
Kendall County Times

Monday, December 23, 2024

Village of Oswego Board of Trustees met March 7

Village of Oswego Board of Trustees met March 7.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:


President Troy Parlier called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.


Board Members Physically Present: President Troy Parlier; Trustees Tom Guist, Kit Kuhrt, James Marter II, Terry Olson, Jennifer Jones Sinnott, and Brian Thomas.

Staff Physically Present: Dan Di Santo, Village Administrator, Christina Burns, Asst. Village Administrator; Tina Touchette, Village Clerk; Jeff Burgner, Police Chief; Jennifer Hughes, Public Works Director; Andrea Lamberg, Finance Director; Rod Zenner, Community Development Services Director; Jason Bastin, Deputy Chief of Police; Bridget Bittman, Community Engagement Manager Marketing; Joe Renzetti, IT/GIS Director; Kevin Leighty, Economic Development Director; Kerry Behr, Village Engineer; Chris Biggs, Police Commander; and Karl Ottosen, Village Attorney.


E.1 Employee Service Awards

a. Brandon Dilg- 15 Years of Service (Police Department)- did not attend President Parlier recognized him and thanked him for his service.

E.2 Appointments

Historic Preservation Commission

a) Appoint Shaunna Barrow for a Term to Expire April 30, 2024

b) Appoint Amanda Olson for a Term to Expire April 30, 2024

A motion was made by Trustee Olson and seconded by Trustee Jones Sinnott to approve the Appointment of Shaunna Barrow for a Term to Expire April 30, 2024; and approve the Appointment of Amanda Olson for a Term to Expire April 30, 2024.

Aye: Tom Guist                    Kit Kuhrt

James Marter II                   Terry Olson

Jennifer Jones Sinnott        Brian Thomas

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.


Public Forum was opened at 7:02 p.m.

Patty Deering addressed the Board regarding roads in Southbury and Churchill; the yard on Julep continues to flood. Staff noted that Bluegrass Parkway is out to bid, and Southbury will be patched. Engineers are working with the developers to fix the situation on Julep.

Dan Fograse addressed the Board regarding Seasons at Southbury roads. He provided the Board with paperwork from the March 14, 2020 Committee of the Whole meeting Budget Workshop that listed Village streets; a map of the streets in Seasons at Southbury; and minutes from the April 21, 2020 Regular Board meeting. He stated the Village has the responsibility for maintaining these roads and asked that it be put on an agenda for the taking over of the roads.

Nicole Ferguson addressed the Board regarding huge issues with Lennar; she has reached out multiple times and has never heard back; not safe; Village needs to take over their roads.

Taryn Laseter addressed the Board regarding Seasons at Southbury and Lennar issues; they have hired an engineer; complaints about Lennar; they are a crap builder; Lakeshore Drive services 192 homes and is not a private road; Village needs to take over the roads and snow plowing; don’t want to allow free reign of builders coming in.

There was no one else who requested to speak. The public forum was closed at 7:11 p.m.


Chief Burgner- he provided the Board with information regarding the various crisis intervention programs and resources; the department participates with AID and works with resources for crisis intervention; crisis intervention workers will work out of the police department eight hours per week with the opportunity to expand; kick-off of 2-1-1 was last month; helps officers share information and resources; AID state grant for a mobile response team; team is up and running; 9-8-8 calls for service utilizes the mobile response team; services are available in the community.


H.1 February 21, 2023 Committee of the Whole Minutes

H.2 February 21, 2023 Regular Village Board Minutes

H.3 Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Property Owned by the Village of Oswego; Sale of Public Works Well 09 Back-Up Generator to Charles Equipment Energy in the Amount of $7,500.00.

H.4 Ordinance Adopting the Official Village of Oswego Zoning Map

H.5 Resolution Approving a Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code for a Supplemental Appropriation of $900,917.90 of Rebuild Illinois Funds from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund for Improvements at the Intersection of Wolfs Crossing (FAU 1577) at Harvey Road in the Village of Oswego, IL.

H.6 Ordinance Granting a Sixth Amendment to Oswego Junction's Final Planned Unit Development for the Addition of a Fenced Area and a Roofed Structure to Hell’s BBQ Located at 1019 Station Drive. This item was tabled; staff is working with the applicant on possible changes.

H.7 Ordinance Allocating the 2023 Village of Oswego Volume Cap of $4,237,920 to Upper Illinois River Valley Development Authority (UIRVDA).

A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee Guist to approve the Consent Agenda; Approving the February 21, 2023 Committee of the Whole Minutes; Approving the February 21, 2023 Regular Board Minutes; and Approving the following ordinances and resolution:

Ordinance No. 23-14; Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Property Owned by the Village of Oswego; Sale of Public Works Well 09 Back-Up Generator to Charles Equipment Energy in the Amount of $7,500.00.

Ordinance No. 23-15; Ordinance Adopting the Official Village of Oswego Zoning Map. Ordinance No. 23-16; Ordinance Allocating the 2023 Village of Oswego Volume Cap of $4,237,920 to Upper Illinois River Valley Development Authority (UIRVDA).

Resolution No. 23-R-15; Resolution Approving a Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code for a Supplemental Appropriation of $900,917.90 of Rebuild Illinois Funds from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund for Improvements at the Intersection of Wolfs Crossing (FAU 1577) at Harvey Road in the Village of Oswego, IL.

Aye: Tom Guist                    Kit Kuhrt

James Marter II                   Terry Olson

Jennifer Jones Sinnott        Brian Thomas

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by an omnibus roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.


I.1 Approve Bill List Dated March 7, 2023, in the Amount of $597,692.81.

A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee Olson to approve the Bill List Dated March 7, 2023, in the Amount of $597,692.81.

Aye: Tom Guist                    Kit Kuhrt

James Marter II                   Terry Olson

Jennifer Jones Sinnott        Brian Thomas

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.


There was no old business.


K.1 Ordinance Amending Section 3.02 Definitions and Section 8.00 Business Districts of the Village of Oswego’s Zoning Ordinance- Cannabis Dispensing Facility Buffers. Ordinance No. 23-17

Board and staff discussion focused on increasing the distance from 1,500 feet to one mile; State statute says 1,500 feet; made more sense to make it further and the applicants agreed. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee Olson to approve an Ordinance Amending Section 3.02 Definitions and Section 8.00 Business Districts of the Village of Oswego’s Zoning Ordinance- Cannabis Dispensing Facility Buffers.

Aye: Tom Guist                    Kit Kuhrt

James Marter II                   Terry Olson

Jennifer Jones Sinnott        Brian Thomas

Nay: None

Present: Brian Thomas

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with five (5) aye votes, zero (0) nay votes, and one (1) present vote.

K.2 Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit for a Cannabis Dispensing Facility, Blounts and Moore Dispensary, Located at 1144 Douglas Road. Ordinance No. 23-18

Vincent Field, representative for Blounts and Moore, was present to answer questions.

Board, staff and applicant representative discussion focused on whether there will be a drive-thru; a drive-thru is not allowed per State statute; how many people will be allowed inside the business; no more than three customers per worker; 15-25 full-time employees; five employees on the sales floor; how the business will handle lines out front; business will have a lobby; customers will need to be checked-in by staff; what happens when the lobby gets full; have iPads to take order on the sales floor; point of sale will take place at the counter; process set-up to avoid the issue of lines and the lobby being full; hired someone who has had multiple dispensaries; security measures; piped in with the State of Police; State needs direct access to the cameras at all times; will never know when the State checks the camera feeds; can lose license if protocols are not followed; SD308 has a building behind this business; it’s an administrative building with no students; no intent to have students; SD308 did not object to the dispensary and asked that the business follows regulations. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Guist and seconded by Trustee Olson to approve an Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit for a Cannabis Dispensing Facility, Blounts and Moore Dispensary, Located at 1144 Douglas Road.

Aye: Tom Guist        James Marter II

Terry Olson             Jennifer Jones Sinnott

Nay: Kit Kuhrt          Brian Thomas

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with four (4) aye votes and two (2) nay votes. K.3 DeVille Manor

a) Ordinance Approving the Rezoning of the Property East of Fifth Street, North of Wiesbrook Drive from B-2 Community Shopping District to R-4 General Residence District. Ordinance No. 23-19

b) Ordinance Granting a Special Use for a Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development and Plat to Allow for the Development of a 4-Story, 42-Unit Independent Senior Living Facility in the R-4 General Residence District East of Fifth Street, North of Wiesbrook Drive. Ordinance No. 23-20

Board and staff discussion focused on the developer received Sate funds for the project; will be a 55 and over development for at least 25 years; will be affordable senior housing; great project. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Olson and seconded by Trustee Kuhrt to approve an Ordinance Approving the Rezoning of the Property East of Fifth Street, North of Wiesbrook Drive from B-2 Community Shopping District to R-4 General Residence District; and approving an Ordinance Granting a Special Use for a Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development and Plat to Allow for the Development of a 4-Story, 42-Unit Independent Senior Living Facility in the R-4 General Residence District East of Fifth Street, North of Wiesbrook Drive.

Aye: Tom Guist                    Kit Kuhrt

James Marter II                   Terry Olson

Jennifer Jones Sinnott        Brian Thomas

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

K.4 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Apex Officer Pro Training Simulator from Govred Technology Inc. in the Amount of $69,500.00 and the Waiving of the Competitive Public Bidding Requirement. Resolution No. 23-R-16

Commander Biggs presented the following to the Board:

• Allows for training 24 hours per day

• Training is recorded

• Few resources needed

• Had to be approved by ILETSB

• Aurora PD was the first department to get this training system

• One officer, one instructor, and one guardian angel

• Can change out the characters

• Apex= $69,500; includes shipping and upgrading

• Axon is not there yet; not user friendly

Board and staff discussion focused on started testing a year ago; did very little training 25 years ago; have the best training thanks to the Board and Police Chief; providing services to the community; ILETSB stands for: Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board; have to be certified through them; software updates; any time something breaks, it’s replaced; updates done quarterly; 24-48 hour replacement for hardware; hardware updates; Aurora has had this product for a year. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Olson and seconded by Trustee Jones Sinnott to approve a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Apex Officer Pro Training Simulator from Govred Technology Inc. in the Amount of $69,500.00 and the Waiving of the Competitive Public Bidding Requirement.

Aye: Tom Guist                    Kit Kuhrt

James Marter II                   Terry Olson

Jennifer Jones Sinnott        Brian Thomas

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

K.5 Ordinance Amending Title 1, Chapter 4; Title 1, Chapter 20; Title 3 Chapter 1; Title 3 Chapter 5; Title 3 Chapter 7; Title 3 Chapter 18; Title 3 Chapter 21; Title 3 Chapter 31; Title 3 Chapter 32; Title 3 Chapter 38; Title 4 Chapter 1; Title 5 Chapter 2; Title 6 Chapter 2; Title 6 Chapter 9; Title 6 Chapter 12; Title 8 Chapter 6; and Title 8 Chapter 7 of the Oswego Municipal Code for the Village Of Oswego. Ordinance No. 23-21

Board and staff discussion focused on building permit fees are based on square feet. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee Guist to approve an Ordinance Amending Title 1, Chapter 4; Title 1, Chapter 20; Title 3 Chapter 1; Title 3 Chapter 5; Title 3 Chapter 7; Title 3 Chapter 18; Title 3 Chapter 21; Title 3 Chapter 31; Title 3 Chapter 32; Title 3 Chapter 38; Title 4 Chapter 1; Title 5 Chapter 2; Title 6 Chapter 2; Title 6 Chapter 9; Title 6 Chapter 12; Title 8 Chapter 6; and Title 8 Chapter 7 of the Oswego Municipal Code for the Village Of Oswego.

Aye: Tom Guist                    Kit Kuhrt

James Marter II                   Terry Olson

Jennifer Jones Sinnott        Brian Thomas

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.


Trustee Jones Sinnott- Coffee & Conversations was a great turnout; kudos to Chief; great presentation on the Apex program.

Trustee Kuhrt- St. Patrick’s scavenger hunt event is coming up; budget workshop is Saturday.

Trustee Thomas- thank you to Dan, Tina, Rod, Joe, Jennifer, Christina, Chief, Andrea, and Karl; his time as a Trustee went by fast; think the world of you guys and the Board; we may not always agree; agrees with 90% of the Board; you guys are the best; it’s been a pleasure.

Trustee Guist- excited about Apex; financial performance is allowing us to do this; being an officer is hard enough; training like this is a great tool.

Trustee Marter II- like the Apex product; importance of de-escalation; kudos on the incident on Rt. 34 and handling it well; it was good to be at Coffee and Conversations on Saturday.

Trustee Olson- last Wednesday was a challenging day for officers; could have used the armed vehicle; Chicago PD responded to a call and engaged in a shootout; an officer succumbed to his wounds; he would like to take a moment to honor the officer. Board, staff, and others attending the meeting stood up and honored Officer Andres Vasquez Lasso; end of watch, March 1, 2023.


First responders from the Police and Fire departments were here tonight; need to remember the dangers they put themselves in everyday; Bear Cat was at Coffee and Conversations; budget workshop is this Saturday; St. Patrick’s Drive-around is on March 12th.


There was no closed session.


A motion was made by Trustee Olson and seconded by Trustee Marter II to adjourn the meeting; upon a voice vote with all remaining members present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.




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