
Kendall County Times

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Joliet Public Service Committee Met August 31


City of Joliet Public Service Committee met Aug. 31.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


Present Larry E. Hug, Bettye Gavin, and Terry Morris

ALSO PRESENT: Jim Trizna - Director of Public Works, Greg Ruddy - Public Works Administrator, Allison Swisher - Director of Public Utilities, Amy Wagner - Deputy Director of Engineering, Russ Lubash - Traffic Engineer, Gabe Friend - Neighborhood Services, Dawn Koch - Interim Purchasing/Contracts Administrator, Tom Murtha - Senior Planner, and Bob Okon - Herald News.


A motion was made by Bettye Gavin, seconded by Terry Morris, to approve the Minutes of the August 17, 2020 Public Service Committee Meeting.

The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Hug, Gavin, and Morris

8-17-2020 Minutes


No one signed up and no one present wished to speak.

NOTE: There is a new temporary procedure for public speaking. Details can be found on the Joliet.gov “Public Comments” web page.


Award a Contract for Snow Removal for Municipal Lots to Trizzino Concrete for the 2020/2021 Snow Season through the 2023/2024 Snow Season

Jim Trizna, Director of Public Works spoke about the contract for the 2020/2021 Snow Season, in the amount of $21,760.00 and $22,890.00 on behalf of Trizzino Concrete.

This Award of Contract was recommend for approval.

Award a Contract for the 2020 Sanitary Sewer Point Repair Project - Various Locations to Austin Tyler Construction Inc. in the amount of $192,967.61

Amy Wagner, Deputy Director of Engineering, discussed the 2020 Sanitary Sewer Point Repair project, in the amount of $192,967.61, on behalf of Austin Tyler Construction Inc.

A motion was made by Bettye Gavin, seconded by Terry Morris, to recommend for approval by the full Council: Ref. No. #057-20 and 059-20.

The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: Hug, Gavin, and Morris


Approve Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement for Phase I and II Engineering Services for the Houbolt Road (I-80 / US Route 6) Interchange Modification and Roadway Reconstruction Project to TranSystems Corporation in the amount of $499,935.00

Jim Trizna discussed Amendment No. 3, in the amount of $499,935.00, on behalf of TranSystems Corporation. These funds are coming from IDOT. This Amendment, Change Order and Payments was approve.

Approve Change Order No. 2 for the Well 29D Rehabilitation Project to Water Well Solutions Inc. in the amount of $47,640.00

Allison Swisher, Director of Public Utilities, discussed Change Order No. 2, in the amount of $47,640.00, on behalf of Water Well Solutions Inc.

Approve Change Order No. 1 for the Well 5D Rehabilitation Project to Water Well Solutions Inc. in the amount of $11,025.00

Allison Swisher discussed Change Order No. 1 for Well 5D, in the amount of $11,025.00, on behalf of Water Well Solutions Inc.

Approve Change Order No. 1 for the Well Rock 3 062-20 Rehabilitation Project to Water Well Solutions Inc. in the amount of $15,480.00

Allison Swisher discussed Change Order No. 1 for Well Rock 3, in the amount of $15,480.00, on behalf of Water Well Solutions Inc.

Approve Change Order No. 1 for the Demolition of 100-106 E Washington St. in the Amount of $10,200.00

Gabe Friend, Neighborhood Services, discussed Change Order No. 1 for the demolition of 100-106 E. Washington Street, in the amount of $10,200.00, on behalf of Grosshening Inc.

Council Memos Approved

A motion was made by Councilwoman Gavin, seconded by Councilman Morris to recommend for approval by the full Council: Ref. Nos. 058-20, 060-20, 061-20, 062-20 and 070-20.

The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Hug, Gavin, and Morris


Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Joliet Township for the Resurfacing of Rowell Avenue, Hague Street, and Gregory Avenue Joliet 

Greg Ruddy, Public Works Administrator, discussed the Intergovernmental Agreement with Joliet Township.

Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Various Traffic Signal Improvements Project (IDOT Contract 62H79) in the City of Joliet -Contract A - MFT Section No. 20-00532-00-TL in the amount of $155,172.86

IGA -Contract A 62H79 - MFT 20-00532-00

Jim Trizna discussed Contract A - Various Traffic Signal Improvements, in the amount of $155,172.86 for the City's share of the work, to be paid to IDOT.

Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Various Traffic Signal Improvements Project (IDOT Contract 62M72) in the City of Joliet - Contract B - MFT Section No. 20-00533-00-TL in the amount of $98,278.33

Jim Trizna discussed Contract B, in the amount of $98,278.33 for the City's Share, to be paid to IDOT.

Resolution Appropriating Funds for the Various Traffic Signal Improvements Project (IDOT Contract 62H79) in the City of Joliet - Contract A - MFT Section No. 20-00532-00-TL

Jim Trizna discussed the MFT Resolutions for the City's share of the project.

Resolution Appropriating Funds for the Various Traffic Signal Improvements Project (IDOT Contract 62M72) in the City of Joliet - Contract B - MFT Section No. 20-00533-00-TL

Jim Trizna discussed the MFT Resolution for the City's share of the Project.

Application for a Drive-Thru Permit for a Starbucks Restaurant at 1550 N. Larkin Avenue Unit C

Russ Lubash, Traffic Engineer, discussed the Drive Thru Permit for a Starbucks Restaurant at 1550 Larkin Avenue in the outer parking lot of the closed Ultra Foods location. The closed Ultra Foods location is slated for a fitness center and other retail location.

Resolution Accepting an Ingress/Egress easement for 403 Manhattan Road for the Richards Street Lift Station Replacement and Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project

Amy Wagner discussed the Resolution for Ingress/egress easement at 403 Manhattan Road. This provides access to the Richards Street Lift Station.

Council Memos Approved

A motion was made by Councilwoman Gavin, seconded by Councilman Morris to recommend for approval by the full Council: REF. Nos. 063-20, 064-20, 065-20, 066-20, 067-20, 068-20 and 069-20.

The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Hug, Gavin, and Morris


a. Report on Hydrant Repairs, Valves, Utilities Contracted Services, and Water Main Breaks

Allison Swisher discussed Hydrant Repairs, Valve Repairs, Water Main breaks, and contracted work.

Alternative Water Source Program

Allison Swisher stated no other updates since the Special City Council Meeting last week.

Update on Water Conservation Subcommittee Restaurant Initiative

No new update - carried over in error.

Update on the Laraway Road at Union Pacific Railroad Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study

Jim Trizna discussed CMAP review of dangerous railroad intersection crossings. Tom Murtha, Senior Planner for CMAP, spoke regarding Phase I engineering grade crossing improvements in the City of Joliet. There is no cost to the City of Joliet at this time, only staff involvement. There is now 75% truck traffic at this location and it is expected to increase over time.

Granite Street (Broadway Street - Bluff Street)

Greg Ruddy discussed Granite Street (Broadway Street - Bluff Street) and the potential permanent closure between the alley and Broadway Street. The street is one direction and extremely steep. There is one business, The Raven's Club, in this area.

The Public Service Committee (Councilwoman Gavin, Councilman Morris, and Councilman Hug) agrees with Staff to move forward with closing this road.


No one signed up and no one present wished to speak.

NOTE: There is a new temporary procedure for public speaking. Details can be found on the Joliet.gov "Public Comments" web page.


A motion was made by Bettye Gavin, seconded by Terry Morris, to adjourn. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Hug, Gavin, and Morris
