City of Yorkville Public Works Committee met July 17.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
Citizen Comments:
Minutes for Correction/Approval: June 19, 2018
New Business:
1. PW 2018-65 Capital Improvement Projects Update
2. PW 2018-66 Bond/LOC Reduction Quarterly Update
3. PW 2018-67 NPDES Annual Report
4. PW 2018-68 2018 Sanitary Sewer Lining Change Order No. 1
5. PW 2018-69 Small Cell Wireless Fees and Code Amendment
6. PW 2018-70 Ground Effects Sidewalk
7. PW 2018-71 Old Jail RFP
8. PW 2018-72 Metra Support Resolution
Old Business:
1. PW 2018-58 Beecher Center HVAC – Award of Contract
Additional Business:
2018/2019 City Council Goals – Public Works Committee
Goal Priority Staff
“Road to Better Roads Funding” 5 Bart Olson, Eric Dhuse & Rob Fredrickson
“Water Planning” 6 Eric Dhuse & Brad Sanderson
“Municipal Building Needs & Planning” 7 Bart Olson, Eric Dhuse, Rob Fredrickson, Tim Evans & Erin Willrett
“Traffic Patrol” 9 Eric Dhuse & Rich Hart
“Whispering Meadows” 10 Bart Olson & Brad Sanderson
“Vehicle Replacement” 12 Bart Olson, Eric Dhuse, Rob Fredrickson, Rich Hart & Tim Evans
“Water Conservation Plan” 14 Eric Dhuse & Brad Sanderson
“Capital Improvement Plan” 16 Eric Dhuse, Rob Fredrickson & Brad Sanderson