City of Yorkville Economic Development Committee met Oct. 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
In Attendance:
Committee Members
Chairman Ken Koch
Alderman Joel Frieders
Alderman Alex Hernandez
Absent: Alderman Carlo Colosimo
Other City Officials
City Administrator Bart Olson
Interim Assistant City Administrator Erin Willrett
Community Development Director Krysti Barksdale-Noble
Senior Planner Jason Engberg
Code Official Pete Ratos
Alderman Joe Plocher
Alderman Chris Funkhouser
Other Guests
David Schultz, EEI
Stephanie Saylers, Fisherman's Inn
Mark Southern, Fisherman's Inn & Encap
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ken Koch at 6:00pm.
Citizen Comments: None
Minutes for Correction/Approval: September 5, 2017
The minutes were approved on a unanimous voice vote.
New Business
1. EDC 2017-60 Building Permit Report for August 2017
Mr. Ratos reported 128 single family permits issued thus far this year and 73 multifamily permits for the development by Jewel. Cedarhurst is also underway.
2. EDC 2017-61 Building Inspection Report for August 2017
Many residential inspections were done this month and two commercial buildings are also under construction.
3. EDC 2017-62 Property Maintenance Report for August 2017
There were three hearings and all cases were dismissed due to being abated. Alderman Koch asked about the citation issued to Green Organics. It was abated prior to the hearing and the City will work with the County Inspector in the future. When compost is turned over a deodorant can be applied to alleviate future smells. The City can also review the situation when the annexation agreement authorization for the organics operation expires in 2019. There has been discussion with the operator and attorney and it will continue to be monitored.
4. EDC 2017-63 Economic Development Update
Ms. Dubajic is on vacation, however, her report is contained in the agenda packet.
5. EDC 2017-64 Meeting Schedule for 2018
The committee had no conflicts with the proposed scheduled so it was approved on a unanimous voice vote.
6. EDC 2017-65 Extension of B.U.I.L.D. Program
The program has been in effect for five years with over 400 total permits issued. Staff wishes to extend this until December 31, 2018 or until 100 more building permits are issued and then close the program. Alderman Frieders and Alderman Hernandez agreed the results show the program served its purpose. Alderman Koch said progress is finally being made in his ward with three previously-stalled subdivisions finally beginning to build, however, he said it's time to wind down. Alderman Plocher said residents in his ward wish to stop the program. To just stop the program would be short-sighted and could hurt the builders, said Alderman Funkhouser. He said the builders should be allowed time to inform potential buyers and he added that sales taxes have been good due to more homes.
It was decided to end the program after 30 permits are issued with the program expiring December 31, 2018 and the City rebate will be cut to $5,000. This moves forward to the full Council.
7. PZC 2017-12 104 N. Bridge Street – Rezoning and Variance
Petitioner Mark Southern is requesting rezoning and a variance for a restaurant and banquet hall on a one-acre lot at the southeast corner of Rt. 47 and Main St. Ms. Noble described the particulars of the proposed project. The petitioner has suggested a possible public/private partnership for additional parking since the site is adjacent to Ron Clark Park. This project will go before the Planning and Zoning Commission on October 18 and then to the Council.
Mr. Southern said he owns the Fisherman's Inn and an environmental business called Encap. Administrator Olson explained the potential partnership and other aspects of the project which could also help improve the park. The project would allow access through the park to the site, increase number of parking spaces and improve the park property. He also discussed the city water and sewer on the site. He said Park Board input would be needed also.
Aldermen discussed the challenges of the property and the effect on the surrounding properties and neighbors. In general, they liked the project idea. Alderman Funkhouser questioned the use of the park for this type of project since the purchase agreement stipulated the property should remain open space.
Mr. Olson will bring a draft agreement to the November meeting if possible.
Old Business None
Additional Business None
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 7:09pm.