
Kendall County Times

Monday, December 23, 2024

Kendall County Board met June 27

Kendall County Board met June 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Kendall County Board Meeting was held at the Kendall County Office Building, Rooms 209 & 210, in the City of Yorkville on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, at 9:03 a.m. The Clerk called the roll. Members present: Matt Kellogg, Brian DeBolt, Scott Gengler, Dan Koukol, Jason Peterson, Ruben Rodriguez, Brooke Shanley and Seth Wormley. Member(s) absent: Elizabeth Flowers and Zach Bachmann.

The Clerk reported to the Chairman that a quorum was present to conduct business.


Members of the Law Enforcement Youth Academy led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Jordan Gash from Restore Church gave the invocation.


Member DeBolt moved to approve the agenda. Member Rodriquez seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a voice vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.


Juvenile Justice Council Scholarship Winners

Jack Anderson and Amanda Catey were awarded scholarships.

Pretrail, Probation and Parole Supervision Week

Member Koukol moved to approve the Proclamation Designating July 16th – 22nd, 2023 as Pretrial, Probation and Parole Supervision Week. Member Peterson seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a voice vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.

A complete copy of IGAM 23-21 is available in the Office of the County Clerk.

Employee Service Awards

County employees received service awards for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 35 years of service.


Amanda Buchanan spoke about Animal Control.

Deborah Peterson spoke about Animal Control.

Todd Milliron spoke about Insurance laws and the court case he has on Thursday.

Scott Pugsley spoke about the Oswego Fire Department.

Margaret Sheehan spoke about elections.

Laura Campos spoke about chickens.

Lori Darcy spoke about chickens.

Rebecca Wincheck spoke about chickens.

Co Board 6/27/2023 - 1 -

Cindy Ebra spoke about chickens.

Amy Hunti spoke about a dog attack.


Member DeBolt moved to approve the consent agenda of

A. Approval of County Board Minutes from May 2, 2023, and May 16, 2023

B. Standing Committee Minutes Approval

C. Approval of Claims in an amount not to exceed $1,602,486.36 and $3,483,351.33

D. Approval of template IGA for GIS Shared Services

E. Approval of grant agreement no 322416 between Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority and Kendall County

F. Approval of a Fee Agreement between The Horton Group, Inc. and Kendall County, Illinois effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $3,693/month with the option to extend for two additional years at 3% increase per year

G. Approve Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) Proper Access, Use and Dissemination Procedures (New Section 9.5 in Kendall County Employee Handbook)

H. Approve Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbot Usage Policy (New Section 9.6 in Kendall County Employee Handbook)

I. Approve Kendall County Mileage Reimbursement Form

J. Approve Separation of Employment/Final Paycheck Form

K. Approve Personnel Records Review Request Form

L. Approve GIS Intern Job Description

M. Approve GIS/Cadastral Technician (Part time) Job Description

N. Approve Identification Badge Policy (New Section 5.11 in the Kendall County Employee Handbook)

O. Approve Safe Driving Policy Amendment to Section 5.7 of the Kendall County Employee Handbook

P. Approve the Reaccreditation Contract with American Correctional Association for $10,000

Q. Approval of Replacement of HVAC Equipment at the Historic Courthouse by Helm Service via the Equalis Group public sector purchasing cooperative. Master Agreement #R10-1132B not to exceed $271,500

R. Approval of Renewal Contract for NearMap

S. Approval of Petition 23-22, a Request from the Kendall County Planning, Building and Zoning Director for Text Amendments to Section 8:07.1.B of the Kendall County Zoning Ordinance Correcting the Scrivener’s Error in Ordinance 2023-24 Pertaining to Bed and Breakfast Establishments in the R-3 Zoning District

T. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Plattville and the County of Kendall to Administer the County’s Ordinances for Zoning, Building Code, Subdivision Control, and Stormwater Management within the Jurisdiction of the Village of Plattville for a Term of One (1) Year in the Amount of $1.00 Plus Associated Costs Paid by the Village Plattville to the County of Kendall

U. Approval of amended agreement for disbursement and use of Kendall County American Rescue Plan Act Funds with Kendall County 211

V. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement for Kendall County Transportation Alternatives Program (“KC-TAP”) funding grant to the Oswegoland Park District for installation of a crosswalk along the Fox River Trail (2023) W. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement for Kendall County Transportation Alternatives Program (“KC-TAP”) funding grant to the Village of Montgomery for installation of a path south of U.S. Route 30 (2023)

X. Approval of 2024 Kendall County Holiday Calendar

Y. Approval of FY23 Budget – Human Resources Department

Z. Approval of setting the salary for the Kendall County State’s Attorney in the amount of $197,436.44 effective 7/1/2023 AA. Approval of setting the salary for the Kendall County Public Defender in the amount of $177,692.80 effective 7/1/2023 BB. Approval of setting the salary for the Kendall County Sheriff in the amount of $157,949.15 effective 7/1/2023 CC. Approval of Builders Risk Insurance, Project Term June 15, 2023 to June 15, 2024 for premium cost $8,089.00 Member Rodriquez seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a roll vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.

C) COMBINED CLAIMS: ADMIN $2,050.20; ANML CNTRL WRDN $2,204.77; CIR CT CLK $92,229.47; CIR CRT JDG $2,917.27; CMB CRT SRV $320.83; CORONR $2,644.67; CORR $9,146.15; CNTY BRD $617,556.63; CNTY CLK $390.91; HIGHWY $210,345.86; CNTY TRSR $19,405.35; EMA DIR $9,173.18; EMA $90.00; FCLT MGMT $22,903.37; GIS COORD $29,341.13; HLTH & HMN SRV $176,325.61; JURY $3,143.85; MRT COMM $403.00; PBZ PLNNR $1,337.50; PBZ $311.40; PROB SPVSR $1,424.79; PUB DFNDR $1,136.36; SHRF $16,762.19; ST ATTY $9,695.00; TECH $10,114.24; TRSR $67.58; UTIL $8,257.24; VET $3,533.00; FP $85,485.38; SHF $13,765.66; SHF $13,237.68; CIVIL $236,766.09

COMBINED CLAIMS: ADMIN $1,906.23; ANML CNTRL WRDN $4,809.52; CIR CT CLK $21,949.48; CIR CRT JDG $259,062.44; CMB CRT SRV $36,935.30; CORONR $1,123.78; CORR $129,483.10; CNTY ADMIN $98,160.19; CNTY BRD $169,555.91; CNTY CLK $13,209.51; HIGHWY $1,114,684.97; CNTY TRSR $3,133.67; ELECTION $75.21; EMA DIR $716.88; EMA $267.42; FCLT MGMT $34,739.18; FRMLAND RVW $114.70; FP DRCTR $2,190.00; GIS COORD $3,269.10; HLTH & HMN SRV $261,232.95; JURY $8,358.10; PBZ PLNNR $5,888.31; PBZ $5,098.26; POSTG $522.87;PRSDNG JUDGE $10,346.37; PROB SPVSR $17,881.06; PUB DFNDR $619.20; ROE $6,920.58 SHRF $93,616.79; ST ATTY $4,948.99; TECH $42,947.22; TRSR $39.47; UTIL $38,642.68; VET $3,165.26; FP $285,565.50; SHF $31,701.50; SHF $21,632.87; $48,197.72; CIVIL $503,400.00; CIVIL $197,239.04

F) A complete copy of IGAM 23-22 is available in the Office of the County Clerk.

P) A complete copy of IGAM 23-26 is available in the Office of the County Clerk.

S) A complete copy of Ordinance 23-26 is available in the Office of the County Clerk.

T) A complete copy of IGAM 23-23 is available in the Office of the County Clerk.

V) A complete copy of IGAM 23-24 is available in the Office of the County Clerk.

W) A complete copy of IGAM 23-35 is available in the Office of the County Clerk.



Under Sheriff Richardson spoke about the Youth Academy, US Marshall Agreement and the power outage at KenCom. County

Clerk & Recorder

County Clerk, Debbie Gillette spoke about the voter purge and acquiring additional equipment for no cost to the County.


Treasurer, Jill Ferko stated that they will be doing a disbursement to the taxing districts.

Clerk of the Court

Circuit Court Clerk, Matt Prochaska presented the monthly report.

State’s Attorney

State’s Attorney, Eric Weis stated that the case filings are up, case management to move cases along quickly. Evidence.com for a link to records.


Coroner Jacquie Purcell presented the monthly report and stated that the opioid review team is getting back together. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS


Bid Approval

Member DeBolt moved to approve the Phase 1 of the Fox Street Campus Expansion awarding the lowest responsive and responsible bidders as follows: • Bid Package #2 – General Trades = Lite Construction for a total bid of $2,115,970.00 • Bid Package #3 – Excavation = Plainfield Excavating for a total bid of $425,000.00 • Bid Package #4 – Building Concrete = Premium Concrete for a total bid of $783,400.00 • Bid Package #5 – Asphalt & Site Concrete = Abbey Paving for a total bid of $398,500.00 • Bid Package #6 – Masonry = Jimmy’z Masonry for a total bid of $573,000.00 • Bid Package #7 – Roofing = Filotto Roofing for a total bid of $123,000.00 • Bid Package #8 – Painting = Nedrow Painting for a total bid of $48,700.00 • Bid Package #9 – Flooring = TSI Commercial Flooring for a total bid of $255,385.00 • Bid Package #10 – Fire Protection = CL Doucette for a total bid of $100,950.00 • Bid Package #11 – Plumbing = Omega Plumbing for a total bid of $142,500.00 • Bid Package #12 – Mechanical = Premier Mechanical for a total bid of $400,000.00 • Bid Package #13 – Electrical = CSN Electric for a total bid of $942,008.00 • Bid Package #14 – Landscaping = Twin Oaks Landscaping for a total bid of $84,700.00 • Bid Package #15 – Elevator = Otis Elevator for a total bid of $92,693.00. Member Gengler seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried

Economic Development & Administration

Animal Control Standard Operating Procedures

Member Shanley moved to approve the Kendall County Animal Control Standard Operating Procedures. Member Wormley seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried

Planning, Building & Zoning

Petition 23-17

Member DeBolt moved to approve Petition 23-17, a Request from the Kendall County Planning, Building and Zoning Committee for Text Amendments to the Kendall County Zoning Ordinance Pertaining to Chickens on Residentially Zoned Property. Member Koukol seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried

A complete copy of Ordinance 23-27 is available in the Office of the County Clerk.


Connect Kendall County Commission

Meagan Briganti stated that they will be meeting on Thursday to review the proposals received.


Member Shanley stated that the Board of Health Safety & Security Ad Hoc Committee has identified the issues and resolved the issues, so they are disbanding. Ms. Shanley also spoke about unintentional overdoses and the 708 Mental Health Grant.


Member Shanley spoke about public comment critiques, appointments, resolutions & proclamations, and the cancellation of meetings.


Calypso Clean Energy

Member Gengler moved to approve the resolution supporting Calypso Clean Energy Manufacturing. Member Rodriguez seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All members present voting aye except Shanley who voted present. Motion carried 7-0-1.

A complete copy of Resolution 23-36 is available in the Office of the County.

Member DeBolt moved to approve the appointment(s). Member Rodriguez seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.


Jordan Gash – Board of Health (replacing Nanci Reiland) – Expires September 2025

Richard Whitfield (replacing Matt Kellogg) – Farmland Review Committee

Dr. Karin Gustafson-Williams – Board of Health – 3 year term – Expires June 2026


Todd Milliron spoke on the advocacy for transparency and bios for appointments.


Ethan Krueger from WSPY asked about the power outage and the enforcement coming from Animal Control.


Member Peterson made a motion to go into Executive Session for (11) litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting and (21) discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06 , Member Gengler seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.


Member Gengler moved to adjourn the County Board Meeting until the next scheduled meeting. Member DeBolt seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a voice vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.



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