
Kendall County Times

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Rep. Davis introduces Protecting Kids legislative package on podcast

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State Representative Jed Davis (il) | Representative Jed Davis (R) 75th District

State Representative Jed Davis (il) | Representative Jed Davis (R) 75th District

Rep. Davis has introduced the Protecting Kids legislative package, which was discussed on the Have All Voted Who Wish podcast. The package includes several bills aimed at enhancing child protection measures.

House Bill 4247, titled "Creating Hurdles for Accessing Adult Content," aims to establish online age verification protocols to prevent minors from accessing adult content.

House Bill 4340, known as "Creating Roadblocks for Predatory Plea Deals," seeks to eliminate plea deals for individuals accused of child abuse, grooming, or trafficking, ensuring they serve appropriate sentences.

The "Child Abuse Notice Act" (House Bill 4350) mandates that specific locations post signs informing abused children about what constitutes abuse and where they can seek help.

House Bill 5434, named "Creating Protections for School Transfers," requires schools to keep children on their rosters until confirmation is received that they are safely enrolled elsewhere. This measure aims to prevent any child from being overlooked during school transfers.

Lastly, House Bill 4340 introduces the "Foster Faces Initiative." This initiative requires the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to attach photographs to the permanent records of children in foster care. The goal is to ensure judges making decisions about these children see their faces and reduce the risk of them getting lost in the system.

Rep. Davis's legislative package addresses various aspects of child protection with an emphasis on preventing abuse and ensuring children's safety in both digital and physical environments.


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