
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Yorkville City Council met May 24

City of Yorkville City Council met May 24.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

Call to Order:

Pledge of Allegiance:

Roll Call by Clerk:

Establishment of Quorum:

Amendments to Agenda:


1. Ceremonial Swearing-in Officer Kevin Warren

2. FBI LEEDA Training - Advanced Leadership Program Completion (Deputy Chief Mikolasek, Deputy Chief Pfizenmaier, Commander Carlyle, and Sergeant Stroup)

Public Hearings:

Citizen Comments on Agenda Items:

Consent Agenda:

1. Bill Payments for Approval

$ 670,810.48 (vendors – FY22)

$ 438,100.51 (vendors – FY23)

$ 132,915.39 (wire payments)

$ 341,159.60 (payroll period ending 05/13/2022)

$ 1,582,985.98 (total)

2. PW 2022-32 Water Department Reports for March and April 2022

3. PW 2022-37 Lake Michigan/DuPage Water Commission Preliminary Engineering Agreement – authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute

4. PW 2022-38 Resolution Approving an Engineering Service for Bristol Ridge Road Improvements – authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute

5. PW 2022-39 Resolution Authorizing the City’s Share of Construction & Construction Engineering Costs for the Roadway Improvement of the Bristol Ridge Road Resurfacing Project – authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute

6. PW 2022-43 Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Mailbox Standards and Replacement Policy – authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute

7. PW 2022-44 Ordinance Amending the Traffic Schedule and Index (Park Street and Freemont Street) – authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute

8. PW 2022-45 Supplemental MFT Resolution for Bulk Rock Salt – authorize the City Clerk to execute

9. PW 2022-46 Leak Detection Survey Proposal – accept the proposal from M.E. Simpson in the amount of $23,500 to conduct a water leak survey on 100 miles of City owned water main and authorize the= Public Works Director to execute

10. PS 2022-16 Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois and the KenCom Executive Board/Kendall County Emergency Phone Service and Communications Board – authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute

11. ADM 2022-23 Treasurer’s Reports for March and April 2022

12. ADM 2022-26 Fiscal Year 2023 Computer Purchase – authorize the FY23 computer purchases through Dell in an amount not to exceed $74,898.94 and Paragon in an amount not to exceed $5,250.65

13. ADM 2022-27 Resolution Approving an Amendment to the United City of Yorkville Employee Manual (Health Insurance) – authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute

Mayor’s Report:

1. CC 2022-19 Proclamation for National Safe Boating Week

2. CC 2022-20 Redistricting of City Ward Boundaries

3. CC 2022-21 Supplemental Resolution of Support and Commitment of Local Funds for a Community Development Block Grant Program Grant (BrightFarms Sewer Extension)

4. CC 2022-22 Sale of Old Post Office – 201 W. Hydraulic Street (ARC Building)

5. CC 2022-23 Resolution Authorizing an Interlocal Contract for Cooperative Purchasing with H-GAC of Houston, Texas

Public Works Committee Report:

1. PW 2022-13 Ordinance Establishing Special Service Area Number 2022-1 in the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois (Timber Ridge Estates)

2. PW 2022-35 Timber Ridge Street Name Changes

3. PW 2022-40 Prairie Pointe Site Improvements – Bid Award

4. PW 2022-41 Resolution Approving a Professional Design Service Agreement with Kluber, Inc. (Public Works Facility)

5. PW 2022-42 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of a Cab Tractor and a Utility Vehicle and Trade-in of a 2012 Tractor

Economic Development Committee Report:

Public Safety Committee Report:

Administration Committee Report:

Park Board:

Planning and Zoning Commission:

City Council Report:

City Clerk’s Report:

Community and Liaison Report:

Staff Report:

Mayor’s Report (cont’d):

6. CC 2021-04 City Buildings Updates

a. Resolution Approving the Installation of Natural Gas HVAC Units at 651 Prairie Pointe Drive, Yorkville, Illinois

7. CC 2021-38 Water Study Update

8. CC 2022-24 Collective Bargaining Agreement between Yorkville Patrol Officers and the City

9. CC 2022-25 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150, Public Employees and the City

Additional Business:

Citizen Comments:

Executive Session:

1. For collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

