
Kendall County Times

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Oswego Community Unit School District 308 Board of Education met Nov. 11


Oswego Community Unit School District 308 Board met Nov. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Education of Community Unit School District 308, Kendall, Kane and Will Counties, Illinois, met in regular session in the Community Room at Oswego East High School.

Note for file: All roll call votes are shown in alphabetical order in these minutes; however, during the Board Meeting votes are called out in accordance with Board Policy 2:220

1. Call to Order – Executive Session (6:45 pm)

The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. by Mrs. Lauri Doyle

1.1 Roll Call:

Upon Roll Call the following members answered present:

Matt Bauman, Lauri Doyle, Ruth Kroner, Brent Lightfoot, Toni Morgan, Heather Moyer, Alison Swanson

Members Absent (at roll call):


2. Closed Session

2.1 Enter Closed Session under statute(s): 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employee

A motion was made by Mrs. Ruth Kroner, second by Mr. Matt Bauman, to enter Closed Session under statute(s): 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mrs. Ruth Kroner, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mrs. Alison Swanson

The Board of Education entered closed session at 6:46 p.m.

2.2 Return to Open Session

A motion was made by Mrs. Ruth Kroner, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to return to Open Session.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mrs. Ruth Kroner, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mrs. Alison Swanson

The Board of Education returned to Open Session at 7:34 p.m.

3. Call to Order – Public Session (7:30 pm)

The meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by Mrs. Lauri Doyle

3.1 Roll Call:

Upon Roll Call the following members answered present:

Matt Bauman, Lauri Doyle, Ruth Kroner, Brent Lightfoot, Toni Morgan, Heather Moyer, Alison Swanson

Members Absent (at roll call):


Administration Present:

Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Sparlin

Associate Superintendent of Educational Services Faith Dahlquist

Chief Financial Officer Mrs. Christi Tyler

Director of Communications Mrs. Theresa Komitas

Others Present:

Employees of the District and members of the community

Recording Secretary:

Ursula Coan

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Board President Lauri Doyle

4. Recognitions

4.1 PRIDE November Award Recipients

- Wolf's Crossing - Jeannine Thacker (2nd Grade Teacher), Megan Giacomino (Literacy President Lauri Doyle and members of the Board of Education recognized the November PRIDE award recipients.

- Bednarcik - Anna Deal (Social Worker), Erin Skaggs (PE Teacher), Kim Goodall (Secretary) Specialist), Julie Wulff (Speech Pathologist)

- Homestead - Nicole Hunt (Social Worker), Luann Gerth (Literacy Specialist), Jen Paras (Teacher Assistant)

5. Public Comment

5.1 Opportunity for the Public to address the Board of Education

Jessica Estes – student at Oswego East High School, commented regarding the high fees for electives and activities. Jessica commented that $400 for Drivers Ed is too much compared to private companies that provide more time on the road for almost the same amount of money. In addition, the fees have to be paid by a certain deadline, which causes a hardship on many families. Jessica stated that having school fees paid up should not keep anyone from playing a sport or attending a dance.

Lanaya Wilke – student at Oswego East High School, stated that she participated in two sports at a cost of $600. Lanaya shared some of her findings on this topic with the Board. She went on to say that this past fall about 550 athletes signed up for a sport, which comes out to about $160,000. In addition, the students are still expected to do their own fundraising and pay for their own gear. Lanaya quoted some fees from our surrounding district that are less and/or have a cap per family. Lanaya stated that some of her friends are limited to one sport or one club because parents can’t afford the high fees.

Aimee Jackson – a parent in our district, stated that while she feels for the kids, the taxes are way too high in our community while the home prizes are not increasing by much. Ms. Jackson shared that she does not mind paying for her own children’s activities or AP tests but and that instead of raising taxes for everyone, the district needs to live within it’s means. We can’t really compare the fees with other district, since they have a large industrial base and get more funding from that. Ms. Jackson stated that the tax increase did not pass the last time and asked the board not to add this item to the ballot agin.

6. Comments/Reports

6.1 Board Member Comments

Toni Morgan – thanked all Veterans for their service. Ms. Morgan shared that she attended an event that was sponsored by EPEC, Exceptional Parents of Exceptional Children, and the speaker was Beverley Johns on the topic of why bullying happens and what we should do to stop it. The Robotics team also stopped by the event to let everyone know that if any student is interested in robotics, they are welcome. The team will be holding an open house on December 12th.

Brent Lightfoot – gave a shout out to the girls co-op swim team. The team set a record on 12 conference championships in a row. We still have Sectionals and State to look forward to. Congratulations to all the girls.

Ruth Kroner – attended both of the OHS band concerts and they were fantastic. This coming Wednesday, the Thompson Junior High Jazz band together with the OHS Jazz band as well as a professional band will be performing at 7:00 pm.

Matt Bauman – commented that he was not able to attend any of the Veterans Day celebrations around the district, but thanked the administration for putting events together, that allow students to invite their family members that served and to instill the values and express thanks for the sacrifices that were made.

Lauri Doyle – attended the Veterans Day breakfast at Traughber Junior High. The weather was tough with the snow coming down, but it was a great event and the Veterans that were in attendance, really appreciated being recognized. In the afternoon, Mrs. Doyle was able to attend the Plank Junior High celebration. They annually present a Quilt of Valor to a Veteran, which is handcrafted by the mother of one of the teacher’s.

6.2 Board Advisory Committee Updates

Policy and Legislative Advisory Committee – Mrs. Swanson stated that the committee reviewed the Board of Education advisory committee procedures. The committee reviewed several policies which will be presented for a first read later on in the meeting. There were some question on the policy regarding communication to and from the board, specifically when the board receives questions from the community, how the individual board members know who responded and how.

6.3 Superintendent’s Report

Dr. Sparlin shared that he was able to meet OHS student Erik Dralle and OEHS student Christine Corpuz, both of them scored a perfect ACT. There have only been two other students in the history of SD308 to score a 36, and not since 2004. Dr. Sparlin stated that he attended the Senior Center fundraiser that was recently held at the Whitetail Ridge Golf Club. It was very well attended and much fun. Dr. Sparlin also commented on the girls swim team accomplishments and the OHS football game that was very exciting, even though they lost in overtime. Dr. Sparlin attended the Veterans Day celebration at Grande Park. Dr. Sparlin acknowledged our board members for Board Member Appreciation Day, celebrated on November 15th. He thanked them for the tremendous amount of time they volunteer to our students and community.

Mrs. Doyle added that OE boys cross country team finished 5th in the State!

7. Presentations

7.1 Student Report Card Data

Faith Dahlquist, Associate Superintendent for Educational Services, presented the Student Report Card Data. The report card shows our student characteristics and our overall enrollment as well as proficiency for ELA, Math and Science. Mrs. Dahlquist shared that on the SAT test, the district score is higher than the state average. This presentation is just a snapshot of what is available on the ISBE website at the following link: https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/District.aspx?districtid=24047308026

Mrs. Dahlquist stated that her team goes through each schools data and addresses the concerns. The summative designations were briefly discussed as well. In 2018 our district had ten schools designated as underperforming and the rest as commendable. In 2019, OEHS is designated as exemplary, three are underperforming and the rest commendable. The complete presentation, showing in more detail what the designations are based of off, can be found at the

Mr. Lightfoot asked why OEHS received a designation of exemplary and OHS did not. One of the differences between the schools is that OHS has a higher rate of chronic absenteeism. Mrs.

Dahlquist shared the importance of enforcing positive attendance and making sure that absences are coded correctly in the system to give a true percentage. There are pockets of success, where subgroups in certain schools increased performance in the last few years. It’s more difficult at the elementary level to track that progress since the tests keep changing.

8. Approve Consent Agenda

8.1 Approval of Minutes from previous Meeting

8.2 Acknowledgement of Freedom of Information (FOIA) Requests

8.3 Board Policies References and Legal Updates:

Section 2: School Board (2:240)

Section 3: General School Administration (3:10, 3:60)

Section 4: Operational Services (4:90)

Section 5: General Personnel (5:35, 5:40, 5:130, 5:310)

Section 6: Instruction (6:110)

Section 7: Students (7:170)

A motion was made by Mrs. Ruth Kroner, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to approve all items under consent, including 

8.1 Minutes from the October 21, 2019 Board of Education meeting, open and closed session and from the November 4, 2019 Board of Education Public Forum;

8.2 to acknowledge the FOIA requests and 8.3 to approve the following Board Policy References and Legal Updates:

Section 2: School Board (2:240)

Section 3: General School Administration (3:10, 3:60)

Section 4: Operational Services (4:90)

Section 5: General Personnel (5:35, 5:40, 5:130, 5:310)

Section 6: Instruction (6:110)

Section 7: Students (7:170)

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mrs. Ruth Kroner, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mrs. Alison Swanson

9. Information Only

9.1 Financial Statements

There were no questions on the Financial Statements 9.2 2020-21 School Calendar

Dr. Sparlin stated that at the last Board of Education meeting the board members asked administration to reconvene with the calendar committee to address some items that were discussed at the last board meeting. The committee met and is presenting a revised calendar to the board for consideration.

The number of School Improvement Days has decreased from six to three School year will start on the third Wednesday in August School year will end prior to Memorial Day Parent Teacher conferences and one of the Teacher Institute days will be held on an Election Day The board members shared their appreciation by thanking the calendar committee for reevaluating the original draft calendar and making suggested changes that will address some of the concerns that were shared by the community.

9.3 Board Policies for First Read:

Section 2: School Board (2:110)

Section 5: General Personnel (5:180, 5:330)

Section 6: Instruction (6:40, 6:340)

Section 7: Students (7:100)

Dr. Sparlin stated that the policies presented for First Read were discussed at the October 28

Policy and Legislative Committee meeting.

Mr. Lightfoot commented on policy 5:330, employee vacation and sick days. There is a new trend of companies giving employees a day off to use for community service. It’s something we might want to consider for our employees. On policy 6:40, Mr. Lightfoot commented that he would like for the language to be more aspirational. Mrs. Dahlquist commented that this languages is suggested to us from PRESS and aligns with other districts. As a district, we can decide what is important to us and go past the minimum requirements.

9.4 New High School Elective Courses

The proposed new high school course Residential Construction, creating not just pathways to college, but preparing students for life and giving them tastes to different pathways. We already have many of the tools and the materials that will be needed. Additional supplies would come out of the Perkins/CTE grant.

The other new course is Spoken Word, where students will focus on creating and formatting their own authentic stories. This course will begin focusing on content, then will move into exposing students to various forms of oral communication that can be used to communicate their written story.

Mrs. Doyle commented that she would like to ensure that if we are adding new pathways, that we are adding courses that have practices and standards in place that will make the students employable. Mrs. Kincaid, Director of High School Education, shared that for this course, they looked at safety, what skills are most in demand now, and what skills are most beneficial in the future. We have faculty that has experiences in construction and in the trades. The draft syllabus was created by teachers and department chairs from both of our high schools and grading is an ongoing conversation. Mrs. Swanson suggested that the OSHA training certification be added as well.

The Board members discussed the second course, Spoken Word. Mrs. Kincaid clarified that this would be in addition to the mandatory English courses required for graduation. This is meant to be for students that love English, to have a chance to explore this as an elective, not as a required skill. Mrs. Dahlquist stated that in order to meet the timelines of the new course catalogue, this item would need to be approved later on this evening.

The complete presentation on the proposed high school elective courses, including audio, can be found at the following link: https://go.boarddocs.com/il/oswego308/Board.nsf/vpublic?open

9.5 Extension of Real Estate Broker Contract to sell the District 308 Center Property located at 61 Franklin Street in Oswego

Mrs. Tyler stated that the current contract with our Real Estate Broker to sell the District 308 Center property expires on December 29 and we would like to recommend that the contract be extended at the next Board of Education meeting on December 9, 2019 for another 120 days.

The Board members had no questions.

9.6 Operating Referendum Discussion

Dr. Sparlin presented two scenarios for our 5-year projections, stating that later on, the board members will have the opportunity to vote on a Resolution for the submission of the proposition to increase the limiting tax rate. In the event the Board adopts this Resolution, there will be discussion on the Rollback Options with a successful Referendum.

Scenario #1 – Maintain current practices

Continue to sell bonds for capital projects and technology

Continue issuing tax-anticipation warrants

Continue with current reductions and fee schedules

Dr. Sparlin stated that this scenario projects a balanced budget through FY2025 with a projected year-end balance of $31M or 13.1 percent of expenditures.

Scenario #2 – Successful Operating Rate Referendum

A $0.30 operating rate increase beginning in the 2021 tax collection year

Allocates $3M annually to address Board Priority 4 without the future sale of bond

The reduction of the TAW amount issued over time

Includes February 25, 2019 Board approved roll-backs

This scenario projects a year-end balance in FY 2025 of $38 M or 15.53 percent of expenditures. Mr. Lightfoot stated that the community said no twice in the past, with the operating referendum and the sales tax increase, to fund schools by raising taxes. Mr. Lightfoot questioned what happens to home values by raising taxes in the highest taxed county in the State. The board members discussed the high numbers of public comment and the well attended public forum, where community members overwhelmingly supported adding the Referendum back on the ballot. Many voters did not have a good understanding of what was at stake last time and hopefully everyone will be better informed this time. The concern mostly voiced, is losing junior high athletics, higher class sizes and the reduction of academic programs.

Mrs. Doyle commented that a board does not get to decide for the community whether or not to increase the base amount of the tax levy. Opportunities to increase revenue is very limited. Mrs. Doyle stated that we need to be able to keep up our buildings and retain quality staff for our children’s education.

10. Action Items

10.1 Approval of Bills for Payment

A motion was made Mrs. Ruth Kroner, second by Mr. Matt Bauman, to authorize the payment of bills in the amount of three million, eight hundred twenty-three thousand, three hundred twentyeight dollars and ninety-eight cents ($3,823,328.98) as presented

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mrs. Ruth Kroner, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mrs. Alison Swanson

10.2 Student 2019-1 Disciplinary Case

A motion was made Mrs. Ruth Kroner, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to uphold the Disciplinary

Action regarding student 2019-1 as discussed in closed session

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-1

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mrs. Ruth Kroner, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mrs. Alison Swanson

Nay: Mr. Brent Lightfoot

10.3 Approval of High School Elective Courses

A motion was made Mrs. Ruth Kroner, second by Mr. Matt Bauman, to adopt the two new High School Elective Courses as presented; Residential Construction and Spoken Word

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mrs. Ruth Kroner, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mrs. Alison Swanson

10.4 Intergovernmental Agreement for Shared Services

A motion was made Mrs. Ruth Kroner, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to approve the Shared Services Intergovernmental Agreement as presented

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mrs. Ruth Kroner, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mrs. Alison Swanson

10.5 Adoption of 2019 Tax Levy

A motion was made Mrs. Ruth Kroner, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to adopt the 2019 Tax Levy as presented

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 5-2

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mrs. Ruth Kroner, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer

Nay: Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Mrs. Alison Swanson

10.6 Resolution providing for the Submission of the Proposition of increasing the Limiting Rate to the Voters of the School District at the General Primary Election to be held on the 17th Day of March, 2020

A motion was made Mrs. Ruth Kroner, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to approve the Resolution providing for and requiring the submission of the proposition of increasing the limiting rate under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law to the voters of Oswego Community Unit School District Number 308, Kendall, Kane and Will Counties, Illinois at the general primary election to be held on the 17th day of March, 2020, as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 5-2

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mrs. Ruth Kroner, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer

Nay: Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Mrs. Alison Swanson

10.7 Approval of Personnel Report

A motion was made by Mrs. Ruth Kroner, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to approve the Personnel report as presented

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 4-3

Aye: Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mrs. Ruth Kroner, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer

Nay: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Mrs. Alison Swanson

11. Information

11.1 Rollback Options with successful Referendum

The board members discussed the rollback options that were previously approved in the event of a successful referendum.

Reduce participation fee for activities and clubs

Reduce High School sports fees to $150/sport

Reinstate Junior High Athletics

Resume Summer School Transportation

Reduce class size divisors K-2 from 28 to 25 3-5 from 30 to 28

Reinstate the 3rd grade Gifted Model

Mrs. Swanson would like to be provided with the cost of reducing classroom size for grades 3-5 down to 26 students. Mrs. Doyle stated that she remembered that cost to be around $1M.

Mrs. Moyer added that she has a concern with the Junior High class sizes as well and would like some numbers for that added. Mrs. Kroner commented that she would rather see lower class sizes instead of reducing the sports fees by half. The board members discussed the following questions and concerns:

Behind the wheel hours for our students compared to a private company

Should the Drivers Ed fee be lowered if we provide less hours behind the wheel

Re-evaluate the full day Kindergarten fee

Possibility for utilizing 3-5 grants since many students are still 5 years old in Kindergarten

Make sure previous numbers are still current

Evaluate physical space in buildings to reduce class sizes and bring back Gifted Ed model

Discuss the Gifted Ed model further to ensure longevity

12. Closed Session

12.1 Enter Closed Session under statute(s): 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6) The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body

A motion was made by Mrs. Ruth Kroner, second by Mr. Matt Bauman, to enter Closed Session under statute(s): 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6) The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mrs. Ruth Kroner, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mrs. Alison Swanson

The Board of Education entered closed session at 9:35 p.m.

12.2 Return to Open Session

A motion was made by Mrs. Ruth Kroner, second by Ms. Toni Morgan, to return to Open Session

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mrs. Ruth Kroner, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mrs. Alison Swanson

The Board of Education returned to Open Session at 10:14 p.m.

12. Adjournment

12.1 Adjourn

A motion was made by Mrs. Ruth Kroner, second by Ms. Toni Morgan, to adjourn.

All were in favor unanimously to adjourn.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mrs. Ruth Kroner, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mrs. Alison Swanson

Meeting Adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
