswego Website

Village of Oswego Village President and Board of Trustees met July 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Ryan Kauffman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Sergeant John J. Momich and Sergeant John B. Momich led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Sergeant John J. Momich served in the US Army in Desert Storm in 1991, helping to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait and then rebuilding Kuwaiti infrastructure. He then moved to the northern border of Iraq and Turkey where he helped administer the United Nations refugee camps for approximately 300,000 displaced Kurdish civilians. He moved with his wife Sharlene to Oswego in 1999 and has been a resident ever since. Sergeant John B. Momich graduated from Oswego High School in 2021. He left for basic training in the US Army immediately after mid-term graduation. After completing basic training at Fort Sill Oklahoma, he attended advanced training at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. He was assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division as a geospatial engineer at Fort Stewart in Georgia. He was deployed to a NATO base in Poland and returned home to US soil in May 2024. His next assignment will find him at Fort Belvoir, near Washington DC in the fall of this year.


Board Members Physically Present: President Ryan Kauffman; Trustees Tom Guist, Kit Kuhrt, Karin McCarthy-Lange, Karen Novy, and Jennifer Jones Sinnott.

Board Members Absent: Trustee Andrew Torres

Staff Physically Present: Dan Di Santo, Village Administrator; Jean Bueche, Asst. Village Administrator; Tina Touchette, Village Clerk; Jason Bastin, Police Chief; Jennifer Hughes, Public Works Director; Andrea Lamberg, Finance Director; Rod Zenner, Development Services Director; Joe Renzetti, IT Director; Kevin Leighty, Economic Development Director; Bridget Bittman, Communications Manager; and Dave Silverman, Village Attorney.


D.1 Oath of Office

a) John J. Maertzig- Sergeant

President Kauffman asked Officer Maertzig and Chief Bastin to come forward. Chief Bastin spoke briefly about Officer Maertzig’s history and duties with the department and family members who were in attendance. President Kauffman administered the oath. Pictures were taken.

D.2 Employee Service Awards

a) Joe McGillis- 10 Years of Service (Public Works Department)- Joe could not attend the meeting as he is out helping with the clean-up from the storm. President Kauffman thanked him for his service.

b) Ken Foote- 15 Years of Service (Police Department)- Ken could not attend the meeting. President Kauffman thanked him for his service

D.3 Business of the Month Recognition - Hennessy’s River View Ford, Inc.

President Kauffman asked the representatives from Hennessy’s River View Ford, Director Leighty, and Economic Development Commission members to come up to the front. President Kauffman stated the following:

I’d like to extend our congratulations to Hennessy’s River View Ford for being featured as the Economic Development Commission’s Business of the Month for July. Each month, the Economic Development Commissioners nominate and vote on a business to feature which has demonstrated significant involvement in the Oswego community. This month features Hennessy’s River View Ford, which is owned by John Hennessy and managed by Jack Daniels. River View Ford’s history goes all the way back to 1966 when John’s father Joseph started as a Ford Dealer in Hammond, Indiana and then Calumet City, Illinois shortly thereafter. During his time there, he became one of the largest volume dealers in Chicagoland and also served as the Chairman for the Chicago Automobile Trade Association for 1976-77. John followed in his father’s footsteps by serving in the same role 40 years later from 2016-17. John’s start in the business goes back to the 1980’s when he worked his way up from cleaning cars to selling both new and used vehicles. In 2009, the Hennessy family purchased River View Ford here in Oswego and moved their entire operation to the area in 2011. The Hennessy family business has been here ever since and will be celebrating its 15th year in Oswego this year. John’s philosophy when it comes to doing business is to “show everyone the love” by treating both customers and staff alike with kindness, respect, and care. This giving nature is extended to River View Ford’s philanthropic efforts as well. In addition to being active members of the Oswego Area Chamber, John and his team have been substantially involved in the local community. A few of the many organizations that River View Ford supports include: The American Cancer Association, Community School District 308, Heartland Blood Center, Illinois Army National Guard, and JDRF among several others. Please join me once again in congratulating Hennessy’s River View Ford for being the July 2024 Business of the Month and thanking them for all the contributions they have made to our community.

President Kauffman congratulated them for being the July 2024 Business of the Month and presented John Hennessy with a certificate. John Hennessy stated: it is truly wonderful to be part of this community; our chemistry is what makes us successful; being transparent and honest to people; will see familiar faces when you walk in; wonderful, gracious and thankful for the award; it means so much. Pictures were taken.


Public Forum was opened at 7:14 p.m. There was no one who requested to speak. The public forum was closed at 7:14 p.m.


Kendall County 211 Introduction- Jennifer Chabot, the Executive Director of 211, introduced herself and provided information on Kendall County 211; 211 is a helpline for health and human resources; you can call (211) or text (898211) for government services that can help; available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year; available in 150 languages; over 1,000 agencies in the database; the number one calls to Kendall County is for emergency housing.

Director Hughes- provided an update on the July 15, 2024, storm/tornado. The NWS confirmed it was an EF-1 tornado in Oswego; winds were 100 mph; path was 16.9 miles from Bristol/Yorkville to Naperville; tornado was 200 yards wide; trees and lines are down along with damage to homes; significant damage in the path; staff performed an initial assessment last night and again this morning; priority is to get the roads and sidewalks open; staff is working with ComEd; Village facilities and the wells are ok; had bucket trucks and the street sweeper out today; requested emergency JULIE locates; brush pick-up is suspended; will have more information on when brush pick-up will resume; need to let Public Works know of downed trees; moving in the right direction; staff is helping to secure places for those who are displaced; no injuries or total loss of homes; Public Works team worked very well.

Board and staff discussion: people don’t understand or realize that the Village doesn’t control the electrical power; staff retains and updates information in ComEd’s system; ComEd prioritizes from bigger lines to smaller lines and prioritizes buildings; issues with lines on the ground and whether they are “live”; can’t touch any lines; in some neighborhoods the lines are in the backyards and ComEd has trouble getting to the lines; getting the most customers on first; it takes time; Oswego’s tornado was one of many tornados, wind shear and down drafts; a lot of moving parts that can delay the restoring of power; call ComEd at 1-800-Edison1. Board thanked Public Works, the Police Department and Fire Department for all of their work.


G.1 June 25, 2025 Committee of the Whole Minutes

G.2 June 25, 2025 Regular Village Board Minutes

G.3 Ordinance Amending Title 1 Chapter 18 Section 6; Conflict of interest

G.4 Purchase of Mini Excavator:

a) Resolution Authorizing Purchase of a Mini Excavator, Attachments, and Trailer from Altorfer CAT of Naperville, IL for the Amount of $107,500.00 Using Sourcewell Pricing and Waiving of the Competitive Public Bidding Requirements

b) Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Property Owned by the Village of Oswego, Kendall & Will Counties, Illinois

A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee McCarthy-Lange to approve the Consent Agenda; Approving the June 25, 2024 Committee of the Whole Minutes; Approving the June 25, 2024 Regular Village Board Minutes; and Approving the following ordinances and resolution:

Ordinance No. 24-63; Ordinance Amending Title 1 Chapter 18 Section 6; Conflict of interest. Ordinance No. 24-64; Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Property Owned by the Village of Oswego, Kendall & Will Counties, Illinois

Resolution No. 24-R-54; Resolution Authorizing Purchase of a Mini Excavator, Attachments, and Trailer from Altorfer CAT of Naperville, IL for the Amount of $107,500.00 Using Sourcewell Pricing and Waiving of the Competitive Public Bidding Requirements.

Aye: Tom Guist     Jennifer Jones Sinnott

Kit Kuhrt               Karin McCarthy-Lange

Karen Novy

Nay: None

Absent: Andrew Torres

The motion was declared carried by an omnibus roll call vote with five (5) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.


H.1 Approve Bill List Dated July 16, 2024, in the Amount of $2,486,625.06.

A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee McCarthy-Lange to approve the Bill List Dated July 16, 2024, in the Amount of $2,486,625.06.

Aye: Tom Guist    Jennifer Jones Sinnott

Kit Kuhrt               Karin McCarthy-Lange

Karen Novy

Nay: None

Absent: Andrew Torres

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with five (5) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.


There was no old business.


J.1 Hudson Pointe II

a) Conduct the Public Hearing on the Annexation Agreement

President Kauffman opened the public hearing at 7:31 p.m. No one chose to speak. The public hearing was closed at 7:31 p.m.

Director Zenner addressed the Board regarding the Hudson Pointe II annexation. The petitioner, CalAtlantic Group, LLC (also known as Lennar), is proposing to develop 144 single family homes and owner-occupied 87 townhome units, along with three detention areas and a three-acre park. The applicant proposes two types of single-family homes based on lot size: “71’ x 131’ Single Family” (75 lots) and “63’ x 131’ Single Family” (69 lots). The proposed project is adjacent to the future Wikaduke Trail, the planned north-south roadway connecting Interstate 88 with Interstate 80 through Will, Kane, DuPage, and Kendall Counties. The proposed development has been designed with this future roadway in mind, but this section of the Wikaduke Trail would not be constructed as part of this development. The applicant will dedicate the necessary right-of-way for the Wikaduke Trail, which will represent the first Wikaduke Trail right-of-way dedication in Oswego. This section of the Wikaduke Trail from Rt. 30 to Rance Road represents the only missing link of right-of-way in the entire Wikaduke corridor. The plan proposes one full-access, external access point off Harvey Road, approximately 2,300 feet south of Wolf’s Crossing Road. The developer will construct a left turn lane into this access point. A stub street is provided at the far east side of the subject property.

John McFarland, representative for CalAtlantic Group (Lennar Homes) presented the following:

• Natural extension to Hudson Pointe I

• Buffer and landscaping

• Continuation of Devoe

• East west road connection

• Natural stormwater detention basins

• Path network east west and north south that the Park District will maintain

• Same single family and townhomes

• Upper $300,000 to mid $500,000

Board and staff discussion focused on PZC had concerns with density; variance requested for setbacks; setbacks are the same as Hudson Pointe I; some sites are smaller and some sites are larger; almost all sites back up to open space, a pond, or landscape buffer; nice amount of space to park; stop sign at Harvey Road with left turn lane; extending improvements; gets us closer to getting the Wikiduke Trail open; I-88 to I-80 connection is the Wikiduke Trail; if Hudson Pointe II approved, it will get us the first piece of the Wikiduke Trail connection; will be a stump street that will go through. There was no further discussion.

b) Ordinance Entering into an Annexation Agreement Between the Village of Oswego and CalAtlantic Group, LLC. Ordinance No. 24-65

A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee Guist to approve an Ordinance Entering into an Annexation Agreement Between the Village of Oswego and CalAtlantic Group, LLC for the Hudson Pointe II Development.

Aye: Tom Guist                 Jennifer Jones Sinnott

Karin McCarthy-Lange     Karen Novy

President Ryan Kauffman

Nay: None

Present: Kit Kuhrt

Absent: Andrew Torres

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with five (5) aye votes, zero (0) nay votes, and one (1) present vote.

c) Ordinance Annexing Hudson Pointe II Ordinance No. 24-66

A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee Guist to approve an Ordinance Annexing Territory East of Harvey Road and South of Hudson Pointe.

Aye: Tom Guist                Jennifer Jones Sinnott

Karin McCarthy-Lange    Karen Novy

Nay: None

Present: Kit Kuhrt

Absent: Andrew Torres

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with four (4) aye votes, zero (0) nay votes, and one (1) present vote.

d) Ordinance Rezoning Hudson Pointe II Ordinance No. 24-67

A motion was made by Trustee Guist and seconded by Trustee Jones Sinnott to approve an Ordinance Rezoning Territory East of Harvey Road and South of Hudson Pointe from R-1 District to R-2 District and R-4 District.

Aye: Tom Guist                Jennifer Jones Sinnott

Karin McCarthy-Lange    Karen Novy

Nay: None

Present: Kit Kuhrt

Absent: Andrew Torres

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with four (4) aye votes, zero (0) nay votes, and one (1) present vote.

e) Ordinance Approving a Preliminary and Final PUD and Subdivision Plat for Hudson Pointe II Ordinance No. 24-68

A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee Guist to approve an Ordinance Granting a Special Use for a Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development and Plat for Hudson Pointe II.

Aye: Tom Guist               Jennifer Jones Sinnott

Karin McCarthy-Lange   Karen Novy

Nay: None

Present: Kit Kuhrt

Absent: Andrew Torres

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with four (4) aye votes, zero (0) nay votes, and one (1) present vote.

J.2 1038 Harvey Road

a) Conduct a Public Hearing on the Proposed Annexation Agreement

Director Zenner addressed the Board regarding the 1038 Harvey Road annexation. The property is approximately 3.175 acres located on the east side of Harvey Road, 500 feet north of Treasure Drive and across from Meadows Court. The property is zoned A-1 Agricultural District in unincorporated Kendall County and is currently contiguous to the Village on all sides. Only the annexation agreement is before the Village Board for consideration. If the applicant meets the conditions included in the annexation agreement (see below for details), they will be eligible to request annexation and rezoning to M-1 General Manufacturing District. There are several features of the property which do not conform to Oswego Code, including the accessory structures, landscaping, and driveway. The petitioner is requesting to annex to the Village to allow the site to continue as-is. The existing single-family home is not a permitted use in the M-1 District and would therefore be considered a non-conforming use. The use of the single-family home can continue, but it would not be allowed to expand. If the home were abandoned for a period of six months, the home could not be occupied as a home without rezoning.

If the applicant completes all of the conditions, within one year of approval of this annexation agreement, the property can be annexed. The conditions are the following:

a) The pool shall be inspected by the building department and, if necessary, that the owner shall install a barrier around the pool;

b) A privacy fence, at least six feet (6’) in height shall be installed around the outdoor storage area;

c) The southern driveway approach shall be reconstructed to meet Village standards;

d) The southern driveway approach shall be reconfigured to align with Meadows Court;

e) A forty-foot (40’) right-of-way along Harvey Road shall be dedicated;

f) Building department shall be permitted to inspect the existing single-family building and, if necessary, that the owner shall address all life-safety concerns.

Other conditions:

• Upon annexation, the territory would be rezoned to the M-1 General Manufacturing District.

• The property is currently on well and septic. They will not be required to connect to sanitary and water unless the existing well and/or septic system(s) fail or if new facilities are constructed on-site.

• Except for the items to be addressed in Section 1 of the annexation, existing conditions on the property will be considered legal nonconformities.

• Previously, Kendall County imposed a fine against the property owner for violations of Kendall County’s building and zoning requirements. The owner subsequently entered into a repayment agreement with Kendall County. The annexation agreement requires the owner to remain in good standing with the County pursuant to their repayment agreement.

President Kauffman opened the public hearing at 7:49 p.m.

Miguel Fernandez came to the podium and stated he was here on behalf of the applicants. The public hearing was closed at 7:50 p.m.

a) Ordinance Authorizing Entering into an Annexation Agreement with Jose & Silvia Martinez for the 3.175-acre subject property located at 1038 Harvey Road. Ordinance No. 24-69

A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee McCarthy-Lange to approve an Ordinance Authorizing Entering into an Annexation Agreement with Jose & Silvia Martinez for the 3.175-acre subject property located at 1038 Harvey Road.

Aye: Tom Guist                  Jennifer Jones Sinnott

Karin McCarthy-Lange      Karen Novy

President Ryan Kauffman

Nay: Kit Kuhrt

Absent: Andrew Torres

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with five (5) aye votes and one (1) nay vote.

J.3 Resolution Authorizing the Finance Director to Enter into a Contract with MC2 for the Purposes of Municipal Aggregation Through the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative Bid Process. Resolution No. 24-R-55

Director Lamberg addressed the Board regarding municipal aggregation. Municipal Aggregation is a program whereby the Village can procure more favorable electric rates than ComEd for residents’ home electric bills. Currently, the municipality runs an aggregation price match program which means the residents pay the same rate as ComEd, and in turn the Village creates renewable energy. It is recommended that the Village renew the aggregation program with all residents paying exactly the ComEd rate. Residents would never pay more or less than the ComEd rate. The program matches the ComEd residential rate, as it changes month to month. In return for running the program the supplier, MC2 provides one of the following to the Village:

● 5% of the town’s electric creation from homes and small businesses would be renewable energy.


● A civic contribution of $12,000

Director Lamberg is looking for direction, from the Board, to authorize her to enter into a contract with MC2 and consensus on whether it’s renewable energy or contribution.

Board, staff and NIMEC representative Adam Hoover discussion focused on looking to see if they could beat ComEd’s rate; renewable energy; Lisle uses the civic contribution towards renewable energy projects; currently have $33,000 in an account from previous years; whether to take the contribution and doing something that is renewable; no stipulations on what we do with the contribution; how to make sure we use the money for renewable energy; money kept in a separate account; can brainstorm ideas and add them into a slide for the upcoming budget workshop; whether to partner with other communities. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Novy and seconded by Trustee McCarthy-Lange to approve the Resolution Authorizing the Finance Director to Enter into a Contract with MC2 for the Purposes of Municipal Aggregation Through the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative Bid Process.

Aye: Tom Guist     Jennifer Jones Sinnott

Kit Kuhrt                Karin McCarthy-Lange

Karen Novy

Nay: None

Absent: Andrew Torres

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with five (5) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

J.4 An Ordinance Providing for the Redemption and Payment Prior to Maturity of $3,005,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2013, and the Execution and Delivery of an Escrow Agreement in Connection Therewith. Ordinance No. 24-70

Director Lamberg addressed the Board regarding the payment for Bond Series 2013. The General Fund ended Fiscal Year 2024 with a surplus of just over $6,000,000 and has a fund balance reserve that exceeds the requirements of the fund balance policy. At the June 25, 2024, Village Board meeting, the Board approved a budget amendment to transfer $3,000,000 of the General Fund’s Fiscal Year 2024 surplus to the Debt Service fund for the purpose of paying off Series 2013 bonds. With accrued interest on the bonds, the payoff amount will be $3,038,555.83. The net present value savings from paying the bonds off early is $137,960.91.

Board and staff discussion focused on will be able to reallocate the $1 million saved to other projects; decision to payoff shows our stability and saving taxpayers money; the other $3 million went to the Capital Fund; important to focus on upcoming projects and needs; focus on big projects and move them along faster. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee McCarthy-Lange to approve an Ordinance Providing for the Redemption and Payment Prior to Maturity of $3,005,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2013, and the Execution and Delivery of an Escrow Agreement in Connection Therewith.

Aye: Tom Guist     Jennifer Jones Sinnott

Kit Kuhrt                Karin McCarthy-Lange

Karen Novy

Nay: None

Absent: Andrew Torres

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with five (5) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.


Trustee Novy- had great 4th of July; fireworks were good; congratulations to Sgt. Maertzig; thank you to Director Hughes for last night and to Administrator Di Santo for keeping us updated; looks like the Venue 1012 event was good.

Trustee Kuhrt- good to be back; concert was good; congratulations to Sgt. Maertzig; attended the Fire Dept. promotion ceremony before the storm hit last night; thank you to Director Hughes for the quick response and to Administrator Di Santo for the updates; thank you to Bridget Bittman for the concert at Venue 1012; band was great; kudos to staff.

Trustee Jones Sinnott- missed a lot with the storms last night; thoughts and prayers to those with damage; knew the PD lateral program was good; great to see guys doing brush pick-up; thank you to Public Works; Venue 1012 is hopping along; great to see the Park District and their location.

Trustee Guist- kudos to the 4th and the fireworks; Venue 1012 continues to take steps in the right direction; kudos to Public Works and how we take them for granted and the comforts of life; they are doing it with less than enough space and need more staff; keep Public Works and their needs in mind.

Trustee McCarthy-Lange- hope everyone had a great 4th of July; sorry she missed it; Public Works rocks and hope they get sleep; good to see paying off debt; surplus to major projects; would like to see more of a balance with development; Hudson Pointe II is not a 50/50 balance of density; hope everyone has a great rest of July.

Trustee Torres- absent; no report.


Village Board on the Block is on July 23rd at the Southbury Clubhouse; Community Kauffee is on August 10th at Venue 1012; congratulations to Sgt. Maertzig; went to the Fire Dept. promotion ceremony; kudos to everyone who was promoted; Public Works doesn’t get all the kudos due to them; thank you for all the work after the tornado; one resident was displaced from the tornado; kudos to Administrator Di Santo and the Kendall County Health Dept. for helping them find a place to stay.


There was no closed session.


A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee McCarthy-Lange to adjourn the meeting; upon a voice vote with all remaining members present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m.
