
Kendall County Times

Sunday, January 26, 2025

City of Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees met March 11

Webp 11

Yorkville Public Library | Facebook

Yorkville Public Library | Facebook

City of Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees met March 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Theron Garcia, roll was called and a quorum was established.

Roll Call:

Jackie Milschewski-yes, Ryan Forristall-yes, Theron Garcia-yes, Bret Reifsteck-yes, Tara Schumacher-yes, Jason Hedman-yes, Keri Pesola-yes

Absent: Rosie Millen

Staff Present:

Library Director Shelley Augustine

Others Present:

Friends of Library President Kathi Murphy, Alderman/Liaison Craig Soling

Recognition of Visitors:

President Garcia recognized staff and guests.

Amendments to the Agenda: None

Presentations: None

Approval of Minutes: February 7, 2024 Finance Committee and February 12, 2024 Board of Trustees Moved by Ms. Garcia and seconded by Ms. Milschewski to approve the February 7, 2024 Finance Committee minutes. Roll call: Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes. Carried 7-0.

Moved by Ms. Garcia and seconded by Ms. Milschewski to approve the February 12, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting minutes. Roll call: Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes, Pesola yes, Milschewski-yes. Carried 7-0.

Correspondence: None

Public Comment: None

Friends of the Library Report:

Kathi Murphy said the Friends meeting was held this morning and they are already preparing for the fall used book sale. She also noted that National Library Week is April 7-13 and they will place banners and an inflatable character outside. The Friends will be providing lunch for the staff on April 9th.

Staff Comment: None

Report of the Treasurer:

Financial Statement

Treasurer Milschewski said the Friends of the Library reimbursed the cost of the inflatable character and the Bookpage Annual Subscription, both listed on page 11 showing the bills. On page 12 is half the cost of an emergency elevator repair. The repair is needed due to a worn out sensor which caused the door to be stuck open or closed.

Payment of Bills

Ms. Milschewski moved to pay the bills as follows and Ms. Garcia seconded:

Payroll:                    $38,075.95

Accounts Payable:  $23,317.10

Total:                       $61,393.05

Roll call: Garcia-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Forristall-yes. Carried 7-0.

Report of the Library Director:

Ms. Augustine reported the following:

1. The library received 1,000 pair of solar eclipse glasses for the April 8th eclipse and also some bookmarks regarding the community survey.

2. She asked everyone to spread the word about using the QR code for the community survey. As of last week, 100 surveys have been received and it will continue to be promoted.

3. The ongoing Hidden Gem program/Fox River was held last month with 80 people attending.

4. Mike Curtis is holding a resume and interview workshop 4 separate times.

5. The Tablescape event will be held April 6th and proceeds benefit various community organizations.

6. Strategic Plan focus groups are now on the calendar of events. Ms. Augustine compiled a list of community stakeholders and sent them a letter asking for their input for the library. Sessions will be scheduled for April 9th and some one-on-one interviews will be held.

7. The copier lease has been renewed as well as for 4 stand-alone copiers.

8. E-rate consultant has sent bids for new firewall support.

9. Three failed window panes were replaced and weather strip reset. The windows will also be cleaned.

10. The city removed 3 trees at Ms. Augustine's request.

11. An RFP was issued for spring cleanup and 3 quotes were received.

12. The Library will close at 1pm on March 29th for Good Friday.

13. The Technical Services Manager will be participating in MARC Record training. This is for coding for the catalog.

14. Staff training for the new calendar software has begun. It will go live by end of April/beginning of May.

15. Library Road Trip begins March 23rd.

City Council Liaison: None

Standing Committees: None

Unfinished Business:

HVAC Update/Chiller Replacement Update

Ms. Augustine said one of the boiler pumps is being rebuilt since it has been failing and is being done on Trico's recommendation. Regarding the chiller replacement, Ms. Augustine just received information today and the attorney has been asked to review these documents prior to bids. She said the manufacturers are about 30 weeks out on deliveries, so a fall installation was decided so it is ready for next spring. She said bids can be put out and returned by the next Board meeting to make recommendations.

Strategic Plan Update

The Community Survey went out on February 26th and will be open until March 31st. Focus groups have been formed and the next step is for Board and staff SOAR sessions and environmental scans. There will be 2 sessions via Zoom with staff on May 31st and the Board will consider these items April 8th in a 1.5 hour session during the regular Board meeting. The Board will meet for their retreat on Saturday, June 1 for about 3 hours, at which time goals, mission statement and objectives will be determined. The final plan will be presented to the Board in August.

New Business:

FY25 Budget Discussion/Approval

There was no discussion or questions on the budget so a motion was made by Ms. Milschewski and seconded by Ms. Garcia to approve the FY 25 budget. Roll call: Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes. Carried 7-0.

Approval to Close Library 5/31/24 for Staff Training & Strategic Planning Workshop Ms. Garcia made a motion to approve closing the library on May 31st for staff training and strategic planning workshop. Ms. Schumacher seconded. Roll call: Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes. Carried 7-0.

New Paid Leave Act for All Policy Approval

Ms. Augustine reported on this and said the state has passed a Paid Leave Act effective January 1st. Guidelines were not clarified until mid-February so the policy was delayed. The city's labor attorney reviewed it as well. It will provide all workers with up to 40 hours of paid time off to be used for any reason in their anniversary year. She said the city will front-load their full-time employees with the 40 hours that comes from their accrued time. For part-time staff, the city will track their hours worked to determine accruals. The city is allowing employees to carry over their time. Ms. Augustine is recommending the library follow suit with the city.

Ms. Garcia made a motion that the Board approve the Paid Leave Act for All Policy and Ms. Milschewski seconded the motion. Roll call: Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Reifsteck-yes. Carried 7-0.

Vacation Policy Revision Approval

Ms. Augustine asked the Board to consider removing from the policy, the 20 days of vacation after 6 months for the Director. Ms. Garcia moved to approve the revisions to the Vacation Policy as presented and Ms. Milschewski seconded. Roll call: Hedman-yes, Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes. Carried 7-0.

Reminder: File SEI (Statement of Economic Interest) Before 5-1-24

President Garcia reminded the Trustees that they must complete this statement before May 1. There is a penalty for non-compliance.

Executive Session: None


There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 7:37pm on a motion by Ms. Garcia and second by Ms. Milschewski. Roll call: Pesola-yes, Milschewski-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Reifsteck-yes, Schumacher-yes, Hedman-yes. Carried 7-0.
