City of Yorkville City Council met October 19.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
Mayor Purcell called the meeting to order at 9: 03 a.m.
City Clerk Pickering called the roll.
Ward I Koch Present
Transier Present
Ward II Milschewski Present
Plocher Present
Ward III Funkhouser Present
Frieders Present
Ward IV Tarulis Present
Peterson Present
Also present: City Administrator Olson, City Clerk Pickering, Chief of Police Jensen, Public Works Director Dhuse, Community Development Director Barksdale-Noble, Finance Director Fredrickson, Director of Parks and Recreation Evans, Building Code Official Ratos, and EEI Engineer Sanderson.
A quorum was established.
BUSINESS—Goal Setting Session
City Administrator Olson said that the goal setting format would be similar to years prior. The elected officials will receive ten votes each to vote on items that they feel are important for the city to focus on. These weighted votes will determine the council' s priorities for the next fiscal year. Administrator Olson also mentioned that the packet included some early budget requests that he wanted to highlight such as an Enterprise Resource Planning( ERP) system to handle citywide functions such as accounting, budgeting, HR, payroll, permitting, citation tracking, etc., a sidewalk program and downtown projects.
Goals from 2018 in order of priority were:
1) Staffing( Police and Others)
2) Municipal Building Needs and Planning
3) Road to Better Roads( RTBR) Funding
4) Southside Development
5) Downtown and Riverfront Planning
6) Water Planning
7) Metra Extension
8a) Manufacturing and Industrial
8b) School Safety( Exterior and Traffic)
10) Expand Economic Development Efforts
11a) Automation and Technology
11b) Grant Opportunities and Planning
13) Revenue Growth
14a) Quiet Zones
14b) Special Events Amplification
16) Public Relations and Outreach
17) Entrance Signage
18) Parks and Recreation Programming Building
19) Route 47 Crossings
Administrator Olson asked the elected officials what they would like to consider for goals for next year. The following ideas were given: vehicles— leasing vs. buying, municipal building needs and planning, budget performance and planning, water planning, downtown and riverfront planning, Route 47 crossings, pedestrian traffic, automation and technology, Road to Better Roads program funding, shared-use trail maintenance, and parks and recreation capital projects.
Each elected official ranked the goals resulting in the following list of goals in order of priority:
1) Automation and Technology
2) Municipal Building Needs and Planning
3) Road to Better Roads( RTBR) Funding
4) Pedestrian Traffic
5) Water Planning
6a) Vehicles
6b) Budget Performance
8) Downtown and Riverfront Planning
9) Southside Development
10) Metra Extension
11) Manufacturing and Industrial
12) Staffing( Police and Others)
13) Parks and Recreation Capital
14) Route 47 Crossings
15) School Safety( Exterior and Traffic)
16) Revenue Growth
17) Expand Economic Development Efforts
18) Quiet Zones
Mayor Purcell adjourned the City Council meeting at 11: 11 a.m.