Kendall County Forest Preserve Committee of the Whole met June 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
I. Call to Order
President Gilmour called the Committee of the Whole meeting to order at 5:45 pm in the Kendall County Board Room.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners Cullick, Gilmour, Gryder, Hendrix, Prochaska, and Purcell all were present. Commissioner Davidson entered the meeting at 5:56 pm.
III. Approval of Agenda
Commissioner Cullick made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Commission Hendrix. All, aye. Opposed, none.
IV. Citizens to be Heard
There were no citizens in attendance.
V. Executive Director's Report
Director Guritz provided an executive director’s report along with reports from department supervisors.
Acting Director Emily Dombrowski noted that the July 3rd meeting is cancelled and that there will be a Special Call Commission meeting scheduled prior to the July Committee of the Whole meeting. It was noted the extra trail work needed at all the preserves with the record amount of rainfall in May and June.
Commissioner Purcell asked about the trash issue reported for use of the baseball field at Hoover Forest Preserve.
The Committee discussed ways to fix the problem with the littering issue at the field.
Commissioner Gryder asked about the status of ticks in the preserves.
Emily Dombrowski reported low findings of ticks at all the preserves and that all environmental education staff carry I-tick kits with them to support data collection efforts.
Old Business
VI. Review of a Proposed 1-Year Residence Lease Agreement for Pickerill- Pigott Forest Preserve
President Gilmour presented an overview of the proposed 1-year resident lease agreement for Pickerill-Pigott Forest Preserve.
Commissioner Hendrix asked for more details about the values determined within the agreement.
Commissioner Davidson entered the meeting at 5:56 pm.
President Gilmour noted that the cost of the rent was decided by the values of KHA. The calculation of the market value includes the projected costs for utilities.
Commissioner Prochaska noted that the KHA pays the market value for housing. It was noted that this is a one-year agreement to maintain the house and preserve.
President Gilmour noted that currently, maintenance and site contractor coordination is handled by Director Guritz, Superintendent Olson, and Grounds Maintenance support staff.
Commissioner Purcell noted that there should be the addition of a minimum of hours required to work.
Commissioner Prochaska asked for the estimated hours a week and hourly rate the employee will be paid.
Commissioner Cullick remarked it is beneficial to have someone in the house for security and insurance reasons.
Commissioner Hendrix remarked that all assets have a cost and that the one-year agreement can give the board time to discuss the master plan and initial improvements.
Commissioner Davidson offered his views to simplify the agreement.
Commissioner Gryder remarked that having someone living on site increases liability.
President Gilmour noted there are multiple approaches that can be taken on the District’s lease agreements.
VII. Pickerill-Pigott Forest Preserve Master Plan Updates
Emily Dombrowski reported the District has received 92 survey responses for the Pickerill- Pigott Forest Preserve master plan. There will be a summary of the surveys at the July meeting.
New Business
VIII. Hoover Railroad Crossing Improvements Updates - ComEd and Illinois Railway Easement Requests
President Gilmour remarked there was a previously approved ordinance outlining the process and costs assessed for establishing new easements on District property.
Direction was requested to authorize negotiation of the proposed easements. The estimated easement costs and fees were presented.
The Committee of the Whole requested more details about the proposed easement, including whether there is currently an easement for the existing electrical service line. Direction was provided to work with the State’s Attorney’s Office to support negotiation efforts for the proposed easements.
IX. Review of Proposed FY 18-19 Fees and Charges
Acting Director Dombrowski reported on new proposed program offerings for nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Options include single programs reservations, monthly reservations, or seasonal offerings.
Commissioner Prochaska requested a breakdown of resident to non-resident use of bunkhouse facilities.
Farm Manager Vick remarked on that status of the Ellis House pony parties, noting a 1:3 ratio of resident to non-resident bookings.
Acting Director Dombrowski remarked that a report can be compiled for bunkhouse and shelter rentals.
X. Capital Fund Budget – Income and Expenditures Reort through May 31, 2018
President Gilmour remarked this was discussed at the Finance meeting.
Commissioner Purcell stated that additional detail will be requested from Director Guritz at the Commission meeting.
XI. Ellis House and Equestrian Center Mower Replacement and Trade-ins Proposal
Farm Manager Vick presented a proposal for the purchase of a new mower, and equipment trade-ins. The low-cost proposal was received from AHW of Somonauk, Illinois. The expected cost after trade-ins is $4,327.98.
Commissioner Purcell asked if Ellis House and Equestrian Center will need any other equipment.
Farm Manager Vick replied that a sprayer for herbicide would be the only other equipment needed.
XII. 2018 Executive Director’s Goals
Director Guritz provided a report outlining various goal for the following year.
The board reviewed and discussed the outlined goals.
XIII. “The Knot” Online Wedding Guide – Month-to-Month Contract Renewal
Commissioner Prochaska reviewed the discussion from Operation’s Committee of the month-to-month contract with “The Knot”.
The recommendation from Director Guritz is to continue with the subscription for 3 months with a promo code.
Commissioner Hendrix remarked that there does need to be a way to track to what business comes from “The Knot”.
President Gilmour remarked that there has been increased tracking via promo codes with Facebook and other ads.
Commissioner Cullick remarked that there was previously a study done with college students on social media marketing, suggesting it may be useful to update the study.
The Committee of the Whole gave direction to continue the subscription for 3-months with the publication of a tracking promo code.
XIV. Executive Session
XV. Other Items of Business
President Gilmour remarked there will be a volunteer appreciation picnic at Hoover Forest Preserve on June 21st.
XVI. Citizens to be Heard
There were no citizens in attendance.
XVII. Adjournment
Commissioner Gryder made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Prochaska. Aye, all. Meeting adjourned at 7:11 pm.