
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met July 17

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met July 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

In the absence of Mayor Latham, City Clerk Ii called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM. Roll call was taken:

Present: Clerk Ii, Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton

Absent: Mayor Latham, Aldermen Fritsch & Johnson

Quorum established

Also Present: Attorney Gottschalk, City Administrator Penman, EMA Director Ciciora & Interim Police Chief

Mayor Pro Tem: Motion made by Alderman Whitecotton appointing Alderman Robinson as Mayor Pro Tem for the remainder of the July 17th Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. Motion was seconded by Alderman Littlebrant. Aye: Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton Nay:0 Motion carried unanimously

Mayor Latham: No report

Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Gottschalk Law Group: No report

City Clerk Ii: No report

City Treasurer: Open Position

City Administrator Penman thanked the volunteer groups who are maintaining the flower beds in the downtown area. Other matters under his report included:

- Route 34 Traffic Signal Project: New cameras have been installed overhead on the traffic signals that for sensory and interconnection use only. Some maintenance parts remain on back order.

- Pratt Road Bridge Project: Soil borings were completed last week

- Police Chief interviews were held with the IL Association of Police Chiefs last week. An all-day assessment will be held on Saturday, July 29th. Six candidates have been initially interviewed reducing the number to three candidates for Saturday.

- Proposed Solar Farm on Pratt Road: Reminder that the next County Board Meeting is scheduled for August 16th at 7 PM. on the approval of the solar farm. Residents are encouraged to attend.

- IGA (Intergovernmental Agreement) with Plano: Alderman Kreinbrink asked the status and was advised that the Agreement needs to be approved by Plano prior to being approved by Sandwich.

City Department Reports:

EMA Tom Ciciora - No report

Interim Chief Bleichner is hoping to have a monthly / yearly comparison report by the next meeting of call outs, traffic accidents and adjudication issues. He spoke briefly on the police staffing issues and the progression.

Engineering: No report

Aldermen Reports: None

New Business:

a. Ordinance 2023-17 entitled “An Ordinance Amending Chapter 70 “Streets and Sidewalks”. Article I “In General”, Section 70-20 “Driveways” of the City of Sandwich Municipal Code” presented for continued discussion. Alderman Arnett said poor subgrade to support asphalt can be a problem adding that concrete holds up better than asphalt. There are several remediation issues to address poor subgrade according to Engineer Dettmann. He recommended that there is mention in the ordinance that if the subgrade is too poor, the resident has the option of installing a cement driveway as opposed to an asphalt drive. Geotech, who has the knowledge and expertise, would be the only choice in determining the subbase that is an expensive test for the homeowner. In theory, should the subbase be questionable and a cement drive is desired, the homeowner would need a variance. Question raised was how would the city police this scenario. Alderman Kreinbrink recommended that the ordinance be amended for unimproved streets (no curb or gutter) and move on. Council favored allowing concrete, and EEI Engineer Curt Dettmann volunteered to assist Attorney Gottschalk with the ordinance language.

b. Ordinance 2023-16 entitled “An Ordinance Amending Chapter 86 “Utilities”, Article I, “In General”, Section 86-5 “Service Pipes” of the City of Sandwich Municipal Code” presented for continued discussion. Alderman Kreinbrink reported he has a contact with JULIE that is agreeable to addressing the Council and the City Attorneys regarding certain laws that come into play, such as Illinois Commerce Commission and another law related to the Defense Protection Act. Exchanged information seems to be conflicting according to Alderman Kreinbrink. The JULIE represented is also familiar with the handling of the subject matter by other municipalities. He would like the proposed ordinance amendment be more specific, directing the reader to designated sections of the municipal code. Engineer Dettman acknowledged sewer matters are tricky and locating the problem is a challenge. His recommendation is, unless there is a definitive to locate the problem (such as a tracing wire along sewer mains), the amended ordinance should stand. Alderman Kreinbrink offered a number of locating alternatives applicable that would be to new construction and the future. Engineer Dettmann will get information from other municipalities as to repair costs being borne by the homeowner or the city. Currently, from the main / buffalo box to the house for plumbing, and from the sewer main to the building, shall be the homeowner’s expense for maintenance and repairs. Attorney Gottschalk agreed more clarification is needed as to the proposed intent of responsibility.

c. Dixon Engineering: Todd Schaefer, project manager from Dixon Engineering, gave a maintenance update on the 300,000 gallon elevated water tower located on Green Street. Removal of the exterior coating will take up to two weeks to complete noting that the life span of the coating should last up to 20 years. The cost to recoat is estimated at $725,000.00. Bid opening is scheduled for Thursday, July 27th at 2:00 PM. Scope of work will include OSHA and EPA required updates. It is estimated the tank will be out of service for approximately 50 days to be completed by November 3rd.

Announcements: Next meeting for the Finance Committee will be on Monday, August 7th, 2023, at 6:30 PM. The Regular Council meeting will meet at 7 PM on the same date immediately followed by the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting.

Audience Comments: Local resident, Jeremy Bousselot, spoke on an audience comment under the Regular Council Meeting, regarding politics playing a roll in the City’s acceptance of grant money from Congresswoman Underwood. Mr. Bousselot felt that Ms. Underwood had the City’s best interest in mind, and he welcomes any improvements to Sandwich regardless of political party affiliation.

Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Robinson and seconded by Alderwoman Erickson to adjourn the Committee-of the-Whole council meeting at 8:38 PM. Motion carried unanimously on voice vote.
