
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Yorkville City Council met July 25

City of Yorkville City Council met July 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Purcell called the meeting to order at 7: 02 p.m. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.


City Clerk Behland called the roll.

Ward 1 Koch Present

Transier Absent

Ward 11 Plocher Present

Soling Present

Ward III Funkhouser Present

Marek Present

Ward IV Tarulis Present

Corneils Present

Staff in attendance at City Hall: City Clerk Behland, City Administrator Olson, Chief of Police Jensen, Attorney Orr, Public Works Director Dhuse, Community Development Director Barksdale- Noble, Finance Director Fredrickson, Parks and Recreation Director Evans, Assistant City Administrator Willrett, and EEI Engineer Sanderson.

Members of the public were able to attend this meeting in person as well as being able to access the meeting remotely via Zoom which allowed for video, audio, and telephonic participation.

A meeting notice was posted on the City' s website on the agenda, minutes, and packets webpage with instructions regarding remote meeting access and a link was included for the public to participate in the meeting remotely: https:// us02web.zoom us/j/81630333281`?pwd=TlJvbGpwb3llNkpEY3BTOTFVSzdzUT09. The Zoom meeting ID was 816 3033 3281.


A quorum was established.










1. Minutes of the Regular City Council— June 27, 2023

2. Minutes of the Regular City Council— July 11, 2023

3. Bill Payments for Approval

$         2, 757. 40 ( vendors— FY 23)

$ 1, 196, 979. 96 ( vendors— FY 24)

$     371, 196. 72 ( payroll period ending 07/ 07/ 2023)

$ 1, 570, 934. 08 ( total)

4. Resolution 2023- 23 Approving Recommendations for Stop Signs in the Grande Reserve Subdivision— authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute ( PW 2023- 60)

5. Resolution 2023- 24 Approving Recommendations for No Parking on the North Side of Garden Street— authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute( PW 2023- 61)

6. Corneils Road Interceptor— Change Order No. 2 ( Balancing) approve Corneils Road Interceptor— Change Order No. 2 (Balancing) and authorize the Mayor to execute( PW2023- 62)

7. 2023 Water Main Improvements Contract B— Change Order No. 1 — approve 2023 Water Main Improvements Contract B— Change Order No. 1 and authorize the Mayor to execute PW 2023- 64)

8. South Central EWST Rehabilitation— Design Engineering Agreement-- authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute (PW 2023- 66)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve the consent agenda. So moved by Alderman Soling; seconded by Alderman Marek.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 7 Nays- 0

Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Corneils- aye



Yorkville River Fest

Mayor Purcell shared that there was a fantastic turnout for this year's River Fest. On Saturday, a life-size Super Mario course was packed with kids. Mayor Purcell thanked the Parks and Recreation staff for putting on another great event for the City.

Ordinance 2023- 25 Waiving Construction Guarantee for the Kendall County New Office Building at 105 West Fox Street

(CC 2023- 44)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve an Ordinance Waiving Construction Guarantee for the Kendall County New Office Building at 105 West Fox Street. So moved by Alderman Tarulis; seconded by Alderman Koch.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 7 Nays- 0

Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Corneils- aye, Koch- aye

Resolution 2023- 25 Approving a Janitorial Professional Services Agreement with Uni- Max Management Corp.

(CC 2023- 45)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve a Resolution Approving a Janitorial Professional Services Agreement with Uni-Max Management Corp. So moved by Alderman Soling; seconded by Alderman Corneils.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 7 Nays- 0

Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Corneils- aye, Koch-aye, Plocher- aye

Countryside Pavilion Park Update

(CC 2023- 46)

Mayor Purcell reported that the Yorkville Congregational United Church of Christ has approved the Memorandum of Understanding and agrees that the church' s property will be conveyed to the City for use as a Park. This item will be at the next City Council meeting for final approval by the City.


Bright Farms— Well Modifications

(PW 2023- 59)

Alderman Koch made a motion to approve Bright Farms' request to relocate the well as presented within the packet material; seconded by Alderman Marek.

Alderman Funkhouser stated he understands this is a cost- saving for Bright Farms by moving the well location. They are requesting to cap the current well and not close it. Alderman Funkhouser asked if we could put a meter on the well they no longer want to use. Alderman Soling is not in favor of the request. How do we know they will not use the well? Public Works Director Dhuse mentioned a professional company would have to come in and cap the well. The motor would be moved out ofthe unused well and then capped.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 5 Nays- 3

Tarulis- aye, Soling- nay, Marek- aye, Corneils- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- nay, Funkhouser- nay, Purcell- aye

2023 Water Main Improvements Contracts A

Change Order No. 1

(PW 2023- 63)

Alderman Koch made a motion to approve the 2023 Water Main Improvements Contract A— Change Order No. 1 and authorize the Mayor to execute; seconded by Alderman Soling.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 6 Nays- 0 Present- 1

Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Corneils- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher-present, Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye

Beaver Street Pump Station Improvements

Change Order No. 1 ( Balancing)

(PW 2023- 65)

Alderman Koch made a motion to approve the Beaver Street Pump Station Improvements Change Order No. 1 ( Balancing) and authorize the Mayor to execute; seconded by Alderman Marek.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 7 Nays- 0

Marek- aye, Corneils- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Soling- aye


No report.


No report.


No report.


National Night Out

Parks and Recreation Director Evans reported Yorkville Police Department' s National Night Out is on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, from 5: 30 pm 7: 30 pm at Riemenschneider Park( 600 Hayden Drive). There will be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Meet& Greet, Cowabunga Course, Touch- A-Truck, Superhero Storytime, and pizza.


Bristol Ridge Solar 105 & Bristol Ridge Solar Farm 106

(PZC 2022- 02 & EDC 2023- 22)

(PZC 2022- 03 & EDC 2023- 23)

a. Ordinance Approving the First Amendment to the Annexation Agreement for a Portion of the Bristol Ridge Subdivision

(Daniel B Light)

b. First Amendment to the Annexation Agreement Between United City of Yorkville and Bristol Ridge, LLC

(Bristol Ridge)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve an Ordinance Approving the First Amendment to the Annexation Agreement for a Portion of the Bristol Ridge Subdivision( Daniel B Light) and a First Amendment to the Agreement Between United City of Yorkville and Bristol Ridge, LLC ( Bristol Ridge) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute.

No alderman motioned the Bristol Ridge Solar Farm 105 ( PZC 2023- 02& EDC 2023- 22) & Bristol Ridge Solar Farm 106 ( PZC 2023- 03 & EDC 2023- 23); therefore, no vote took place on this agenda item.

Bristol Ridge 105— Solar Farm

(PZC 2023- 02 & EDC 2023- 22)

a. Ordinance Approving the Rezoning to the A- 1 Agricultural Zoning District of Certain Territory Generally Located at East of Cannonball Trail and North of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Line

b. Ordinance Granting a Freestanding Solar Energy Systems Clearance Variance for the Property Generally Located at East of Cannonball Trail and North of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Line

c. Ordinance Approving a Special Use for the Property Generally Located at East of Cannonball Trail and North of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Line

Mayor Purcell motioned to table the remaining items on the agenda in reference to the Bristol Ridge 105 Bristol Ridge Road 106 Solar Farm items.

Bristol Ridge 106— Solar Farm

(PZC 2023- 03 & EDC 2023- 23)

a. Ordinance Approving the Rezoning to the A-1 Agricultural Zoning District of Certain Territory Generally Located at East of Cannonball

Trail and South of Galena Road

b. Ordinance Granting a Freestanding Solar Energy Systems Clearance Variance for the Property Generally Located at East of Cannonball Trail and South of Galena Road

c. Ordinance Approving a Special Use for the Property Generally Located at East of Cannonball Trail and South of Galena Road

Mayor Purcell motioned to table the remaining items on the agenda in reference to the Bristol Ridge 105 Bristol Ridge Road 106 Solar Farm items.

Ordinance 2023- 26 Granting Sign Variances for the Property Located at 2505 Boomer Lane (Trinity Church United Methodist)

(PZC 2023- 04& EDC 2023- 28)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve an Ordinance Granting Sign Variances for the Property Located at 2505 Boomer Lane( Trinity Church United Methodist) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Tarulis; seconded by Alderman Koch.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 7 Nays- 0

Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye, Soling-aye, Marek-aye, Corneils- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- aye


No report.


No report.


No report.


No report.

MAYOR' S REPORT( cont' d)

City Building Updates

(CC 2022- 04)

No Update.

Water Study Update

(CC 2021- 38)

a. WIFIA LOI Financial Projections

City Administrator Olson reported there would be no presentation at this meeting.








Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to adjourn the City Council meeting. So moved by Alderman Plocher; seconded by Alderman Soling.

Motion unanimously approved by a viva voce vote.

Meeting adjourned at 7: 24 p. m.
