
Kendall County Times

Monday, November 25, 2024

City of Yorkville Library Board met September 11.

Meeting 05

City of Yorkville Library Board met Sept. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Russ Walter and a quorum was established.

Roll Call:

Susan Chacon-yes, Krista Danis-yes, Theron Garcia-yes, Jason Hedman-yes, Carol La Chance-yes, Wamecca Rodriguez-yes, Russ Walter-yes, Darren Crawford-(arr. 7:03pm)

Library Personnel

Shelley Augustine, Director Adult Services

Dixie DeBord, Director Technical Services

Others Present:

Judy Somerlot, Friends of the Library

Recognition of Visitors:

President Walter recognized Ms. Somerlot.

Amendments to the Agenda: None

Minutes: August 14 and 21, 2017

Ms. Garcia moved to approve both sets of minutes as presented and Ms. LaChance seconded the motion. Unanimous voice vote approval.

Ms. DeBord noted that the water collection box and downspout work has been completed. The snowbars will be discussed at a later time and budgeted for next year.

Correspondence: None

Public Comment:

Friends of the Library Seek Approval for Mini-Golf

Ms. Somerlot presented a report on the used book sale and said $6,500 was brought in during the sale and with the after-sale, the total will be $7,000. She also asked the Board for permission to hold the mini-golf fundraiser in the library for the 5th year. Last year the proceeds netted $6,100. President Walter moved to allow the Friends of the Library to hold mini-golf on January 28th and to adjust the library hours that day. Mr. Crawford seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote. Board volunteers will be needed.

Staff Comment:

Ms. DeBord said the new Director will be starting soon and Trustees Walter and Garcia will be on hand to greet her. Ms. Topper's computer and email have been set up for her.

Report of the Treasurer:

Financial Statement

Ms. Chacon presented brief highlights of the bills. She said some of the deposits in Gifts & Memorials were from the 5K race and she noted that property tax should be reflected next month.

Payment of Bills

A motion was made and seconded by Trustees Crawford and Rodriguez, respectively, to pay the bills as follows:

$39,941.05 Accounts Payable

$30,031.08 Payroll

$69,972.13 TOTAL

Roll call: Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, LaChance-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walteryes, Chacon-yes Carried 8-0.

City Council Liaison Update No report

Standing Committees:

Community Relations

Mr. Walter gave a breakdown of the entry fees and expenses of the 5K race that resulted in a net profit of $543.81 (minus an unsubmitted expense for medals). He also listed the sponsors for the event. Ms. Garcia has photos and suggested the library be kept open during the next race for additional foot traffic.

Report of the Library Director: (out of sequence)

Ms. Augustine presented highlights of the various presentations held during the month and noted the upcoming ones. She will contact the school for a current event calendar to avoid conflicts with library and school programs. The library has also partnered with the schools for a book discussion on the same book that all participants will read.

Ms. DeBord reported on the programs held within the library, acknowledged the teen volunteers and Fox Valley Therapy dogs. She also gave the stats for the month and commented the usage is up for the database Ancestry. She said the cost for the Gale database for periodical article searches, is $4,000 a year and she will speak with the new Director about cancelling it since the usage has been low. However, Ms. Rodriguez said it should be kept since it is user-friendly and beneficial for students.

Unfinished Business:

Painting Progress Report

Mr. Walter stated that the exterior painting is finished. Ms. Augustine said that Tom Lindblom was at the library every day and did a great job overseeing the work.

Daikin Chiller Control Panel Proposal

A breakdown of the costs to replace the chiller control panel was received from Daikin and the company will give 2 hours of time to insure the panel is working after it is replaced. The interpretation of the 2 free hours was discussed. Mr. Walter reviewed the email from Daikin and clarified that the company has committed to 2 free hours of time after installation. Ms. Danis made a motion to approve the Daikin chiller control panel proposal for $2,900. Seconded by Ms. Garcia. Roll call: Danis-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, LaChance-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Chacon-yes, Crawford-yes. Carried 8-0.

Elevator Contract Proposal – Suburban (references)

Existing Elevator Contract - Thyssenkrupp

Thyssenkrupp is the current vendor for the elevator service. Former board member Kate Elder had conducted comparisons of elevator companies in an effort to save money. She said the contracts for both companies were identical. Ms. Augustine recently obtained information from other libraries regarding Suburban Elevator Co. Thyssenkrupp charges $256.31/per month and Suburban charges $159/per month. A 90-day certified notice is required by Thyssenkrupp for non-renewal of the contract. It was decided to ask the new Director to make a recommendation regarding the contract.

New Business: None

Executive Session: None

Additional Business:

Ms. Lachance suggested the Board should compile goals for the new Director. Some tentative goals discussed were:

1. Review elevator contracts within 30 days, make recommendation

2. Establish regular monthly staff meetings

3. Attend Council meetings and Chamber meetings

4. Attend Friends of the Library meetings

5. Attend Rails meetings

6. Explore book delivery

7. Review databases

President Walter asked all to email a list of goals to him.

Trustee Hedman suggested a public open house for the new Director and Saturday, October 14, from 10-12pm was selected. The Communications Director at the schools will be notified and invitations will be extended to key players in the community, YMCA, pre-schools and others.


There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:17pm on a motion by President

