Kendall County Juvenile Justice Council Fundraising Committee met Nov. 29.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
I. Call to order
II. Roll call—Present, Linda Toreno, Jessica Deets, Ethan Lawrence, Brenda Karales and Elizabeth Karales
III. Approval of Agenda – motion made by Jessica Deets to approve the agenda, seconded by Linda Toreno, motion carried unanimously.
IV. Approval of Minutes from August 30. 2022 meeting. – motion made by Ethan Lawrence to approve the minutes from last meeting; seconded by Jessica Deets. Motion carried unanimously
V. Old Business
a) Discussion on T-Shirt style and vendor; Brenda indicated she got as quote from Logo Factory for the shirt the committee wanted at the last meeting. The cost of $11.52 per shirt.
Brenda indicated that she sent the quote to Chris Warmbold who indicated he knew someone that does shirt. Brenda never heard back from Chris about the cost of the shirt from his person. The committee thought we should look into a different style and material to hold the cost down. Brenda said she will look into it with the Logo Factory.
b) Vote on t-shirt style and vendor -- tabled
c) Vote on not spending more than $5000 on t-shirts. -- tabled
e) Discussion of 6 organizations and the incentive to get people to sign up for race – Brenda indicated that she sent an email to all the organizations we support and received the following information:
1. Kendall County Operation Snowball – they are most likely going to be dissolving due to lack of interest on the youth part so they would not be interesting
2. Yorkville TRY – Brenda heard from one person that said she is no longer doing TRY and she forwarded it to the right person and Brenda never heard a response. Therefore, Yorkville is not interested.
3. Newark TALK -- The leader Brenda contact quit and went to another school and Newark does not have an adult leader for the group. Therefore, Newark is out
4. OEHS – Brenda heard back saying they would be interested but they say it each year, however, despite being the biggest school in the County, they really do not promote or even participate in the event. Therefore, OEHS should be out based on past record of not assisting when they say they will.
5. Plano TALK -- Kelly DeGarmo is the most active in really working on getting people to sign up and has been awesome at promoting.
6. OHS BIONIC - Ms. Monn is also very active in really working on getting people to sign up.
We discussed different ways to help these organizations, including not giving them any monetary amount for having each person sign up because it is hard to only have two or three organizations and not include the other High Schools. Jessica thought of a different way to know if they promoted the event by having a place that say something like “where did you hear about this run” . Then we will still know a school is promoting it and when the Board issues grants, we can advise of their participation or lack thereof.
f) Vote on whether to include all 6 organizations. Motion made by Jessica to not include the question of if you are running for a specific organization and not give them $10 each runner; seconded by Linda. Motion carried unanimously.
VI. New Business
a) Possible joining of another organization- Committee had a long discussion and it was decided for Brenda to meet with Nicole Sartori and discuss joining with CASA.
b) Possible sponsors – Brenda with get out a list and her sample emails she send out to get people to start getting sponsors.
c) Other
VII. Citizens to be heard - none
VIII. Next meetings: to be set and as needed - December 19th at 3:30 in the SAO
IX. Adjournment. Motion made by Ethan to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jessica. Motion carried unanimously.