
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Plano City Council met Oct. 23

Webp 14

Plano City Mayor Mike Rennels | Mike Rennels Website

Plano City Mayor Mike Rennels | Mike Rennels Website

City of Plano City Council met Oct. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the Plano City Council was called to order on Monday, October 23, 2023 by Mayor Michael Rennels in the Council Room at City Hall. The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll Call:

Steve DeBolt Present

John Fawver Present

Kathy Wickens Present

Jamal Williams Present

Tommy Johns Present

Barb Nadeau Present

Scott Mulliner Present

Mark Swoboda Present

There was a quorum.


A motion was made by Alderman Williams, seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on October 9, 2023. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed. AGENDA:

A motion was made by Alderman Williams, seconded by Alderman Nadeau, to approve the agenda for the regular meeting of October 23, 2023. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed. WARRANTS:

A motion was made by Alderman Wickens, seconded by Alderman Fawver, to accept the report of the Finance Committee and that orders are drawn on the Treasury to pay per warrant list dated October 23, 2023 in the amount of $314,193.45.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Wickens, Fawver, DeBolt, Johns, Mulliner, Nadeau, Swoboda, Williams

Voting “Nay”:


Motion passed.


A motion was made by Alderman Wickens, seconded by Alderman Fawver, to accept the report of the Finance Committee and that orders are drawn on the Treasury to pay per the wage report dated September 2023 in the amount of $352,103.13.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Wickens, Fawber, DeBolt, Johns, Mulliner, Nadeau, Swoboda, Williams

Voting “Nay”:


Motion passed.


Guests and members of the press were welcomed by Mayor Rennels.


J. R. Boerner with McCann invited the Council to come to McCann’s Burlington, Iowa location on October 27, 2023. McCann will provide transportation there and back, a factory tour, watch the City’s new case loader come down the equipment line, and lunch. Karl Tisberger will let J. R. know how many people from the City will be attending.

MAYOR’S REPORT: Michael Rennels

A motion was made by Alderman DeBolt, seconded by Alderman Nadeau, to sign and execute an agreement for disbursement and use of a grant from Kendall ARPA funds, restricted to sewer lining. Mayor Rennels thanked Kendall County board member Scott Gengler for letting him know about this opportunity. The City has received a grant for $325,000.00 for sewer lining. Darrin Boyer said they would probably go out for bid this year, and action will be in the Spring, maybe in April.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: DeBolt, Nadeau, Fawver, Johns, Mulliner, Swoboda, Wickens, Williams

Voting “Nay”:


Motion passed.

A motion was made by Alderman Nadeau, seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to waive St. Mary’s Parish’s special event liquor license fee for their event on November 11, 2023. Alderman Johns said he has a conflict of interest as both of his daughters are on this committee. He asked if he should abstain or leave the room for the vote. Attorney Thomas said he could abstain. Alderman Nadeau said St. Mary’s has a yearly fundraising budget of $100,000.00. Proceeds from this event go into the general operating budget for the school.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, DeBolt, Fawver, Mulliner, Swoboda, Wickens, Williams

Voting “Nay”:


Abstain: Johns

Motion passed.


Tiffany gave a report of recent or upcoming Chamber of Commerce events. They just had a Scarecrow Scramble golf event with 5 teams golfing. On October 24, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. at the Library, there is an event called Our Reaper, Our History. This is a slide show about the reaper and Plano’s history. On October 26, 2023, there is Treats on the Street from 4:00-6:00 p.m., on Main Street. The Chamber also has 4 new members.

CITY ATTORNEY: William Thomas

Ordinance #2023-22 A motion was made by Alderman Nadeau, seconded by Alderman Swoboda, to approve an ordinance to increase the number of Class G liquor licenses from 1 to 2 (L & J’s Mississippi BBQ, LLC). Alderman Fawver asked if there would be gambling machines in this business. Mayor Rennels said no. Alderman Williams asked if they are approved tonight, and then want gaming, do they have to come in front of the Council again to request a gaming liquor license. Mayor said any liquor licensee can request a gaming liquor license. Attorney Thomas said yes, they would have to ask the Council to change to a Class G-1 license.

Alderman DeBolt asked if the business could have beer and wine outdoors. Mayorsaid it would be inside only as having outdoors has not been addressed. Alderman Wickens asked if the business asked to have gaming, and Alderman Fawver said no, that he asked because he wanted clarity. Alderman Mulliner asked if local bars have a Class G-1. Mayor said no, that they can apply for a gaming liquor license if they have a liquor license. Alderman Mulliner asked if a business has a Class G license, can they get a Class G-1 license. Mayor said yes, but they have to ask the Council for approval. Alderman Wickens asked what would stop a business from getting a Class G-1 license. Mayor said the Council and rules to follow determine this type of license. Mayor said gaming liquor licenses go through the Council to be voted on.

Alderman Mulliner and Mayor would like liquor licensing to go to a committee to be discussed. Alderman Swoboda said he doesn’t think there are any State Statutes on the book nor anything in our ordinances that say they are not able to take alcohol outside. Mayor said they would follow the model used during the Pandemic. Alderman Nadeau was thankful for the clarity on these issues and suggested it go to a committee to discuss.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye: Nadeau, Swoboda, DeBolt, Johns, Mulliner, Wickens

Voting “Nay”: Fawver, Williams


Motion passed.

Ordinance #2023-23 A motion was made by Alderman Fawver, seconded by Alderman Swoboda, to approve an ordinance for a comprehensive amendment to the budget ordinance of the City of Plano amending Ordinance 2023-10.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye: Swoboda, DeBolt, Johns, Mulliner, Nadeau, Wickens

Voting “Nay”: Fawver, Williams


Motion passed.

Resolution #2023-23 A motion was made by Alderman Mulliner, seconded by Alderman Swoboda, to approve a resolution approving and authorizing an option agreement for an underground transmission line easement and memorandum of option agreement between the City of Plano and SOO Green HVDC Link Projectco, LLC.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye: Mulliner, Swoboda, DeBolt, Fawver, Johns, Nadeau, Wickens, Williams

Voting “Nay”:


Motion passed.

CITY CLERK: Carin Martin, Deputy Clerk

Sales and related taxes for August 2023 are $214,691.18.

The MFT Current unobligated balance for August 2023 is $1,538,805.40.

Carin told Council members that there would be different due dates for November for agenda items due to office closingsfor Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. For the November 13, 2023 meetings, agenda items would be due by noon on November 8, 2023. For the November 27, 2023 meetings, agenda items would be due by noon on November 21, 2023.


The August Treasurer’s report is in the amount of $12,895,737.62. The Total disbursements are in the amount of $1,408,390.71.

The August 2023 Revenue and expenditure report was made available.

The required report by the Pension Board to the City of Plano is included in the packet. Lt. Allison will make the Police Pension Fund’s Tax Levy Request for FY ’25 in the Police Chief’s report.


A motion was made by Alderman Williams , seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to approve the purchase of 4 mobile data terminal computers through AID Group, Inc., in the amount of $12,455.52. Lt. Allison said these are budgeted items.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye: Williams, DeBolt, Fawver, Johns, Mulliner, Nadeau, Swoboda, Wickens, Williams

Voting “Nay”:


Motion passed.

The Plano Police Pension Fund requested a contribution of $556,201.00, from the upcoming property tax levy. This is from the actuarial valuation and is the statutory minimum contribution. There was no vote taken, just an official request.

DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER: D. Boyer, J. Beyer-Absent, K. Tisberger Karl said the Depot windows are in. The sidewalk program is going very well. The battery back up has been replaced at Ben Street and Route 34. He said the one at West Street will be done. They received the new dump truck today. The new City Hall sign has been installed.




Alderman Mulliner said they did not have a quorum for the meeting on October 4, 2023. There is a meeting scheduled for October 25, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss food trucks.


Alderman Williams said they did not have a quorum for the meeting on October 4, 2023. There is a meeting scheduled for October 25, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the residential chicken ordinance and the amended budget.


Alderman Fawver has a committee meeting scheduled for October 25, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

FINANCE: Alderman Wickens

Alderman Wickens called a meeting for November 13, 2023 at 5:15 p.m.

PARKS: Alderman Johns

Alderman Johns said the water fountains at the parks are shut down. On October 11, 2023, the Dog Park was aerated and seeded. They are ordering 6 green benches for City Parks. One will be paid for by the Smith family. These are budgeted items.


Alderman Swoboda said they have narrowed down the list of applicants for the City Administrator position. He said interviews will hopefully be started soon.

SPECIAL EVENTS: Alderman Nadeau

Alderman Nadeau said Trunk or Treat is on October 28, 2023. There is a Gobble Wobble run in November, and the Treats on the Street is October 26, 2023.


Alderman DeBolt thanked the Kendall County Board for issuing the ARPA funds. Plano received the most funds distributed for sewer linings.


Keith Riddle thanked those people who have made donations towards a homeless person he is trying to help. He said all the help he has tried to find has been like a door slammed in his face. He said there may be long-term help but no short-term help. He said the 7 million immigrants that have come over the border are housed and being put up in places. He questioned why the immigrants are housed and fed but the homeless are turned away.

Jenny Jackson encouragesthe Streets and Utilities committee to meet to discuss water billing. She would like to know when that meeting is scheduled.



A motion was made by Alderman Johns, seconded by Alderman Swoboda, to adjourn. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m.
