
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Minooka Community Consolidated School District 201 Board of Education met Nov. 15

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Minooka Community Consolidated School District 201 Board of Education met Nov. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Stephen Blount                   Ed Cronin 

Emily Conquest 

Adam Shainberg 

James Satorius 

Al Skwarczynski 

Vinita Voss 

1. Call To Order 

1.01 Roll Call 

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Emily Conquest. Roll call was answered as indicated. Others present were: Kris Monn, Rich Searl, Mary Robinson, Aaron Souza, Jeana Pekol, Jackie Harig, Teri Miller, Jason Finkelstein, Sarah Monroe, Kathleen Cheshareck, Jill Lustik, Jill Forkel, Sara Weeks, Amy Larsen, Michelle Hanley, Jeanine Ruggeri, Tom Neisler, Matthew Heck, Jim Poort, Nicole Bitterman, Lori Shanholtzer and various guests for sport team recognitions.. 

1.02 Approval of Revised Agenda 

Moved by Skwarczynski, seconded by Shainberg to approve the revised agenda as presented. The revision that was made was to add technology discussion to information items. 

Aye: Skwarczynski, Shainberg, Blount, Satorius, Voss, Conquest 

Motion Carried. 

2. Public Comments and Recognitions 

2.01 Athletic Teams - Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Softball The Girls Softball Team and Coach Matthew Heckwere recognized. 

The Boys Cross Country Team and Coach Tom Neisler were recognized. 

The Girls Cross Country Team and Coach Tom Neisler were recognized. 

2.02 Students of the Month 

Jackie Harig announced the students of the month from Minooka Intermediate School. Adrianne McKerrow announced the students of the month from Minooka Junior High School. 

2.03 Comments from the Employees and the Public 

Parent Mr. Poort shared written concerns with the Board regarding the lack of classroom events and school activities in the district. 

Parent Nicole Bittermann shared concerns regarding sharing vaccination status.

3. Consent Agenda 

Moved by Shainberg, seconded by Voss to approve the list of bills, minutes from the October 18, 2021 regular meeting, treasurer report, destruction of the closed session recordings from November 2019, FOIA requests, and Special Education Buses-Lease Extension as presented. Aye: Shainberg, Voss, Blount, Skwarczynski, Satorius, Conquest 

Motion Approved. 

Moved by Skwarczynski, seconded by Satorius to approve the personnel report as presented. Aye: Skwarczynski, Satoritus, Blount, Shainberg, Voss, Conquest 

Motion Approved. 

4 Action Items 

4.01 2021 Tentative Tax Levy - Approval of public notice and establish public hearing Moved by Moved by Satorius, seconded by Blount to approve the 2021 Tentative Tax Levy public notice and establish public hearing as presented. 

Aye: Satorius, Blount, Shainberg, Skwarczynski, Voss, Conquest 

Motion Approved. 

4.02 Adoption of PRESS Policy Revisions, Issues 106 and 107 

Moved by Shainberg, seconded by Blount to approve the adoption of PRESS Policy Revisions, Issues 106 and 107 as presented. 

Aye: Shainberg, Blount, Satorius, Skwarczynski, Voss, Conquest 

Motion Approved. 

5. Discussion and Information Items 

5.01 Technology Discussion - Aaron Souza 

● Is currently working on a technology timeline that he will present to the board. e EdTech Committee will begin meeting starting December. 

● Explained the procurement process to the new board members. 

Was issued $247,000 grant proceeds to be used for technology. 


6.01 Administrative Reports 

Dr. Monn reported: 

● Wished peace and prayers to both John Anthony Jr.’s family and Brecken VanHyning’s family. 

● Wished the community a Happy Thanksgiving. 

Dr. Staab reported: 

● Started using the SOS suicide prevention program at MJHS. There was 262 students that participated in the program at some level 

Sarah Massey reported: 

● Staff testing is working well. Currently monitor about 100 staff members. Thanked everyone for all of their help. 

● Went over the job openings that wes till currently have. (2 sped teachers, program assistants, permanent sub, campus monitor, nurse) 

● Weare working on staff demographics reports. Will share with the board when ready. Kudos to Aaron for getting the report ready to go. 

●  Transportation incentives were created earlier in the year. Minooka 201 hosted a breakfast for them and thanked everyone that helped out

● A Human Resources email group was set up. 

● Working on enhancing the personnel report. 

Kathleen Cheshareck reported: 

● Meeting with various curriculum teams. Setting up monthly meetings. @ Nettlecreek School District is hosting Minooka 201 to attend classrooms that work with Wit and Wisdom curriculum. 

● Homer School District will host a future date to work in a classroom with Eureka Math. e Instructional Coaches will present at the December board meeting. 

Richard Sear] reported: 

● Snow Bid had no bidders. Will break up the bid to get various vendors to do different sections. 

● Working on buildings/grounds grant information. 

6.02 Board Topics 

Emily Conquest thanked Erika Martinez for all of her work after observing ELL classrooms. 

7.0 Executive Session 

Moved by Skwarczynski, seconded by Shainberg to go into closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, and/or dismissal of employees, negotiations, the purchase of real property, confidential student matters, and/or litigation. 

Motion Carried at 7:24 p.m. 

Aye: Skwarczynski, Shainberg, Blount, Satorius, Voss, Conquest 

Motion Carried 

Moved by Satorius, seconded by Voss to return to open session at 8:07 p.m. 

Motion Carried at 8:07 p.m. 

Aye: Satorius, Voss, Blount, Shainberg, Skwarczynski, Conquest 

Motion Carried 

8. Action as a result of Executive Session 


9. Adjournment 

Moved by Shainberg, seconded by Blount to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:07 p.m. Aye: Shainberg, Blount, Satorius, Skwarzynski, Voss, Conquest 

Motion Carried at 8:07 p.m. 
