City of Yorkville Public Works Committee met May 17.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
In accordance with Public Act 101-0640 and Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation issued by Governor Pritzker pursuant to the powers vested in the Governor under the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, the United City of Yorkville is encouraging social distancing during the ongoing pandemic by allowing remote attendance for this meeting.
Committee Members
Chairman Matt Marek, in-person
Alderman Ken Koch, in-person
Alderman Joe Plocher, in-person
Absent: Alderman Jason Peterson
Other City Officials
City Administrator Bart Olson, in-person
Assistant City Administrator Erin Willrett, in-person
Engineer Brad Sanderson, EEI, in-person
Public Works Director Eric Dhuse, in-person
EEI, Kristen Meehan, in-person
Other Guests:
Mr. Chris Hansen, Kluber, in-person
The meeting was called to order at 6:01pm by Chairman Matt Marek
Citizen Comments: None
Previous Meeting Minutes: March 15, 2022
The minutes were approved as presented.
Chairman Marek asked to amend the agenda by moving item #11 forward as the first item for discussion.
New Business:
(out of sequence)
11. PW 2022-41 Public Works Facility – Interim Space Needs
Mr. Olson said this proposal addresses some of the questions from a previous presentation and includes details, layouts and revised dollar amounts. He said a site-specific analysis will be needed when a property is acquired and that the city will likely make a land purchase rather than a facility purchase.
Mr. Chris Hansen said the next step is to determine a site with 3 components to consider: Public Works, Parks & Rec and KAT (Kendall Area Transit). He said the focus will be on Public Works and the space needed for their operation based on cost and size. Some of the original design was for multiple parties to use. When the square footage is determined, sites can be viewed based on acreage needed. Utilities and stormwater management also will be considered. He estimates these steps should take about 45-60 days. Mr. Hansen wants to identify a parcel within 30 days and he said 8-9 parcels have already been viewed. Also to be considered are due diligence, zoning, the type of area the property is in and he said there are very few properties within the city that meet the criteria. Mr. Olson said he recommends approval of this item at the next City Council meeting to consider some of the non-land components of the study and the committee was in agreement.
1. PW 2022-31 Snow Operations Report
Mr. Dhuse said this was a typical snow year and 1,500 tons of salt were used for the season and not as much plowing was needed. He is still waiting for the third truck that was purchased. In response to Alderman Koch's question regarding salt for next year, he said the request for 1,800 tons was submitted in April and the cost was $95/ton. He said the salt company did not honor the second year of pricing and a new bid had to be submitted.
2. PW 2022-32 Water Department Reports for March and April 2022
Director Dhuse said the amount of water usage for these months was normal and there were no watermain breaks. These reports will move forward to the consent agenda and will be submitted to IEPA.
3. PW 2022-33 Capital Improvement Projects Update
Mr. Sanderson reported D Construction put the final surface course on Mill Rd. which should be completed by Memorial Day. He highlighted other projects being done: sealing work in Fox Hill should be completed soon and other work requested from last year should be done as well, work is also being done in Sunflower, watermain replacement on East Main started in May and work on well #4 should be started the last week of May by Layne Western. Chairman Marek inquired about the work that was behind schedule in Fox Hill. Mr. Sanderson said the contractor has not requested a conversation with staff and it appears the work will be completed.
4. PW 2022-34 Quarterly Bond and Letter of Credit Reduction Summary
Mr. Sanderson said this report is for the first quarter and there was substantial activity.
5. PW 2022- 35 Timber Ridge Street Name Changes
A new developer has taken over Kendallwood and they wish to change the street names. The names have been reviewed and checked by Kendall County GIS and will require City Council approval. This item will remain on the Public Works agenda.
6. PW 2022-36 Lead Service Line Replacement Overview
Ms. Kristen Meehan of EEI gave an overview of this replacement project. She said new legislation requires complete replacement of lead water pipes which had been installed until the late 1980's. She said the Illinois Act, passed in August 2021 and effective January 2022, is more stringent than the federal requirements. It is estimated there are fewer than 1,200 lead service lines to be replaced and will take about 15 years to complete. She said some homeowners may refuse to allow workers into their homes for replacement work and they will need to sign a waiver to be sent to the state. In April 2024 a final inventory of materials will be needed. She listed the other steps and dates needed in this process. She recommended the inventory should be started now and funding should be considered. Funding options include low interest loans or principal forgiveness loans and others.
Mr. Dhuse estimated there will be fewer than 500 lines for replacement and that 80% of the town has newer pipes. He said when water meters are replaced, the workers check the pipes. In response to a question from Mr. Marek if this is a residential or commercial concern, it is primarily residential. Mr. Dhuse said a contract with EEI will be needed in the future for a mailing they will do concerning this project.
7. PW 2022-37 Lake Michigan/DuPage Water Commission Preliminary Engineering Agreement Mr. Olson said this is the first step in the water project and involves high-level engineering. The agreement is for $153,000. This will cover decisions relating to funding strategies and project planning. This agreement will move to the City Council consent agenda.
8. PW 2022-38 Bristol Ridge Road Phase III Request for Quote Recommendation and Construction Engineering Agreement
Mr. Dhuse said Bristol Ridge Rd. is part of a 75/25 split road project and in order to do the project and use the funds, an RFQ was necessary to select the Phase III engineer. EEI was chosen and this is the engineering contract for about $67,000 which the committee approved. Bids will be let in June.
9. PW 2022-39 Resolution Authorizing the City's Share of Construction & Construction Engineering Costs for the Roadway Improvement of the Bristol Ridge Road Resurfacing Project
Engineer Sanderson said this is the introduction of the resolution required by IDOT for item #8 above. The joint agreement details the funding and there will be a formal agreement between the city and state for funding. He recommended approval and it will move to the consent agenda.
10. PW 2022-40 Prairie Pointe Site Improvements – Bid Award
Bids were recently taken for fencing, milling and resurfacing of the parking lot. Mr. Sanderson said a substantial amount of concrete work will be required, some of that is to become ADA compliant. There were several bidders, the lowest being Abbey Paving Co. from Aurora with a bid of $365,542.25 which was $100,000 below estimate. This moves forward to the Public Works agenda.
12. PW 2022-42 Vehicle and Equipment Purchases
Director Dhuse said he is unable to get bids and specs back for the necessary purchases. However, he did receive the tractor and UTV bids. The UTV bid was about $700 lower. The tractor will replace a 10-year old model and will be much bigger and versatile. Both items are budgeted and will come from the John Deere dealer in Somonauk. This item will move forward to the consent agenda.
13. PW 2022-43 Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Mailbox Standards and Replacement Policy Mr. Olson said there are usually 0-15 payouts per year, with less than 5 this year. There has been a $75 payout in place since 2006 which is now proposed to be paid at $125 with an inflationary factor each year. The committee was OK with the recommendation and this moves to the consent agenda. Alderman Koch noted that many of the boxes are now snappable.
14. PW2022-44 Park and Freemont Street Stop Sign
The Mayor recently witnessed an accident that had occurred at Hiding Spot Park where the driver ignored the yield sign. The Mayor asked staff to look at signage by all parks and as a result Mr. Olson said he had photos of parks that have 3 or 4-way stops next to them. After a review of the signage, staff found that the types of signs vary and it was decided that additional traffic control signs could be included, however, the survey differs from the usual traffic studies. Mr. Olson asked if the Committee saw a need to move away from the current method of determining placement of signs that is based on traffic studies. Hearing no immediate need for that discussion, Mr. Olson will prepare material for the Mayor's request and it will be brought to a future meeting.
15. PW 2022-45 Supplemental MFT Resolution for Bulk Rock Salt
This resolution is necessary for IDOT to ascertain the MFT is spent correctly, said Mr. Dhuse. A supplemental resolution will not be needed unless the bids for salt come in extremely high. The current cost of salt at $95/ton is a $30 increase over last year. By contract, the company must deliver the salt to the city's site. This moves to the consent agenda.
16. PW 2022-46 Leak Detection Survey Proposal
A contract has been signed with M.E. Simpson for water leak detection. This company was not the lowest bidder, however, they are a sole source company. It was thought there would be water leaks in older parts of town, however, some of the worst leaks were found in Greenbriar and Prairie Gardens. This survey is part of decreasing water leaks to less than the 10% threshhold for the Lake Michigan water project. Mr. Dhuse said he would like to complete this detection program this year and that the city is currently at a 12.5% water loss. This would preclude the city from having to submit a yearly non-water loss prevention plan. This project was slated for 2 years of budgeting originally. This moves to the Public Works agenda.
Old Business: None
Additional Business:
Alderman Plocher said most towns require contractors to do clean ups of spills/materials such as hydraulic fluid, gravel, etc., they leave behind. He said Mr. Dhuse has been able to require the cleanups when they occur, however, there is no law behind the request. Mr. Plocher would like to have something formal on the books in support of Mr. Dhuse. Also, contractors are currently putting brick pallets in the streets instead of in residents' driveways, said Mr. Dhuse.
Director Dhuse said he spoke with Ms. Noble who believes there is no law on the books at this time to protect the city. Mr. Olson will speak with City Attorney Orr to create language for next month's meeting. Alderman Koch asked about mulch being dumped in the road which would fall in the same category. Mr. Dhuse said these things are occurring in Raintree where the city has already accepted the streets and contractors are placing materials on the street, subjecting them to possible damage.
In another matter, Chairman Marek asked if someone could readjust the timing on the light on Cannonball and Rt. 47 since many complaints have been received. Public Works staff will address the adjustments.
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 6:58pm.