City of Yorkville Park Board met July 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Committee Members In Attendance:
Chairman Jackie Milschewski Alderman Joe Plocher Alderman Chris Funkhouser
Absent: Alderman Alex Hernandez
Other City Officials In Attendance:
City Administrator Bart Olson Interim Assistant City Administrator Erin Willrett Finance Director Rob Fredrickson
The meeting was called to order at 6:01pm by Chairman Jackie Milschewski.
Citizen Comments: None
Minutes for Correction/Approval: June 21, 2017
The minutes were approved as presented.
New Business:
1. ADM 2017-52 Monthly Budget Report for June 2017
Mr. Olson reported the sales tax were above expectations. A contributing factor might be that existing retailers do not compete with e-commerce.
Administrator Olson referred to an email he sent just prior to this meeting regarding the state budget. The budget had two decreases in the City revenues. One was LGDF which will take away 10% this year. However, payments will speed up when they begin and 14 payments will be received in the next 12 months. Approximately $160,000 will be lost, some in this fiscal year and some in next. However, he said the special census and growth in sales tax should help offset the loss. Mr. Olson said partial census figures should be available next month.
The second decrease is on non-home rule sales tax and 2% of all proceeds (approximately $46,000) will be taken by the State yearly. He hopes the better than expected sales tax will help offset this difference as well.
Preliminary audit numbers should be available next month. Alderman Funkhouser commented on the healthy downtown business district tax generated.
2. ADM 2017-53 Monthly Treasurer's Report for June 2017
Mr. Fredrickson reported the following:
$6,546,432 YTD Revenues
$5,491,697 YTD Expenses
Mr. Fredrickson said the Ending and Projected Fund Balances should be available next month.
3. ADM 2017-54 Cash Statement for May 2017
This report is for information and there were no comments.
4. ADM 2017-55 Bills for Payment
No comments.
5. ADM 2017-56 Monthly Website Report for June 2017
Ms. Willrett referred to the statistical analysis. She said the most visited page is the Parks and Rec. She will coordinate with Parks and Rec staff to make it appear more like a home page for easier navigation.
6. ADM 2017-57 Budget Amendments for FY 2017
Mr. Fredrickson said this is a budget cleanup prior to the auditors coming. Items being addressed are the B.U.I.L.D. program, water refunding and a transfer for a mower and van purchase in Parks and Rec. This moves to the Council consent agenda.
7. ADM 2017-58 Microsoft Licensing
8. ADM 2017-59 Server Purchase (discussed together)
Mr. Olson said the IT Department has been cataloging IT issues and the Council has approved the purchase of a firewall. He said licensing and a network hardware refresh are the two items for discussion. He said computers purchased recently have the newest version of Microsoft Office already installed so it's thought there are no licensing issues. Office 365 is the latest version at an annual subscription fee of $27,000. It Includes the latest upgrades and transfers the email system to to a fully hosted email system. This will eliminate the need for a new microsoft exchange server and Barracuda archiver system.
Other features discussed by Mr. Olson included email storage, litigation and document destruction. He said three different quotes were received for licensing. If a server is purchased, the City will not need to do the licensing. He noted employees can also downloads programs on their phones
Alderman Funkhouser noted his employer used a vendor at a cost of $8,000 less. Mr. Olson will ask InterDev to call this vendor regarding a quote. Alderman Funkhouser asked that InterDev be questioned if they did a cost comparison. This item will move to the regular agenda pending the outcome of the cost comparison question.
9. ADM 2017-60 City Services Survey
Another City survey through Survey Monkey is being proposed with no change in the questions. In the past, 400-500 people took the survey, but only 237 took the most recent.
The survey is conducted about every 2 years. Regarding snow removal questions, Alderman Funkhouser asked if the City discloses that Rt. 34 and 47 are major roads and not in the City jurisdiction. This moves to the Council consent agenda.
Old Business: None
Additional Business: None
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm.