
Kendall County Times

Sunday, November 24, 2024

City of Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees met April 10

City of Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees met April 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Darren Crawford, roll was called and a quorum was established.

Roll Call:

Tara Schumacher-yes, Keri Pesola-yes, Jackie Milschewski-yes, Darren Crawford-yes, Ryan Forristall-yes, Theron Garcia-yes, Bret Reifsteck-yes, Rosie Millen (arr. 7:02pm)

Absent: Sue Shimp

Staff Present:

Technical Services Director Dixie DeBord, Circulation Manager Sharyl Iwanski-Goist

Others Present:

Alderman/Liaison Craig Soling, Susan Neustrom, Daniel Chacon, Molly Krempski, Mike Krempski, Abby & Ryan Vath, Rachael Rees

Recognition of Visitors:

President Crawford recognized staff and guests.

Amendments to the Agenda: None


Darren Crawford and Theron Garcia presented a certificate of appreciation to Dixie DeBord who will be retiring in May after 23 years of service.

Minutes: March 13, 2022

Mr. Crawford noted that the Clarence Goodman presentation should be April 11th rather than 13th. Ms. Milschewski then moved and Ms. Garcia seconded the motion to approve the minutes with the correction. Roll call: Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Crawford-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Millen-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes. Carried 8-0.

Correspondence: None

Public Comment:

Molly Krempski said she and some of the other guests wished to comment on the agenda item regarding waiving non-resident library card fees for persons under the age of 18. She and the others home-school their children and live in unincorporated Yorkville. She said residents who send their kids to private schools have access to a school library, but the home-schooled do not. They pay taxes to the public schools and pay even more for their home-school curriculum with no access to a library. She asked the Board to consider that fact when they make their decision.

Friends of the Library Report:

Ms. Neustrom said the Friends met today and she reported their balance of $18,942.23. The group approved the 501c3 and they are looking for a low-cost attorney. It takes 5-6 months to establish the status. They are preparing for their used book sale and one member has volunteered to pick up used books if someone is unable to bring them to the library.

Staff Comment:

Ms. Iwanski-Goist commented that Ms. DeBord will be missed by the library.

Report of the Treasurer:

Financial Statement and Payment of Bills

Treasurer Milschewski said there was nothing outstanding to report this month and she made a motion to pay the bills as follows, seconded by Mr. Crawford.

$28,261.11 Accounts Payable

$58,189.48 Payroll

$86,450.59 Total

Roll call: Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Crawford-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Millen-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes Carried 8-0.

Report of the Library Director:

Ms. DeBord presented the report on behalf of Library Director Shelley Augustine.

1. 130 people attended the paranormal program.

2. Library road trip has begun, 17 libraries are participating.

3. Belly of Beast/Martin Luther King program on April 11.

4. English language adult learners open house meeting Saturday.

5. Hired 2 people, conducted 7 interviews.

6. Garden Club disbanded and donated all their items and remaining money to the library.

7. The people counter device failed, so the figure reported is an estimate. A new one has been purchased.

City Council Liaison:

Alderman Soling said there was more discussion at City Council about the solar panels and he voiced the library's concerns about the library roof and engineering. The matter was tabled, but once the new city hall is functional, discussion will continue. He also said he could set up tours of the new city hall for anyone interested.

Standing Committees:

Physical Facilities

Mr. Forristall reported on the committee meeting held just prior to the regular Board meeting. He said they discussed the chiller replacement and getting engineering proposals for the scope of work for the bid. A new chiller will take about a year to obtain and replace, however, it is working at this time. They also looked at a 10-year plan and other projects and maintenance needed. Requests for proposals for engineering will be sent out and discussed and voted on at the next meeting. There is no charge for engineering quotes. The engineering costs are between $5,000 - $10,000. Ms. Schumacher said the Board should keep in mind the costs when voting and consider expenses coming next year as well. Ms. Milschewski asked if Board approval is needed to go out for RFP or RFQ. Mr. Crawford said approval is not needed to choose a firm and language will be included saying “to not exceed” a certain amount.

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

Approve Resolution to Adopt Non-Resident Library Card Fee

Ms. DeBord read a statement from Director Augustine recommending the Board approve this resolution and to use the tax bill method to calculate on an individual basis. The budget already reflects this item assuming the Board adopts the proposal. President Crawford moved to approve the resolution to adopt the non-resident library card fee and Ms. Milschewski seconded. Roll call: Garcia yes, Millen-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Crawford-yes, Forristall-yes. Carried 8-0.

Discussion/Approval to Adopt Regulations Waiving the Non-Resident Fee for Persons under the Age of 18

Mr. Crawford said the state enacted a law so those under age 18 could get a free library card if they live outside the city limits, but it's at the discretion of the Library Board to adopt this. Ms. Schumacher said the library is required to do this for a certain population (based on receiving a free lunch at school) and the question is are we going to do it for the rest of those under 18 who have other circumstances and are non-residents. She said she had not thought of the home-school scenario when considering this. She asked Ms. Krempski if they receive a tax write-off for educational expenses since they still pay to the school district. There is no write-off, said Ms. Krempski, and she has $5,000 of expenses for home-schooling, in addition to the $6,700 she pays to the school district. They are asking for access and ability to check out books to offset their taxes. Ms. Schumacher said that home-schooled students should have access to at least the public school's electronic databases and that should be brought up. Ms. Krempski wondered if there is a way to receive a credit from the school for the taxes paid and it was suggested she bring that up to the school board.

Other comments included:

1. Homes just 2-1/2 blocks from library are not in the city limits.

2. How would it be tracked if adopted--perhaps by different color card?

3. Minors could be checking out books for a parent and the card color won't prevent that.

4. If city residents pay taxes, is it fair to non-residents if books are checked out for adults/parents/can't police it?

5. We already are not policing cards held by those due to economic reasons, cards shouldn't be different.

6. Can't single out economically disadvantaged kids.

7. We would want to see how many non-residents are actually using.

8. Library staff was asked about current usage—only one economically disadvantaged family has library card.

9. Potential amount lost from giving these free cards is estimated at $3,500.

10. Home-school issue should be considered.

11. Library gets no benefit from taxes paid by home-schoolers, is the library losing revenue because system is being manipulated?

12. They still have ability to use all materials at the library and have access to some programs.

13. Is this an annual vote? It can be repealed if needed.

14. Would like to hear Library Director's input and discussion could continue next month.

15. When voting on, language could be added to stipulate a 1-year trial basis.

16. If Board decides in favor of allowing the library cards to the home-schoolers, must find a way to track.

17. Do we track age groups of non-residents who have cards? Would like to see report before a decision.

Mr. Crawford moved to issue cards for one year, but motion died with no second. He then moved to table this discussion to next month's meeting and Ms. Garcia seconded. Approved unanimously on a voice vote.

FY24 Budget Discussion/Approval

The Board had to decide if they wanted to approve the budget as is without the decision being made on the cards for home-schooled. It was decided the $3,500 is just an estimate of normally purchased non-resident cards and budget approval could move forward.

Discussion continued on the home-schooled receiving library cards and included the following comments:

1. Is it fair to to people who pay taxes that go to the schools, but not library?

2. Not fair to people buying cards.

3. The home-schooled still have access to materials and access to services.

4. No tax breaks are given to residents if no kids under 18.

5. Some elderly people who can't even get to library are paying taxes.

6. There are 2 different issues, we are not denying access, but we have responsibility to library for fairness.

7. Are we hurting residents who pay taxes by allowing the home-schooled free cards, must think of all of them.

8. They made a choice to home-school/live outside the city limits.

9. Taxes are almost half in the county as opposed to the city, living there is a choice.

10. If you choose to home-school, Library Board does not have to take that in consideration, we need to consider fiscally for library

11. Home-schooled can use Oswego library too.

Ms. Garcia moved and Ms. Pesola seconded to approve the FY24 budget as presented. Roll call: Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Crawford-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Millen-yes. Carried 8-0.

Approve Closing Library for Staff to Attend PUG Conference Friday, September 29, 2023 Ms. DeBord said the PUG (PrairieCat Users Group) meetings are going back to in-person after 3-4 years of Zoom, due to covid. It is an opportunity for staff to meet other PrairieCat staff and they have various workshops. President Crawford moved to approve closing the library for staff to attend this conference. Ms. Garcia seconded. Roll call: Milschewski-yes, Crawford-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Millen-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes, Pesola-yes. Carried 8-0.

Reminder: Statement of Economic Interest Form Due May 1, 2023 to Kendall County Clerk's Office

These forms are due on May 1st and a penalty will be incurred for not doing so.


There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 8:03pm.
