
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Village of Oswego President and Board of Trustees met October 17.

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Village of Oswego President and Board of Trustees met October 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call To Order And Pledge Of Allegiance:

President Gail Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Roll Call:

Physically Present: President Gail Johnson and Trustees Ryan Kauffman, Karin McCarthy-Lange, Pam Parr, Judy Sollinger and Joe West.

Absent: Trustee Luis Perez.

Staff Present: Dan Di Santo, Village Administrator; Christina Burns, AVA/HR Director; Tina Touchette, Village Clerk; Jennifer Hughes, Public Works Director; Jeff Burgner, Police Chief; Rod Zenner, Community Development Director; Mark Horton, Finance Director; Corinna Cole, Economic Development Director; Jenette Sturges, Community Engagement Coordinator- Marketing; and Marji Swanson, Village Attorney.

Consideration Of And Possible Actions On Any Requests For Electronic Participation In Meeting:

There was no one who requested to attend electronically.


There was no Recognitions or Appointment.

Public Forum:

The Public Forum was opened at 7:08 p.m. There was no one who requested to speak; the Public Forum was closed at 7:08 p.m.

Staff Reports:

Administrator Di Santo-

ERP software- staff has been in training over a year; program went “live” last week; budget will be done in the program this year; special thanks to Director Horton and the Finance Department, Joe Renzetti, Christina Burns and Jennifer Hughes; entire staff was impacted by this. A significant effort went into making this happen. He also thanked the Village Board for investing in the program.

Director Hughes-

Leaf pickup started this week and will run through Thanksgiving; do not put leaves in the streets; leaves clog the drains; keep leaves up on the parkways. Help clear the inlets.

Last weekend’s storm- water was over Waubonsee Creek bridge; bridge is ok now; lightning struck a water tower in town.

F.1. Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada Distinguished Budget Presentation Award Given to the Village of Oswego for the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget.

Director Horton addressed the Board regarding the budget award. The Finance department submits the annual budget to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Award Program. The Award Program is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting. To receive the award, the Budget must serve as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, a communications device and be rated proficient in 14 mandatory criteria by three independent reviewers. The annual budget has been submitted to the GFOA for the Budget Award since 2004 and has received the award each year. The Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Budget marks the 14th year in a row in receiving this distinguished honor. The Budget Reviewers selected the top score of “Outstanding” 22 times in the rating criteria compared to 17 times for the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget. Staff will work on incorporating comments from the reviewer’s for the next fiscal year budget document. A press release will be going out. There are three plaques in the atrium.

Consent Agenda:

G.1. October 3, 2017 Committee of the Whole Minutes

G.2. October 3, 2017 Regular Village Board Minutes

G.3. Ordinance Allowing the Development of a Twenty Space Parking Lot at 225 Kendall Point Drive. (First Read of Ordinance, Waiver of Second Read) Ordinance No. 17-59

G.4. Ordinance For a Minor Amendment to the Washington Place PUD to Alter the Exterior Elevation Materials. (First Read of Ordinance, Waiver of Second Read) Ordinance No. 17-60

G.5. Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with M.E. Simpson Company Inc., for Leak Detection in the Amount of $14,361 in Year 1; $14,784 in Year 2; $14,784 in Year 3; and $15,207 in Year 4. Resolution No. 17-R-94

A motion was made by Trustee Sollinger and seconded by Trustee McCarthy-Lange to approve the Consent Agenda; Approving the October 3, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes; Approving the October 3, 2017 Regular Village Board Minutes; and approving the following ordinances and resolution:

Ordinance No. 17-59; Ordinance Allowing the Development of a Twenty-Space Parking Lot at 225 Kendall Point Drive.

Ordinance No. 17-60; Ordinance for a Minor Amendment to the Washington Place PUD to Alter the Exterior Elevation Materials.

Resolution No. 17-R-94; Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with M.E. Simpson Company Inc., for Leak Detection in the Amount of $14,361 in Year 1; $14,784 in Year 2; $14,784 in Year 3; and $15,207 in Year 4.

Aye: Ryan Kauffman Karin McCarthy-Lange

Pam Parr Judy Sollinger

Joe West

Nay: None

Absent: Luis Perez

The motion was declared carried by omnibus roll call vote with five (5) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

Bill List:

There was no Bill List.

Old Business:

There was no Old Business.

New Business:

J.1. Ordinance Amending Title 3 Chapter 7; Create Class "P" Arts & Crafts Liquor License. (First Read of Ordinance, Waiver of Second Read) Ordinance No. 17-61

Clerk Touchette addressed the Board regarding the creation of a liquor license for an arts and crafts studio. Staff was approached by Katie Ilic regarding her interest in opening a Board & Brush franchise at 83 Templeton. Board & Brush allows customers to create wood signs while having a drink and socializing with friends and family. All projects are a flat fee and include everything needed to create a wood sign. Typically, for this type of business, the Village’s Class “K” liquor license would suit the needs of the business. However, the Board & Brush franchise stipulates that alcoholic beverages must be available either as BYOB, or for purchase. The Village’s Class “J” (BYOB) liquor license requires the business generate more than 60% of their gross annual revenue from the sale of food and the Class “K” liquor license will not work for their business plan as the alcoholic beverages must be purchased as a separate transaction. It was determined a new liquor classification would need to be created to accommodate the franchise requirements. Staff drafted an ordinance which includes language from other communities that have similar, if not the same type of business as a Board & Brush. The classification will include:

• Sale of wine and beer for on premises consumption as long as the business is an Arts & Crafts studio

• Wine and beer limited to only customers participating in the class

• The sale of wine and beer shall terminate when the classes end

• No alcohol will be sold or served if no classes are taking place

• Only one service bar; bar shall not have seats for customers to sit

• Cannot advertise the business as a drinking establishment

Katie Ilic, applicant, was present to answer questions.

Board, staff and applicant discussion focused on only approving the new classification tonight; applicant will apply for the Class “P” license at a later time; one of the other Village classifications limit drinks to one per hour; Class “K” offers alcohol as part of the service; whether there is a cap on the number of drinks served; Board & Brush franchise did a study and on average customers only drank 1.5 drinks during the three hour class; not a drinking establishment; franchise originally started as a girls night out with alcohol enhancing the experience; have no control over the stipulations set by the franchise; alcohol would be purchased separately and not part of the class fee; whether the applicant had been doing this type of business for awhile; this is their first franchise; her and her husband are excited about starting the franchise; they visited a Board & Brush for their four year anniversary and wanted to own their own franchise; thought Oswego would be a good location; applicants currently live in Plainfield; love the idea; requires no artistic ability; use stencils so every piece comes out looking professional; hoping to be open early next year; team building project; great idea. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Kauffman and seconded by Trustee West to approve an Ordinance Amending Title 3 Chapter 7; Create Class "P" Arts & Crafts Liquor License. (First Read of Ordinance, Waiver of Second Read)

Aye: Ryan Kauffman Karin McCarthy-Lange

Pam Parr Judy Sollinger

Joe West

Nay: None

Absent: Luis Perez

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with five (5) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

J.2. Ordinance Granting a Variance to Increase the Allowable Size of an Attached Garage From a Five (5) Car, 1,200 Square Foot Garage to a Seven (7) car, 1,888 Square Foot Garage for the Development of a Single Family Residence Located at 5030 Carpenter Avenue. (First Read of Ordinance, Waiver of Second Read) Ordinance No. 17-62

Director Zenner addressed the Board regarding a variance for a garage. The petitioner requested approval of a variance to increase to the maximum permitted size of an attached garage for a new single family home at 5030 Carpenter Avenue. The proposed variance would allow for a seven (7) car garage measuring 1,888 square feet. According to Section 10.01 of the Village’s Zoning Ordinance, the maximum size for private garages on single family residential lots greater than 43,560 square feet (or 1 acre), is a five (5) car garage not exceeding 1,200 square feet in size. The proposed attached garage will exceed the garage size allowed per the Zoning Ordinance by two (2) cars and 688 square feet. The subject property is a 55,387 square foot lot located in the Hunt Club East subdivision. The property is vacant pending development. The proposed single family home, excluding the basement, will be approximately 5,945 square feet. The garage is divided into two sections that share a driveway. The four (4) car garage faces west and is oriented toward the street. The three (3) car garage is oriented toward the south property line. The house will appear to be a five (5) car garage based on the number of garage doors (two double garage doors and one single garage door). With the exception of the garage size, the proposed house meets the Hunt Club East PUD and zoning code requirements. According to the petitioner, a variance is required in order to sell the lot to the prospective buyer. The future owner intends to store personal vehicles inside the garage and would like an extra area to work on cars. The petitioner has confirmed that the future homeowner has no intent of running a business out of the garage. Section 10.04 (Home Occupations) of the Zoning Ordinance does not allow auto or engine repair businesses as home occupations. Additionally, the petitioner has stated that a variance is required because the garage sizes permitted under the Village’s Zoning Ordinance are too restrictive for large residential lots in the Hunt Club East subdivision.

Board and staff discussion focused on why the Planning & Zoning commission member voted against; commission member felt the variance did not meet the Village’s standards; will be a unique house; no business will be ran out of the garage; only used for cars and possibly a boat; garage will look like a typical garage. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Kauffman and seconded by Trustee Sollinger to approve an Ordinance Granting a Variance to Increase the Allowable Size of an Attached Garage From a Five (5) Car, 1,200 Square Foot Garage to a Seven (7) car, 1,888 Square Foot Garage for the Development of a Single Family Residence Located at 5030 Carpenter Avenue. (First Read of Ordinance, Waiver of Second Read)

Aye: Ryan Kauffman Karin McCarthy-Lange

Pam Parr Judy Sollinger

Joe West

Nay: None

Absent: Luis Perez

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with five (5) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

J.3. Ordinance Amending Title 2 Chapter 10; Economic Development Commission. (First Read of Ordinance, Waiver of Second Read) Ordinance No. 17-63

Director Cole addressed the Board regarding the Economic Development Commission amendment. This item was originally brought to the Board at the September 19, 2017 Committee of the Whole meeting. Some of the amendments include:

• Identifying barriers to business development, expansion, or to new businesses locating to Oswego

• Making recommendations for programs, use of incentives, or alterations to B&Z or land use regulations that may assist new development, including conducting an annual round-table discussion regarding common business concerns with respect to B&Z and land use issues

• Host an annual “match-making” event for local banks and local businesses

• Changes to the composition of the EDC to include representatives of the following types:

➢ Waubonsee Community College

➢ Downtown Association

➢ Senior-level employees of businesses in Oswego

➢ School District 308

➢ Local Banks

President Johnson reached out to the school district and Waubonsee Community College. They are delighted to participate. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Sollinger and seconded by Trustee McCarthy-Lange to approve an Ordinance Amending Title 2 Chapter 10; Economic Development Commission. (First Read of Ordinance, Waiver of Second Read)

Aye: Ryan Kauffman Karin McCarthy-Lange

Pam Parr Judy Sollinger

Joe West

Nay: None

Absent: Luis Perez

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with five (5) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

President’s Report:

Kudos and thanks to everyone who kept Oswego afloat due to the rain on Saturday. She asked that thanks be extended to the Public Works crews that spent a significant part of Saturday and Sunday dealing with the rain.

Trustee Perez was interviewed on WSPY regarding hurricane relief efforts. More information to come; additional information can be found the Village’s website and how to help hurricane victims.

Director Cole and Jenette Sturges have taken on the Christmas Walk event. They are in need of volunteers. Volunteers would work 2-hour shifts; treat volunteers special.

A flyer for the Senior Center’s fundraiser was provided to the Board members.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee McCarthy-Lange- attended the groundbreaking at Ashcroft Place townhomes and saw the Estates of Fox Chase model; excited about the growth.

Trustee West- happy staff reconsidered the wristbands at Christmas Walk; staff took comments into consideration.

Trustee Sollinger- encouraged everyone attend the masquerade ball fundraiser for the Senior Center; $19,000 budget deficit this year; she has served on the Senior Center Board for 10 years.

Trustee Parr- thanked staff; everyone has stepped-up; fun to see a group of professionals come together with energy and enthusiasm to serve the Board and residents.

Trustee Kauffman- thanked the Finance Department and Joe Renzetti for the implementation of the ERP software; kudos to the Public Works Department for their work over the weekend. Congrats to Officers Chad Dickey and Ben Hackl who received the Medal of Honor from the Illinois Law Enforcement Medal of Honor Committee.

Closed Session:

There was no Closed Session.


A motion was made by Trustee Parr and seconded by Trustee Kauffman to adjourn the meeting; upon a voice vote with all remaining members present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m.




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