
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Newark Community Consolidated School District 66 Board of Education met March 18

Webp 10

Mindi Chase, Principal - MJH | Newark CCSD 66

Mindi Chase, Principal - MJH | Newark CCSD 66

Newark Community Consolidated School District 66 Board of Education met March 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order/Moment of Silence/Pledge

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 6:32 PM on March 18, 2024 by President Fordyce at Newark Grade School.

II. Roll Call

For those members who attend remotely an indication will made in the roll call.

Callier present, Davis present, Fordyce present, Hopkins present, Underhill absent, Walker present, Winner present.

III. Audience Participation

A. Public Comment - None

B. Recognitions

Happy birthday to Davis

IV. Action Items

A. Consent Agenda

1. Regular Meeting Minutes, February 20, 2024

2. Executive Session Minutes, February 20, 2024

Winner moved to approve all items on the consent agenda as presented. Walker seconded. There was no discussion. On the question there were 6 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.

B. Approval of Financials for March.

Walker moved to approve the financials for the month of March. Winner seconded. There was discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

Absent: Underhill.

C. Personnel

1. Approve Personnel Recommendations for 24-25

Winner moved to approve the personnel recommendations for 24-25 as presented. Callier seconded. There was discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

Absent: Underhill.

D. Approve Lighting Proposal

Walker moved to approve the lighting proposal from GRP/Wegman. Winner seconded. There was discussion. There were concerns over the terms of the contract, especially the apparent 20 year term. After much discussion it was decided to table the question and that GRP would have a representative present at the next board meeting to answer questions. Winner withdrew his second and Walker withdrew her motion. Walker then moved to table her original motion until the April meeting. Winner seconded. On the question there were 6 ayes and 0 nays. The matter is tabled.

E. Approve Landscape Contracts

Winner moved to approve the landscaping contracts with Henrich Lawn Care at a cost of $6,870.00 for MJH and $5,500.00 for NGS for the summer of 2024. Walker seconded. There was discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

Absent: Underhill.

V. Administrator/Committee Reports

A. Principal's Report

B. Ms. Chase gave the principal's report.

Superintendent's Report

Mrs. Turman gave the superintendent's report.

C. Committee Updates

1. Policy Committee - None

2. Building and Grounds Committee

Met just prior to this meeting.

3. Transportation Committee - None

D. Miscellaneous - None

VI. Discussion Items

A. Staff Positions for 24 - 25

No changes from last month.

B. 5E Survey

Mrs. Turman urges everybody to take the 5 Essentials survey.

C. Non-Certified Staff Pay

1st read.

D. Teacher Appreciation Lunch

After much discussion the Board was inclined to hold the lunch on Wednesday of teacher appreciation week.

VII. Old Business/Agenda Recommendations - None

VIII. Executive Session

Hopkins moved to go into executive session to discuss confidential personnel matters and student discipline. Walker seconded. There was no discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote at 7:31 PM. The chair ordered a 5 minute recess before going into the meeting.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

Absent: Underhill.

IX. Action as a Result of Executive Session

Hopkins moved to approve the Superintendent's evaluation as presented. Walker seconded. There was no discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

Absent: Underhill.

X. Board Member Comments

Davis reported on the IASB meeting held in Frankfort.

XI. Adjournment

Walker moved to adjourn. Winner seconded. There was no discussion. On the question there were 6 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried. Meeting is adjourned at 8:26 PM.
