
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Oswego Planning & Zoning Commission met July 5

Village of Oswego Planning & Zoning Commission met July 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Pajor called the Oswego Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Present: Dominick Cirone, Rick Kuhn, Andrew McCallum, Charlie Pajor, Justin Sather, Judy Sollinger

Absent: Jason Kapus

There was a quorum.

Oswego community representatives in attendance were:

Present: Rod Zenner, Director; Mary Ellen Bliss, Recording Secretary


Motion: Commissioner Sollinger, second Commissioner Cirone to accept the minutes of the June 8, 2023 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting.

Ayes: Commissioners Cirone, Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather, Sollinger

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioner Kapus

Motion carried


Preliminary/Final PUD

Scooter’s Coffee

Applicant: Rob Hart

Project #1165.23

Project Manager: Rod Zenner

Motion: Commissioner Sollinger, second Commissioner Cirone to open the Public Hearing at 7:01 p.m.

Ayes: Commissioners Cirone, Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather, Sollinger

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioner Kapus

Motion carried

Director Zenner stated the petitioner is requesting approval of a Planned Unit Development to allow for the development of a drive-thru coffee kiosk at the property located at 4490 Route 71/262 Washington Street. Director Zenner stated the property was brought before the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 9th for a public hearing, and the Commission recommended denial of the request citing the size of the property and access. Director Zenner stated the petitioner is coming back before the Planning and Zoning Commission with a revised site plan on a larger piece of property.

Director Zenner stated the property at the corner of Route 71 and Plainfield Road, known as 262 Washington Street, is currently owned by IDOT, acquired as part of the Route 71 widening project. Director Zenner stated the 0.241-acre property is now considered excess property by IDOT and they are looking to sell the property. Director Zenner stated the State has indicated that they only wish to sell the property to the Village and not a developer, and the Village is currently completing acquisition of the parcel. Director Zenner stated the petitioner intends to then acquire the property from the Village to construct their proposed Scooter’s facility.

Director Zenner stated the proposed plan calls for a 664 square foot kiosk structure in the north property and access will be provided by a right-in/right out access point along Route 71 and a right-in/right-out access point along Plainfield Road. Director Zenner stated drive-thru stacking wraps around the building along the east, south, and west sides of the building and a bypass lane is provided for the drive-thru.

Director Zenner stated the site will provide a stormwater basin along the west side of the site along Plainfield Road. Director Zenner stated staff recommends a cross access easement to the southern property to accommodate an access point when the neighboring properties redevelop as commercial properties.

Director Zenner stated the proposed landscape plan exceeds the minimum landscaping requirements, but staff believes that the landscaping is necessary to provide buffers to the nearby single-family residential homes. Director Zenner stated though the residential homes are zoned commercial and identified with a commercial future land use designation, they remain single-family residences and the additional landscaping will help to mitigate the two different types of land uses.

Director Zenner reviewed the proposed signage package and Code requirements, and stated staff has the following recommendations:

• Reduce the size of the western wall sign and reduce the southern wall sign to a 2-foot tall sign consistent with other commercial projects within the Village.

• Lower the monument sign to the 10-foot height restriction.

• Reduce the directional sign at the entrance/exit along Route 71 to 3-feet in height.

• Remove the wall panels along the eastern façade that faces the single-family residence and reduce or eliminate the western wall panels to meet Code requirements more closely.

Emma Albers was sworn in

Oswego, IL

Ms. Albers of Kimley-Horn stated she represents the applicant. Ms. Albers reviewed the revisions made to the previous site plan, including the purchase of the IDOT property which allows a 20’ setback from the neighboring property, a two-way drive aisle to provide better circulation through the site, additional access on Plainfield Road, and additional landscaping.

Rob Hart was sworn in

Aurora, IL

Mr. Hart, the applicant, supplied a revised signage package which reduces the signage footprint around the south and west sides of the building, removes signage boards on the east and west, reduces the monument sign to 10 feet, and reduces directional signage to 3 feet.

The Commission and applicant discussed circulation of the site, cross access placement, and parking. Commissioner Pajor recommended adding signage which designates the parking spaces as employee parking only. Commissioner Sather suggested a tighter drive-thru aisle to better accommodate circulating traffic.

Jeff Fowler was sworn in

Oswego, IL

Mr. Fowler stated he owns property at 270 and 286 Washington and requested cross access to the site for future development of his property. Mr. Fowler stated he is in favor of the Scooter’s project.

Jeff Lestina was sworn in

Oswego, IL

Mr. Lestina stated he lives at 259 Calumet next to the proposed Scooter’s. Mr. Lestina stated his concerns with traffic congestion potentially causing accidents, noise, lights, backyard privacy, and how the business could adversely affect his property value.

Alex Lestina was sworn in

Oswego, IL

Ms. Lestina stated they have lived at their property for 23 years and stated her concerns with noise, lights, and backyard privacy. Ms. Lestina requested a 6’ or 10’ barrier be added between the two properties.

No additional audience members wished to speak at the public hearing.

Motion: Commissioner Sollinger, second Commissioner Cirone to close the Public Hearing at 7:32 p.m.

Ayes: Commissioners Cirone, Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather, Sollinger

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioner Kapus

Motion carried

The Commission discussed adding a fence along the eastern property line for as long as the single-family residence is located there; landscaping; and the revised signage. Mr. Hart stated he is not opposed to adding a fence between the properties. Director Zenner stated landscaping would be altered with the addition of a fence.


Motion: Commissioner Cirone, second Commissioner Sather to accept the Findings of Fact and recommend approval of the Preliminary/Final PUD and Subdivision Plat to allow for a Scooter’s Coffee at 4490 Route 71/262 Washington Street subject to the following:

• Provide a fence along the eastern property line as long as the single-family residence is located to the east.

• Work with staff regarding the revised sign package.

• Inclusion of a cross access easement to the property to the south.

Ayes: Commissioners Cirone, Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather, Sollinger

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Kapus

Motion carried












No report.


No report.




No report.

14. NEXT MEETING - August 10, 2023


Motion: Commissioner Kuhn, second Commissioner Sollinger to adjourn the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting.

Ayes: Commissioners Cirone, Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather, Sollinger

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioner Kapus

Motion carried

Chairman Pajor adjourned the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting at 7:45 p.m.
