Kendall County Historic Preservation Commission met May 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
Call To Order:
Chairwoman Heiman called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.
Roll Call:
Present: Elizabeth Flowers, Kristine Heiman, and Melissa Maye
Absent: Jeff Wehrli
Also present: Matt Asselmeier, Senior Planner
In the audience: David Guritz
Approval Of Agenda:
Ms. Flowers made a motion, seconded by Ms. Maye, to amend and approve the agenda with the Millbrook Bridge item moved to the first item under old business. With a voice vote of three ayes, the motion carried.
Approval Of Minutes:
Ms. Flowers made a motion, seconded by Ms. Maye, to approve the minutes from the April 16, 2018, meeting. With a voice vote of three ayes, the motion carried.
Chairman’s Report:
Public Comment:
New Business:
Old Business:
Millbrook Bridge Update-Commission Could Vote to Submit Comments Regarding the Project
David Guritz from the Kendall County Forest Preserve District explained the May 8, 2018, letter from the Corps of Engineers. The Corps accepted the Section 106 Report. The question exists regarding whether or not the piers and abutments would be removed. Stakeholder comment period and outreach is underway. A third party could offer to purchase the bridge and the Forest Preserve District would have to assist with the relocation of the bridge; the funds allocated for demolition could be used for relocation. The bridge is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
Discussion occurred about the comment period. Mr. Guritz indicated a public hearing could occur; they have not received information that a public hearing is required. Mr. Guritz will check to see if a public hearing is required. Commissioners wanted additional time to renew the material. The Commission will draft a letter requesting a sixty (60) day extension in order to review the material and draft comments. If the Corps denies the request, the Commission might hold a special meeting to submit comments. June 12th is the end of the thirty (30) day comment period.
Ms. Maye asked if any federal funding existed for repairs. Mr. Guritz said that he did not believe much federal funding was available, but would investigate. The Three Hundred Thousand Dollar ($300,000) figure was for engineering and demolition. Ms. Flowers requested Mr. Guritz to investigate grant opportunities.
The permit is valid for two (2) years.
Discussion occurred regarding the structural integrity of the bridge. If one (1) truss fell, the entire bridge could fall and metal debris could get into the river.
The Forest Preserve District acquired the bridge from Fox Township.
The extension request will be sent by the Commission to Corps of Engineers with a copy sent to the Forest Preserve District and County Board Chairman Scott Gryder. The Forest Preserve District will express support of the request.
Any comments received by the Corps of Engineers would be part of the public record for this project.
The work in the river, whether demolition or relocation occurs, requires a permit. The Forest Preserve District has to pursue the permit regardless of the final determination of the nature of work to the bridge.
Discussion of PrairieFest-June 16, 2018:
The Commission will be in Booth 130.
Commissioners will work the following hours:
Mr. Wehrli will do setup and takedown. He was volunteered to work until 11:00 and come back at 7:00.
Ms. Maye will work 10:00 until 2:00.
Ms. Flowers will work 2:00 until 8:00 (or close).
Chairwoman Heiman will work Noon until 6:00.
Mr. Asselmeier will assist with setup and takedown and will work until Noon and come back at 6:00.
Commissioners will bring the following items:
Everyone will bring a case of water, ice, candy, and chairs.
Mr. Wehrli will bring a cooler, tent, display board, and washers or other weights
Ms. Maye will try to get a donated picture to raffle. Ms. Maye will check if her husband can deliver an eight foot (8’) table to the event on the day of the event. She will coordinate with Mr. Wehrli on the delivery of the table.
Chairwoman Heiman will bring table cloths and a five foot (5’) table.
Mr. Asselmeier will bring the 1939 and 2016 maps, raffle tickets, bowl, stapler, tape, brochures, property nomination forms, This Place Matters Banner, and pens.
The picture will be raffled at the June Historic Preservation Commission meeting.
Mr. Asselmeier will contact the other historic groups to see if they would like to display information in the Commission’s booth.
Discussion of Participation in Community Events:
No discussion occurred.
Review and Recommendation on Historic Preservation Ordinance:
Ms. Maye reported that she worked with the State’s Attorney’s Office on the concerns with the Realtors Association of Fox Valley. Ms. Maye does not see the concerns of the Realtors Association as major concerns.
The definition of super majority vote should be defined in the ordinance.
The proof of ownership requirement inconsistency should be addressed.
At the next meeting, Commissioners will evaluate the definitions in the existing Historic Preservation Ordinance and the definitions in the Counties Code.
Public Comment:
Mr. Asselmeier reported the owner of the Boulder Hill Market sign is working on fixing the sign; they are not demolishing the sign.
A special use request for solar panels on Newark Road was submitted; this request would not need to come before the Commission.
Ms. Maye made a motion, seconded by Ms. Flowers, to adjourn. With a voice vote of three ayes, the motion carried. The Historic Preservation Commission adjourned at 7:47 p.m.