Yorkville Public Library Board Met Jan. 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Darren Crawford and the roll was called.
Roll Call:
Wamecca Rodriguez (arr. 7:07pm), Jason Hedman-yes, Theron Garcia-yes, Ryan Forristall-yes, Darren Crawford-yes, Susan Chacon-yes, Julie Brendich-yes, Russ Walter-yes.
Others Present:
Interim Co-Director Shelley Augustine, Interim Co-Director Dixie DeBord, Circulation Manager Sharyl Iwanski-Goist, Youth Services Director Jennette Weiss, City Council Liaison Daniel Transier, Peter Conrad-Syserco
Recognition of Visitors:
President Crawford welcomed staff and guests.
Amendments to the Agenda:
Mr. Walter asked to move the HVAC Control System Upgrade after Amendments and for a discussion of another minimum wage increase effective January 1, under New Business.
Unfinished Business: (out of sequence)
HVAC Control System Upgrade -Syserco
Peter Conrad from Syserco presented information for an HVAC system upgrade. They recently came to the library along with R.J. O'Neil, to determine service and equipment needs. He recommended replacing the computer that controls the equipment and also a wall mounted piece of hardware which is no longer manufactured. While there is no immediate failure, there is normal wear and tear. Since the library lights are currently controlled in Colorado, Ms. DeBord asked if they could be controlled by the proposed upgrades. Mr. Conrad said he was unsure if the current hardware was integrated with the lighting system, but is something that could be done easily, however, it is not in the quote.
Mr. Crawford asked how upgrades are completed. Software updates are done 3 times a year under a service agreement and normal hourly rates apply without an agreement. Mr. Hedman asked if Syserco could provide an itemized quote for labor and equipment and if the library could provide the new computer. Mr. Conrad said he will provide that information and the library can provide the computer. Mr. Forristall asked for an itemized list of materials, however, this quote is just for the computer, wall unit and no sensors, thermostats etc. Mr. Conrad summarized the 50 pieces of equipment such as chiller, air handler, thermostat, controlled by the BAS. A UPS for power outages was suggested by Mr. Walter. Mr. Conrad said it would take 2 days to install the proposed equipment with no down time. He will compile a revised proposal and provide a maintenance agreement proposal for the February meeting.
The minutes were approved as presented on a motion by Mr. Walter and second by Ms. Garcia. Roll call: Hedman-yes, Garcia-yes, Forristall-yes, Crawford-yes, Chacon-yes, Brendich-yes, Walter-yes, Rodriguez-yes. Carried 8-0.
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: None
Staff Comment: None
Report of the Treasurer:
Treasurer Hedman noted a $1,500 book purchase and various repairs. Sources of revenue are down such as library cards and fines, while salaries and operating supplies are up. Ms. DeBord will research an unknown $3,200 expense. Treasurer Hedman said most of the expense is for debt service. A motion was made by Mr. Hedman and seconded by Mr. Crawford to pay the bills as follows:
$16,571.72 Accounts Payable
$57,853.92 Payroll
$74,425.64 Total
Roll call: Garcia-yes, Forristall-yes, Crawford-yes, Chacon-yes, Brendich-yes, Walter-yes, Rodriguez yes, Hedman-yes. Carried 8-0.
Ms. Rodriguez asked to make a comment on the record and thanked the library for hosting the “period poverty” project. She said the library and community donated products which were donated to area organizations.
Report of the Library Director:
Ms. DeBord reported the following:
1. Brown water problem eliminated with installation of new water heater.
2. Leaky bathroom faucet replaced.
3. R. J. O'Neil did preventive maintenance, a second igniter to be ordered, cracks in boiler burners should be addressed.
4. Elevator maintenance, annual inspection to be scheduled February/March.
5. Gates to courtyards quit working, city electrician looked at and noted a transformer problem. He will install a new one.
6. Website was down for day, called Mr. Walter for assistance who found that the IP address had been changed.
Ms. Augustine continued the report.....
7. Winter program has kicked off with theme “Be the Change”, to be incorporated with MLK Day. No prizes this year, however, reader challenge to read certain number of pages. Friends will donate money to Food Pantry based on the challenge.
8. Ms. Weiss placed a coin collection box at front desk for Food Pantry. Focus is on giving back. Ms. Brendich commended the idea and asked if Board members could do a match if the goal is met.
9. Ms. Augustine having 2 programs and first webinar for MLK Day. Various organizations will speak and a speaker will be hosted in the evening.
10. Ms. Weiss reported book clubs will discuss MLK related topics as well as having related crafts and storytimes.
11. Ms. Augustine said Friends group optimistic about fall book sale and are accepting book donations.
12. Kendall County Record contacted Judy Somerlot regarding mini-golf, article on Kendall County NOW website.
13. Ms. DeBord suggested sending welcome letters to new residents which Circulation staff is now doing. Circulation staff also trained to do voter registration.
14. Ms. Rodriguez thanked staff for helping with teens, following teen program for “girls who code”.
15. Managers met with Weblinx staff regarding re-design, upgrade will take 16-17 weeks to finish.
16. Ms. Augustine spoke with reporter regarding previous Library Director's resignation.
17. Public requesting more library access, waiting for Tier 2 mitigation regarding pandemic. Limited programming can then be held in meeting room.
18. Police Department will hold blood drive in March in the meeting room.
Mr. Walter questioned if the library has a notary and it was noted that is a personal commitment. The city has 2 notaries and requests are referred to them.
City Council Liaison:
Alderman Transier will consult with Bart Olson regarding the move to the new city hall and on the new systems proposed by Mr. Conrad in the earlier presentation. He suggested that the library and city could possibly be on the same system. Mr. Walter also said the library should determine the power source for the library generator.
Standing Committees: None
Unfinished Business: (already discussed)
New Business:
Keyless Entry & Camera System Upgrade Proposals
Ms. DeBord presented the two proposals for cameras and FOBs. Alarm Detection is the cheaper of the two and she explained the work necessary to install. The Board discussed the costs and other aspects of equipment replacement. Trustee Hedman suggested looking at other system options, compiling a 5-10 year life cycle plan and targeting certain items when budgeting.
Other Considerations for Budgeting
The Board also discussed the phone system and it was noted that all-cordless phones are needed. The Board recalled that a rep from Metronet had proposed a new phone system, however, it was cost prohibitive at this time due to the current Comcast contract. In another matter, Mr. Transier will speak with Bart Olson regarding the parking lot striping that needs to be redone. Ms. DeBord mentioned the wear on the carpeted stairs, columns in the entrance are in need of painting and some broken computer chairs.
Discussion of Next Steps for the Direction of Library Leadership
Ms. Garcia said she will forward a job description to the Board for review prior to the January 25th meeting. Ms. DeBord said the staff agrees that the Board could delay hiring a Director and use that salary savings for repairs to the building. She said a person is really needed specifically for building issues/systems and minor repairs. Trustee Forristall inquired if the library could partner with the city for a shared position. He said other cities have a person in charge of all buildings and that the library is a city-owned building. Alderman Transier will inquire as to that possibility and President Crawford added that an inter-governmental agreement could be drafted to handle a shared position. Information was requested from other libraries regarding these issues and shared positions.
In summary, Ms. DeBord suggested reviewing all building problems before hiring a new Director. The Board will discuss a shared position and general staffing at the special January 25th meeting. Mr. Hedman asked for a weekly breakdown of personnel and staffing needs to facilitate that discussion.
Last month the Board discussed that a Director may need certain licensing to apply for some grants. It was noted no grants have been missed due to the absence of a Director. Mr. Walter also noted the library has been operating on the same tax levy for a long time.
Website Hosting with Weblinx
It was confirmed that Weblinx is the approved host for the website at a cost of $300 per year. January Illinois Wage Increase (added to agenda)
In an effort to be at $15 per hour by year 2025, the state has increased the minimum wage as of January. It was mentioned that other employees will also have to be increased to maintain an equitable situation, but other Board members said that should be discussed. An email will be sent to Finance Director Fredrickson confirming if the wages were increased to $11 per hour as of January 1 this year.
Executive Session:
The 6-month review of Executive Session minutes will be done at the February Board meeting which will start at 6:30pm.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:47pm.