Jackie Milschewski, Trustee | United City of Yorkville | Facebook
Jackie Milschewski, Trustee | United City of Yorkville | Facebook
City of Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees met Dec. 9.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Theron Garcia, roll was called and a quorum was established.
Roll Call:
Jackie Milschewski-yes, Wendy Gatz-yes, Theron Garcia-yes, Tara Schumacher-yes, Jason Hedman-yes, Keri-Pesola-yes
Absent: Ryan Forristall
Others Present:
Library Director Shelley Augustine, Alderman Craig Soling
Recognition of Visitors:
Ms. Garcia recognized staff and guest.
Amendments to the Agenda: None
Presentations: None
Minutes: October 14, 2024 Board of Trustees and November 11, 2024 Board of Trustees A motion was made by Ms. Garcia and seconded by Ms. Milschewski to approve the minutes of October 14 as presented. Roll call: Gatz-yes, Garcia-yes, Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes. Carried 6-0.
A motion was also made by Ms. Garcia and seconded by Ms. Pesola to approve the November 11 minutes as presented. Roll call: Garcia-yes, Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Gatz-yes. Carried 6-0.
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: None
Friends of the Library Report:
Director Augustine gave the report for the Friends. They had their meeting today as well as a lunch for the staff and Friends. Also, all holes for the mini-golf are sponsored, decorators are in place and raffle items are being obtained. Ticket sales begin now for the mini-golf and raffle baskets ticket sales start January 6.
Staff Comment: None
Report of the Treasurer:
Financial Statement & Payment of Bills
Treasurer Milschewski highlighted a bill for Frank Marshall for surge protector replacements.
Payment of Bills
Ms. Milschewski moved to pay the bills as follows and Ms. Garcia and Ms. Schumacher simultaneously seconded the motion.
$32,253.96 Accounts Payable
$39,666.07 Payroll
$71,920.03 Total
Roll call: Garcia-yes, Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Gatz-yes. Carried 6-0.
Report of the Library Director:
Director Augustine reported the following:
1. Several recurring programs will start in January and will be on a 3 month trial basis.
2. Trico conducted their semi-annual preventative maintenance for HVAC equipment.
3. Chiller will be installed December 26/27 when students will be on break, alleviating any car parking obstacles for the installation.
4. Director to attend Library Legislative Meetup to discuss library and legislative activities both on state and federal level.
5. New Board member will be appointed at the City Council meeting. She is a Friend of the Library and volunteer.
6. A DuPage College student has requested to do their practicum at this library and it requires 75 hours of hands-on experience. A plan will be made to have the student work with each department.
7. The ELL class will be holding an international potluck dinner.
City Council Liaison:
Alderman Soling noted that Costco will be coming to Yorkville with construction starting in spring and opening by end of summer/beginning of fall.
Standing Committees: None
Unfinished Business:
Review Serving Our Public 4.0 Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, Chapters 12 & 13 for the Annual Per Capita Grant
Chapter 12 concerns technology and Ms. Augustine said the library meets most of these standards. They will be focusing on ADA to become library-compliant which will require training. She said the current internet adaptability policy will need to be updated and she asked that the policy committee meet to revise it. Chapter 13 is the Marketing Promotions Collaboration and the library meets most of the standards. She said a marketing/outreach department needs to be formed. A communication plan is also needed and the library will also need to invite state officials. Library orientation for staff and trustees will be updated.
New Business:
Elect New Officer Position – Secretary
Jason Hedman volunteered to fill the vacant role of Secretary. On a motion by Ms. Milschewski and second by Ms. Garcia, he was confirmed. Roll call: Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Gatz yes, Garcia-yes. Carried 6-0.
Executive Session: None
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 7:17pm.