Plano City Council met June 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
The regular meeting of the Plano City Council was called to order on Monday, June 12, 2017 by Mayor Robert A. Hausler in the Council Room at City Hall. The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call:
Steve DeBolt Present Barb Nadeau Present
Ben Eaton Present Jamal Williams Present
Bob Jones Present Tommy Johns Present
Mike Rennels Present Scott Mulliner Present
There was a quorum.
A motion was made by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Rennels, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on May 30, 2017. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed.
A motion was made by Alderman Eaton, seconded by Alderman Williams, to approve the agenda for the regular meeting of June 12, 2017. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed.
A motion was made by Alderman Williams, seconded by Alderman Nadeau, that orders are drawn on the Treasury to pay per warrant list dated June 12, 2017 in the amount of $308,368.79.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Williams, Nadeau, Jones, Johns, Rennels, Mulliner, DeBolt, Eaton
Voting “Nay”:
Motion passed.
A motion was made by Alderman Williams, seconded by Alderman Eaton, that orders are drawn on the Treasury to pay per warrant list dated June 13, 2017 in the amount of $11,626.83. Alderman Rennels excused himself from this motion, and left the room.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Williams, Eaton, DeBolt, Johns, Jones, Mulliner
Voting “Nay”:
Abstain: Nadeau, Rennels
Motion passed. Alderman Rennels returned to the meeting.
Wage Report: There was no wage report.
Introduction of Guests:
Guests and members of the press were welcomed by Mayor Hausler.
Citizen’s Comments: There were no citizen’s comments.
Mayor’s Report: Bob Hausler
Mr. Mayor may miss the June 26, 2017 Council meeting. He is having surgery on June 20th. If he is not present, an alderman will run the meeting in his absence.
Plano Area Chamber Of Commerce: Rich Healy
Mr. Healy thanked everyone who attended the ribbon cutting at Ivana’s last week. He said there were 30-40 people there and it was a great event. He said the golf classic is 06/15/17, with registration at 11:00 a.m., tee time at 1:00 p.m., and dinner after the 18 holes of golf. Mr. Healy said this weekend, June 16th and 17th is the “More on 34” event. There will be businesses on Main Street who will be open for a “More off of 34” event. Mr. Healy said on June 20th, there is a business after hours meeting at the Chamber office for Not-for-Profit agencies, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. He said 7 agencies are signed up to be there, and he’s hoping for three more to sign up.
City Attorney: Tom Grant
Ordinance #2017-25-Prevailing rate of wage-
A motion was made by Alderman Rennels, seconded by Alderman Williams, to approve an ordinance adopting the prevailing rate of wage.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Rennels, Williams, DeBolt, Eaton, Johns, Jones, Mulliner, Nadeau
Voting “Nay”:
Motion passed.
Ordinance #2017-26 Approve B3 Special Use-
A motion was made by Alderman DeBolt, seconded by Alderman Mulliner, to approve an ordinance for B3 Special Use for 623 U.S. Rt. 34. Mr. Mayor asked the applicants to stay for the COW meeting discussion. Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: DeBolt, Mulliner, Johns, Jones, Nadeau, Rennels
Voting “Nay”: Eaton, Williams
Motion passed.
Ordinance #2017-27 Amend Transient Business-
A motion was made by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Nadeau, to amend an ordinance of Chapter 3 of Title 3 of the Plano City Code re-defining “Transient Merchant.” There was discussion about whether or not farmers and farmer’s markets were specifically included in here. Yes, they are, and Council will look into simplifying the ordinance that they looked at last time.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Jones, Nadeau, DeBolt, Eaton, Johns, Rennels, Williams
Voting “Nay”: Mulliner
Motion passed.
Ordinance #2017-28 Authorize Intergovernmental agreement-
A motion was made by Alderman DeBolt, seconded by Alderman Eaton, authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Plano and the State of Illinois Department of Transportation, regarding the cost participation for the upgrade to the existing traffic signals at Eldamain Road and U.S. Route 34 and combination roadway lighting. Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: DeBolt, Eaton, Johns, Jones, Mulliner, Nadeau, Rennels. Williams
Voting “Nay”:
Motion passed.
Resolution R2017-13 Banking-
A motion was made by Alderman Nadeau, seconded by Alderman Jones, to approve a resolution for Mr. Mayor, Janet Goehst, Thomas Johns, and Scott Mulliner to be designated to withdraw and open the safety deposit boxes. Alderman Eaton asked if this was a new procedure. Janet Goehst said this is done after elections as people are added or left the Council.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, Jones, DeBolt, Eaton, Johns, Mulliner, Rennels, Williams
Voting “Nay”:
Motion passed.
Resolution R2017-14 Closed session minutes to be released-
A motion was made by Alderman Williams, seconded by Alderman Eaton, to release some closed session minutes.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Williams, Eaton, DeBolt, Johns, Jones, Mulliner, Nadeau, Rennels
Voting “Nay”:
Motion passed.
Resolution R2017-15 Appropriation of funds for U.S. Rt. 34 improvements-
A motion was made by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to appropriate funds for improvements of traffic signals upgrades and combination highway lighting at the intersections of U.S. 34 and Eldamain Road. Alderman Eaton asked if there was a timeframe for the City being reimbursed from Kendall County. Mr. Mayor said it could take several years.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Jones, DeBolt, Eaton, Johns, Jones, Mulliner, Nadeau, Rennels
Voting “Nay”:
Motion passed.
Resolution R2017-16 Regulating encroachment on public right of way-
A motion was made by Alderman Williams, seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to regulate encroachment on public right of way in the City of Plano.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Williams, DeBolt, Eaton, Johns, Jones, Mulliner, Nadeau, Rennels
Voting “Nay”:
Motion passed.
City Clerk: Carin Martin, Deputy City Clerk-Nothing to report
City Treasurer: Janet Goehst-Nothing to report
Police Chief’s Report: Chief Jonathan Whowell
The PD received a Walmart grant for $2500.00 to upgrade police equipment. On 06/07/17 Officer Christenson was a Kendall County torch runner in the Illinois Special Olympics torch run. On 06/08/17 there was a rash of criminal damage to property incidents. 3 minors were caught and have 31 charges against them in Plano, 16 in Sandwich, and 14 in Yorkville. Officer Christenson’s first patrol date is 06/25/17. Recruits, Johnson and Root graduate on June 29, 2017 from the Police Academy. Chief Whowell wishes a safe and happy 4th of July holiday, and gave a reminder that there is a $250.00 minimum ordinance fine for firework violations.
Director of Public Works & Water Reclamation Report: Darrin Boyer
A motion was made by Alderman Eaton, seconded by Alderman Williams, for the approval of the invoice for Michels for manhole rehabilitation in the amount of $10,050.00.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Eaton, Williams, DeBolt, Johns, Jones, Mulliner, Nadeau, Rennels
Voting “Nay”:
Motion passed.
Darrin said that the Main Street project is delayed until 07/12/2017 due to some work with NiCOR. NiCOR will lower a pipe and then Geneva Construction will start work again.
Water Superintendent: Josh Beyer-Absent
Building, Planning & Zoning: Tom Karpus
A motion was made by Alderman Mulliner, seconded by Alderman Williams, to award the Foli Park improvements contract to GLI Services Inc. in the amount of $269,557.28.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Mulliner, Williams, DeBolt, Eaton, Johns, Jones, Nadeau, Rennels
Voting “Nay”:
Motion passed.
Committee Reports:
Administrative/Health & Safety: Alderman Mulliner
At the 06/07/17 meeting, they discussed the transfer station meeting and seeing about a trial basis agreement with trailers inside and outside. He scheduled a meeting for 06/20/17 to discuss the email policy, transfer station trial basis agreement, and transient business license. He gave a reminder that the fireworks ordinance has been reworked and fines increased.
Buildings, Grounds and Zoning: Alderman DeBolt
At their 06/06/17 meeting, they discussed 623 Rt. 34 special use, G1 licenses will be discussed at the COW meeting tonight, and an exchange of services with Sommer Carpet Care.
Economic Developments/Grants: Alderman Rennels
Alderman Rennels was thankful the committees were put in ABC order. At their 06/07/17 meeting, they discussed sidewalk sales and a strategic planning session. He scheduled a meeting for 06/20/17 at 6:45 p.m.
Finance: Alderman Williams
Alderman Williams scheduled a meeting for 06/26/17 at 5:30 p.m.
Parks: Alderman Johns
At their 06/06/17 meeting, they discussed the 3 parks and 2018 budgets were passed out. Dearborn and West Park will start this month and take 4 weeks. The Splash Pad bids are due the end of the month. Foli Park they will discuss bids. They will pick a date to go see the Parks.
Personnel & Insurance: Alderman Jones
On 06/16/17 and 06/17/17 Lakewood Springs will be having their 12th annual community garage sale. Ivana’s and Nick’s Grill are included in the Senior Dine Out program.
Special Events: Alderman Nadeau
At their 06/07/17 meeting, they discussed goals and priorities with brainstorming ideas, the Smallville Superfest, and OddBall Festival, and garbage and port-o-lets needs which will be discussed at the COW meeting tonight.
Streets & Utilities: Alderman Eaton
There is a Public Hearing on 06/26/17 at 5:00 p.m. to discuss the Foli Park water retention.
Closed Session:
A motion was made by Alderman Eaton, seconded by Alderman Rennels, to go into closed session to discuss collective bargaining.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Eaton, Rennels, DeBolt, Johns, Jones, Mulliner, Nadeau, Williams
Voting “Nay”:
Motion passed.
There was a motion and a second to return to open session. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. Motion passed.
Attorney Grant explained that the Council went into closed session to discuss one issue. No action was taken.
Citizen’s Comments: None
A motion was made by Alderman Eaton, seconded by Alderman Williams, to adjourn. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.