
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Yorkville Administration Committee met Feb. 21

Webp 19

Daniel V. Transier, Ward 1 Alderman | City of Yorkville, IL Website

Daniel V. Transier, Ward 1 Alderman | City of Yorkville, IL Website

City of Yorkville Administration Committee met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Committee Members In Attendance:

Chairman Matt Marek

Alderman Ken Koch

Alderman Rusty Corneils

Absent: Alderman Joe Plocher

Other City Officials In Attendance:

City Administrator Bart Olson (via Zoom)

Assistant City Administrator Erin Willrett (via Zoom)

Finance Director Rob Fredrickson

Others in Attendance: None

The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Matt Marek. Citizen Comments: None

Minutes for Correction/Approval: December 20, 2023

The minutes were approved as presented.

New Business:

1. ADM 2024-01 Budget Reports for December 2023 and January 2024 Mr. Olson said $406,000 in the December report represents the October consumer sales and is 9% up from the prior year. He said the next month will show about $394,000, which is up 8%. He said the city is up about 3-4% for the year. Amusement and admissions tax are doing very well since Raging Waves had a very good year. He noted the admissions tax is rebated 100% to the developer. The income taxes will total about $200,000. He said the expenditure side was minimal.

2. ADM 2024-02 Treasurer Reports for December 2023 and January 2024 Finance Director Fredrickson reported the following revenues:

December January

Beginning Fund Balance: $24,526,776 $24,526,776

YTD Revenue: $45,053,194 $47,471,996

YTD Expenses $33,783,330 $37,187,247

Projected Ending Fund Bal.: $35,796,640 $34,811,525

These reports move to the consent agenda.

3. ADM 2024-03 Cash Statement for November 2023

Mr. Fredrickson said the cash balance as of November 2023 is about $35 million and the investments total about $3.9 million. This is informational.

4. ADM 2024-04 Review of Invoices Between $5,000 and $25,000

a. December 20, 2023 Bill List

b. January 9, 2024 Bill List

c. January 23, 2024 Bill List

d. February 13, 2024 Bill List

This is informational and there was no discussion.

5. ADM 2024-05 Website Report for December 2023 and January 2024 Ms. Willrett said historically the website activity is slower in December and then picks up in January. Social media is doing well and Facebook directs visitors to the website.

6. ADM 2024-06 Paid Time Leave for All Employees – Manual Update A new state law requires all employers to provide 40 hours of paid leave, for any purpose, to full-time employees and also some paid leave hours to part-time employees, said Mr. Olson. Currently between 80-200 hours are given for vacation time which can be used for any purpose. But, he said nuances in the law require the city to modify the employee manual. The issue is that 40 hours of time must be provided at the beginning of the calendar year. Vacation accruals are done by anniversary date rather than calendar year and if the employee has used all their vacation time based on their anniversary date, the new year could create an issue until their anniversary date. In that case, Mr. Olson said the city would technically be violation. This new law becomes effective February 1. One idea is to create a separate pool of paid leave time and employees can use this for any reason. He said staff and the labor attorney are looking at solutions to adhere to the new law and he said it will only be an issue in the first year. Ms. Willrett noted this new policy does not affect union employees. This will move to the regular agenda.

Old Business: None

Additional Business: None

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 6:18pm.
