
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Kendall County Juvenile Justice Council Fundraising Committee met Aug. 30

Kendall County Juvenile Justice Council Fundraising Committee met Aug. 30.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

I. Call to order -- Brenda call the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

II. Roll call -- Present- Brenda Karales, Elizabeth Karales, Ethan Lawrence, Maddie Mudlinger, Jessica Deets, Judy Gilmour, Chris Warmbold, Andrew Nickel and Linda Torreno

III. Approval of Agenda—Motion to approve agenda by Judy, seconded by Chris. Passed unanimously

IV. Approval of Minutes from January 25, 2022 meeting --motion to approve minutes by Judy, seconded by Ethan. Passed unanimously

V. New Business

a) Discussion of when and if to have a 2023 SKY 5K run/walk – Brenda went through the local schools’ schedule for prom and graduation and holidays. April 22, 2023 looked like the only free Saturday. Also discussed was to keep it at the same time with the race starting at 9:00 a.m.

b) Vote on date and time in 2023 to have 5K run/walk- motion to have race on April 22, 2023 starting at 9:00 a.m. as long as Hoover was open by Ethan, seconded by Jessica. Passed unanimously.

c) Discussion of location of SKY 5K run/walk- - No other options to have the race at Hoover was given.

d) Vote on location of SKY 5K run/walk -- Motion to have race at Hoover by Ethan, seconded by Jessica. Passed unanimously.

e) Discussion on T-Shirt style- our past shirts were passed out to see what style and fabric everyone liked. Cotton was ruled out. The committee like the feel of last years blended fabric.

f) Vote on t-shirt style—Motion to have the shirts a mixture blend by Maddie, seconded by Chris. Passed unanimously. Brenda was going to contact Logo Shirt factory for prices and Chris was going to be contacting a person he know. The exact shirt and company will be voted on next meeting.

g) Discussion of sponsorship levels- Brenda discussed all the different sponsorship levels that we had last year. Everyone thought the levels and what each sponsor was getting was still appropriate.

h) Vote on sponsorship levels-- Motion to keep all the sponsorship levels and benefits the same by Andrew, seconded by Chris. Passed unanimously

i) Discussion of registration prices and age brackets- Brenda discussed the different age groups and prices for each. Brenda also indicated it was hard in reference to tracking and website use to have a family pricing. Everyone thought the family pricing was not necessary since our prices for individuals was one of the lowest for a 5K.

j) Vote on registration prices and age brackets—Motion to keep the individual age brackets and prices the same as last year by Andrew, seconded by Maddie. Passed unanimously. Motion to remove the family pricing by Andrew, seconded by Judy. Passed unanimously.

k) Contract for racetime -- Brenda indicated that she likes using racetime over the past services. They are easy to work with and the price for their services is reasonable.

l) Vote on not spending more than $1500 on race time services – Motion to not spend more that $1500 on racetime services by Chris, seconded by Jessica. Roll call conducted and motion passed unanimously.

m) Discussion of medals -- Judy brought up that last year with all the extra winning brackets, we were waiting for people to win and some categories didn’t have enough participants to give out all three places. It was discussed to go to less age bracket winners. Motion to have 4 different winners bracket, first, second and third place for the following: both male/female age 50 and above; both male/female ages 18 to 49; both boy/girl ages 5 to 17; and dog by Ethan, seconded by Andrew. Passed unanimously

n) Vote on not spending more than $200 on medals for winners – Motion to spend not more than $200 for medal by Ethan, seconded by Jessica. Roll call conducted and passed unanimously

o) Discussion of plaques- The plaques will be given out as thank you to all our sponsors again. Sponsors display the plaques in their business or offices

p) Vote on not spending more than $700 on plaques for sponsors – Motion to not spend more than $700 on plaques by Andrew, seconded by Chris. Roll call conducted and motion passed unanimously.

q) Discussion of 6 organizations and the incentive to get people to sign up for race – Brenda indicated that last year only three organizations really tried, OHS BIONIC, Snowball and Plano TALK. Newark TALK reached out to Brenda and indicated they will help. Brenda did indicate she was not sure if Snowball was going to be coming back after 3 years of no activity due to covid. She will reach out to snowball, OEHS and Yorkville to see if they want to be included.

r) Vote of incentive’s given to 6 organizations—Motion to still give the organizations $10 for each person they get to register for the 5K by Brenda, seconded by Andrew. Passed unanimously.

s) other - none

VI. Citizens to be heard -- none

VII. Next meetings: Next meeting will be October 13, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. in the Kendall County SAO

VIII. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn by Andrew, seconded by Chris. Motion carried.
