
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Newark Community Consolidated School District 66 Board of Education met Dec. 18

Webp 9

Demetra Turman, Newark CCSD 66 Superintendent | Newark CCSD 66

Demetra Turman, Newark CCSD 66 Superintendent | Newark CCSD 66

Newark Community Consolidated School District 66 Board of Education met Dec. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order/Moment of Silence/Pledge

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 6:37 PM on December 18, 2023 by President Fordyce at Millbrook Junior High.

II. Roll Call

For those members who attend remotely an indication will made in the roll call.

Callier present, Davis present, Fordyce present, Hopkins present, Underhill present, Walker present, Winner present.

III. Audience Participation

A. Public Comment - None

B. Recognitions

Mrs. Rowe for the Christmas concert, 7th & 8th grade boys basketball, H. Walker for sports boosters, and J Davis for helping with drainage issue.

IV. Action Items

A. Consent Agenda

1. Regular Meeting Minutes, November 20, 2023

2. Truth in Taxation Hearing Minutes, November 20, 2023

Walker moved to approve all items on the consent agenda as presented.

B. Winner seconded. There was no discussion. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.

Approval of Financials for December.

Walker moved to approve the financials for the month of December. Winner seconded. There was discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

C. Personnel

1. Resignation of Crossing Guard

2. Hire Crossing Guard

3. Hire Full Time Art Teacher

4. Resignation 5/6 GBB Coach

Items 1, 2, and 4 will be voted together. Underhill moved accept the resignation of Mr. Davila, crossing guard and to hire Molly Chapman as the replacement crossing guard at $15.00/da and to accept the resignation of Don Smith, 5/6 grade girl's basketball coach. Walker seconded. There was discussion. Mr. Davila has health issues that preclude him from doing the job. Molly Chapman has been filling in. 5/6 grade GBB will be merged in with 74 grade. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

Hopkins moved to extend Mrs. Winner's contract to 5 days/week. Callier seconded. There was discussion. Mrs. Rowe is retiring on 12/31. Mrs. Winner will take over her duties as well as the duties she is already performing. Motion carried on roll call vote. .

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker.

Nays: none.

Abstain: Winner

D. First Read 24/25 & 25/26 School Calendar

Walker moved to approve the first read of the school calendars for the 24/25 and 25/26 school years. Winner seconded. There was discussion. The union and NCHS were involved with the making of the schedules. On the question there were 6 ayes and 1 nay. Motion carried.

E. First Read Policy Updates

Winner moved to approve the first read of the new press plus policy updates. Walker seconded. There was discussion, especially concerning new teacher resignation policy and new library book policy. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays.

F. January 15 Bond Payment

Winner moved to approve the payment of the January bond payment. Hopkins seconded. There was discussion. The January payment is due before the board will meet again. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

V. Administrator/Committee Reports

A. Principal's Report

Ms. Chase gave the principal's report.

B. Superintendent's Report

Mrs. Turman gave the superintendent's report.

C. Committee Updates

1. Policy Committee

Policy met just prior to this meeting. Policy updates were presented to the board for first reading above.

2. Building and Grounds Committee - None

3. Transportation Committee - None

D. Miscellaneous - None

VI. Discussion Items

A. Seniority List

Mrs. Turman has presented the seniority list. It's in the packet. Will vote to approve in Jan.

B. Water on Playground

The issue appears to be resolved. There was a water main break under the driveway at the Martin residence. Mrs. Turman has not seen any more water coming onto the school property.

C. District Strategic Planning

Planning to start in Feb. There will be a meeting on Feb 7. All are welcome to attend.

D. Paid Holidays

Gov. Pritzker signed PA 103-395 into law which mandates how employers determine holiday time off pay. Mrs. Menth put together an outline of how the District is affected. Mrs. Turman is in discussion with the lawyer.

VII. Old Business/Agenda Recommendations - None

VIII. Executive Session - None

IX. Action as a Result of Executive Session - None

X. Board Member Comments - None

XI. Adjournment

Walker moved to adjourn. Underhill seconded. There was no discussion. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried. Meeting is adjourned at 7:28 PM.
