Kendall County Forest Preserve Finance Committee met February 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
I. Call to Order
Finance Committee Chair Cullick called the Finance Committee meeting to order at 4:35 pm in the Kendall County Board Room.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners Davidson, Gilmour, Gryder and Cullick all were present.
III. Approval of Agenda
Commissioner Gryder made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Gilmour. Aye, all. Opposed, none.
IV. Citizens to be Heard
No public comments were offered by those in attendance.
V. Approval to Forward Claims to Commission for an Amount Not-to- Exceed $36,217.44.
Commissioner Gryder made a motion to forward claims to Commission in the amount of $36,217.44. Seconded by Commissioner Davidson.
The Finance Committee reviewed the claims list.
Commissioner Davidson inquired into the District’s cell phone bill. Director Guritz responded that there are currently 9 smart phone devices. Four for Ellis, three for Grounds Maintenance, one for Hoover, and one for the District’s director. There is also a shared flip phone at Hoover Forest Preserve. The contract also provides wireless internet and office phone for Ellis (3-devices), and wireless internet and phone for Hoover (3-devices) and wireless internet for the Harris shop (1-device). The total monthly billing is typically just under $1,000, with the additional wireless internet and phone services added to the contract to reduce overall costs for these services previously extended by other providers.
The Finance Committee discussed the fuel and gas bill from GraincoFS. Director Guritz reported that the cost incurred was for filling the split-gallon tank at Hoover, which is secured with a padlock.
The Finance Committee discussed the uniforms cost for Ellis. Director Guritz reported that in addition to uniforms, the center is also selling t-shirts to program participants.
Commissioner Davidson asked about the boiler replacement at the Harris shop, suggesting that future hot water needs could be handled by a hot water heater rather than a boiler.
The Finance Committee discussed the bill from Water Products Supply of Aurora. Director Guritz reported that the bill was for the supply of a culvert pipe for the Harris culvert repair project completed in 2017. There was a presumed credit with the company for a previous return of supplies from a previous project. This was researched, and a check for approximately $1,500 was refunded by the company to the District for the supplies returned.
The Finance Committee discussed a potential solar array project for the District. Director Guritz stated he would follow up with Chris Childress to discuss this opportunity.
Finance Chair Cullick called the question. All, aye. Opposed, none. Motion unanimously approved.
VI. Review of Financial Statements and Cost Center Income Statements through January 31, 2018
Director Guritz presented an overview of the cost center income statements through January 31, 2018.
Generally, the District is significantly ahead compared to FY17. Program revenues are up for the year, and staff expenses down for the year. The District received approximately $20,000 for farm lease yield payments that will be accrued back to FY17. The District also had expensed the Ellis event tent earlier in the year in FY17, which is currently moving forward for consideration for FY18.
The District is ahead of budget expectations for Ellis and Meadowhawk Lodge event rentals.
VII. Ellis Equestrian Center – Proposed Promotional Discount for 2018 Events
Director Guritz reported that the Operations Committee recommended Finance Committee consideration for offering a $500.00 discount on 2018 wedding and other special events at Ellis House and Equestrian Center. Director Guritz reported that the item is also up for consideration on the Committee of the Whole agenda.
Commissioner Gilmour asked how to respond to citizen concerns over the costs for operation of Ellis House and Equestrian Center.
Director Guritz stated that out of all District facilities, Ellis House and Equestrian Center stands the strongest chance to fully offset operational costs over time. The facility currently operates at a $40,000-$45,000 deficit, the bulk of which would be incurred just to support maintenance of the Baker Woods Forest Preserve. Ellis House and Equestrian Center is a multi-purpose facility, with the event rentals and equestrian center operational revenues offsetting or exceeding direct costs for staffing and supplies.
The Finance Committee discussed an incentive program for District staff providing referrals that lead to contracted events at Ellis House and Meadowhawk Lodge.
Director Guritz stated that this will be examined later in the fiscal year if the District is on track with meeting budget objectives.
VIII. West Bend Insurance – Busted Knuckles Landscaping Property Damage Release and Settlement
Director Guritz presented an insurance settlement and release for property damage. Direction was received to secure a quote for the repair of the damaged split rail fence at Shuh-Shuh-Gah canoe launch in December, and communicate this proposal and figure to the company with a requested amendment of the settlement amount. The damage occurred when a Busted Knuckles Landscaping vehicle lost traction and skidded off the road into the preserve’s split-rail fencing.
IX. Millbrook Bridge Phase II (Bid Specifications) and Phase III
(Construction Project Oversight) Proposal and Discussion – HLR Engineering
Director Guritz reported that Steve Megginson, VP for HLR Engineering, was not able to attend the meeting. HLR Engineering concurs with the Finance Committee assessment that the bid timeframe for the removal of Millbrook Bridge will be more competitive if the call for bids takes place in winter 18-19 for removal during low-flow in late summer 2019.
Director Guritz reported that HLR Engineering is scheduled to present and discuss next steps with the Committee of the Whole in March. This will include information on public outreach efforts required as part of the Section 106 permit requirements.
Commissioner Davidson suggested that the District may be able to relocate one of the bridge span sections as a standing monument within another forest preserve area.
The Finance Committee discussed previous bridge maintenance activities, including sandblasting and repainting of the bridge.
X. Executive Session
XI. Other Items of Business
Director Guritz reported that a meeting is scheduled with Attorney Dan Kramer to discuss a proposal to secure a vehicle access drive to Henneberry Forest Preserve.
Commissioner Davidson suggested that the District may be able to secure the access corridor, and preserve access drive and parking area as part of the negotiations.
Director Guritz reported that the District’s grant consultant has reported that OSLAD, PARC, and Illinois State Museum grant programs may be accepting applications in the current year. If this is the case, the District should take all deliberate action necessary to secure cost assessments to apply for development grants available to complete preserve public access improvements for Pickerill-Pigott forest preserve.
XII. Citizens to be Heard
No public comments were offered by those in attendance.
XIII. Adjournment
Commissioner Davidson made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Gryder. Aye, all. Opposed, none. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm.