
Kendall County Times

Monday, December 23, 2024

Kendall County Facilities Management Committee met March 2


Kendall County Facilities Management Committee met March 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Committee Chair Matt Kellogg called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Members Present: Amy Cesich, Matt Kellogg, Judy Gilmour

Members Absent: Tony Giles

With enough members present, a quorum was formed to conduct business.

Others Present: Facilities Management Director Jim Smiley, County Administrator Scott Koeppel

Approve the February 3, 2020 Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes – There were no changes to the

February 3, 2020 minutes; Member Cesich made a motion to approve the minutes, second by Member Gilmour.

With enough present members voting aye, the minutes were approved.

Approval of Agenda – Member Cesich made a motion to approve the agenda. Member Gilmour second the motion. All Aye. Motion approved.

Member Cesich made a motion to amend the agenda to move item number three (3) under new business to be moved after the Public Comment. Member Gilmour second the motion. All Aye. Motion approved.

Public Comment – None

Old Business/Projects

1. Animal Control Project – Director Smiley reviewed the bid results and presented them to the Committee. Peter Perilla is the lowest bid and their reference check which came back excellent. Approval of the contract is on the County Board agenda for Tuesday March 3, 2020. Director Smiley also reported on current cost projections and reported the cleaning process of the garage has begun.

2. Sally Port Elevator Controls Project – Director Smiley reported the sump pump and electrical outlet have been installed and the lighting has been updated. Elevator passed re-inspection. Project Complete.

3. Carpet Replacement Projects at the Courthouse – Director Smiley reported the carpet is shipping the week of March 18th. Jim spoke with Judge Pilmer about installation the week of March 30th for installation. Jim is coordinating with the carpet vendor.

4. Sign project for new Illinois Statute for Single Use Bathroom – Director Smiley reported all signs but the courthouse bathrooms are installed. These signs were ordered for the wrong size by the supplier. Mr. Smiley stated the sign company is sending new frames at no charge, once received they will be installed.

5. Public Safety Center Door Release Buttons – Director Smiley reported the last release button was installed. Project Complete.

6. Courthouse BCU Replacement Utilizing the U.S. Communities Contract – Director Smiley approved the submittals for the BCU. Jim was informed materials should be received at any time and will schedule installation once received.

7. Mutual Ground New Space at the Courthouse – Director Smiley informed the Committee the mail equipment has been moved to the new location. The new sign was ordered, the office was repainted, and the furniture was moved in on February 21, 2020.

8. Health Department Dental Office – Per FM Committee direction, Director Smiley sent an email to the Health Department to set up a meeting with Dr. Tokars, Chair Kellogg, County Administrator Koeppel, and Director Smiley along with the Health Department’s Finance Manager and a Health Department board member. The Health Department’s response was they would be setting their own meeting with Kluber to discuss the proposal. Recently, Director Smiley called Kluber and was told there is no meeting currently scheduled. Director Smiley emailed Steve Curatti and Dr. Tokars for status and was informed the meeting would be set up with the Health Department through their Finance Department soon.

New Business/Projects

1. Chair’ s Report

a. Solar Project Update – Arnie Schramel from Progressive Energy informed the committee the City of Yorkville granted the change to the fence and landscape. The Enterprise Zone is in the final completion stages. Discussion on GRNE Energy’s request of Kendall County to review and enter into an assignment agreement. Motion by Member Cesich to have the State’s Attorney’s Office review the Assignment Agreement by GRNE Energy. Second by Member Gilmour. All members present voting aye, Motion Carried.

b. CenterPoint Energy Sale & Effect on Current Contract – Arnie Schramel from Progressive Energy informed the Committee CenterPoint Energy has been sold to Equity Energy Capital Partners. Mr. Schramel reported the contact will remain in place and will be honored by the new company. The committee requested Mr. Schramel to contact the new company and obtain in writing Kendall County’s current contract and pricing will be honored.

c. Forest Preserve Lease – The approval the Lease, Pickerill House storage license and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) are on the March 3, 2020 County Board agenda. County Administrator Koeppel explained the License for the storage space at the Pickerill house amount needs to be reduced by $500.00 to cover the Forest Preserve handling of short term rentals at the Histroric Courthouse. A motion will be made at the meeting at the Forest Preserve and County Board meetings on Tuesday, March 3, 2020 to address this change. After passage of these documents an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) will need to be drafted for the handling of the room rentals by the Forest Preserve for Kendall County.

d. County Board Room and Security Improvements Meeting – Director Smiley submitted an updated floor plan for discussion and review of recently updated floor plans. Jim will make requested modifications and send to Dewberry. Mr. Smiley provided a guess of late June to July for the start of the remodeling of the County Boardroom.

2. Public Safety Center Boiler & MZU #4 Controls Upgrade – Director Smiley stated a preliminary price for budgeting was received at $60,000.00 which was submitted and approved in the 2020 capital budget. When the project quote was received the amount was $62,100.00. Chair Kellogg and Director Smiley said they knew of other projects in this fund source, that will come in less costly. The consensus of the committee is to move item to the March 18, 2020 County Board meeting for approval.

3. Discussion and Approval of an IGA between Kendall County and Little Rock Township – County Administrator Koeppel informed the committee Little Rock Township Commission approved to work with Kendall County to rehab the cemetery and have a long term relationship to maintain the cemetery. Discussion on insurance requirements, record keeping and equipment, labor use and consideration. The ideal time to start the cleanup process will be soon before spring blooms. Motion by Member Gilmour to have the State’s Attorney’s Office draft and Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Kendall County and Little Rock Township. Second by Member Cesich. All members present voting aye, Motion Carried.

4. Discussion of Sealcoating Bid and Joint Purchasing – County Administrator Koeppel explained to the committee in an effort to save costs local municipalities have been partnering up and currently a sealcoating project is needed at Oswego and the Park District. Mr. Koeppel asked the committee if Kendall County is to become part of the joint project, whether the State’s Attorney’s Office should look at the contract prior to the bid or after. Chair Kellogg suggested the State’s Attorney’s Office review the RFP and contract in the best interest of all municipalities involved before the bid release instead of each city using their own attorney. The committee agreed with Chair Kellogg. Mr. Koeppel will inform Oswego of the committee’s decision to have the SAO review the bid packet and contract in the best interest for all involved before the release. Director Smiley is meeting with Fran at Highway to determine how much paving costs will be for planned 2020 projects. Once this is done Jim will have a better idea how much money would be available for seal coating, crack filling and stripping County parking lots.


 Reportable Labor Hours – Reports were included in the packet. Other Items of Business

 CMMS Charts – Reports were included in the packet for:

- Reported versus Completed Work Orders, Reported by Building Current Month

- Work Orders by Work Type Current month

 Director Smiley received bids for the electrical work for the Animal Control project and requested to bring the winning bid to the March 18, 2020 County Board Meeting for approval. The committee approved the move.

Questions from the Media – None 

Executive Session – None

Adjournment – Chair Kellogg asked if there was a motion to adjourn. Member Cesich made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by Member Gilmour. With all members present voting aye, the meeting adjourned at 5:01 p.m.
